How are gorges?

current1yoldcurrent1yold Join Date: 2012-09-10 Member: 158911Members
I used to play NS1 back in the day on 56k (ha that rhymes) so was pretty much stuck in the support roll as a gorge. I loved playing as one so I'm curious how are they with NS2? I hear some people complaining. Is being a gorge a viable character for the whole game? Do they still have the projectile spit?


  • NeoRussiaNeoRussia Join Date: 2012-08-04 Member: 154743Members
    Yes, you can be a gorge from the start of the game to the end. I think they are more fun to play in NS2 actually. They don't build structures anymore except for hydras which are defensive turrets and clogs which are used to create stairways and blockades. He has more of a combat medic role because his heal spray is really good, or you can go around and help build structures faster. Spits can destroy marines, if you are good with spit you can easily solo a marine if you are in a good position. No hopping, but he has a fun movement thing called bellyslide which allows him to drift down ramps and gain some insane speed.
  • MisterNubsMisterNubs Join Date: 2012-03-01 Member: 147912Members
    Still has its spit.

    It has its + and -. It plays a more passive role in NS2. Instead of actively building structures (harvesters, chambers, hives), you wait for the alien commander to place them for you so you can help build it up. You can place offensive chambers still (hydras) and clogs which act as building blocks for walls, but the effectiveness of doing that drops off largely as the game progresses, then you're left with bile bomb and supporting other players by healing them.

    So if you were in love with the NS1 gorge, you'll probably be pretty disappointed with the NS2 gorge, but you're going to have to try it out yourself to form your own opinion.
  • NeoRussiaNeoRussia Join Date: 2012-08-04 Member: 154743Members
    I guess it just really comes down to whether you like building structures or not. Kharaa have a commander now, it gets pretty fun late game because structures have a lot of abilities that you can control.
  • DaphistoDaphisto Hive Janitor Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8917Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Gorge is more a defensive/supporting role now.

    Think, holding down map territory with hydras/clogs, providing healing to friendly units, and generally avoiding direct contact with the enemy. That is, until he has bilebomb. :)

    Pretty fun unit overall.
  • NeoRussiaNeoRussia Join Date: 2012-08-04 Member: 154743Members
    I like taking the fight to the enemy with offensive hydra placements early game and heal trains or heal stations close to the marine base late game. You get plenty of kills too. Get the commander to drop crags and whips next to you and hydra walls are a valid tactic again. Got a 12/2 kd/r last time I did it. Won't get that may just building structures.
  • current1yoldcurrent1yold Join Date: 2012-09-10 Member: 158911Members
    Hmmm. Interesting.

    I did enjoy the building structures. It was fun to control how the game developed with building RTs and defending them. It was also massively fun going on the offensive as a gorge and sniping marines with spit while my res regenerated so I'm glad that's still in. Sucks he don't jump though. That was big part of my offensive spit tactic and tactical OC placement lol.

    I look forward to the release...ns1 will have to do for now hopefully people still play that.
  • noncomposmentisnoncomposmentis Join Date: 2004-11-13 Member: 32773Members
    I think gorges are actually a bit underrated in combat at the moment. Gorge healing is incredibly crucial in the middle of battle. And for 10 pres it's often worth it to jump in even if you will die if you think the skulks can score kills because of it.

    They are totally useless alone though. A single unupgraded marine can take out a gorge with ease, even if they aren't very good at the game. Hydras are a bit too weak early game, too. It takes about a clip of ammo to kill one. There has to be a balance between buffing hydras and buffing gorge healing but it hasn't quite been found yet.
  • paellapaella Join Date: 2007-03-23 Member: 60463Members, Constellation
    Oh you know they gettin' by. They gettin' by.
  • SkieSkie Skulk Progenitor Join Date: 2003-10-18 Member: 21766Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited September 2012
    A really good gorge can take out an unaware unupgraded marine. I think it's 4 spits at 0 armor to kill a marine. Might be 5. But because spit is ineffective against armor, it becomes very difficult to do towards late game.

    And bilebomb is seriously good.
  • PsiWarpPsiWarp Gifted Gorge Richmond, B.C., Canada Join Date: 2010-08-28 Member: 73810Members
    Gorge is faring well at the moment. Aside from the low structure options (will be addressed post-release), Gorges can setup Hydras (small OC's) and Clogs to fortify/block off corridors to impede Marines early on.

    Spit can be deadly with good aim and positioning (works best when leading the target), while Heal Spray does both healing and building speed-up for multiple structures instead of needing to "Use" every structure as in NS1. Bile Bomb is a very good support ability: engage with Skulks or other lifeforms and whittle Marine armor to nothing, while damaging buildings along the way.

    Word of advice: try to position yourself next to a downward slope for maximum Belly Slide velocities :P
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