Will exo get a new gun?
Join Date: 2011-02-02 Member: 80033Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow

I remember a long time ago, someone wrote about exo getting three weapons. First is the claw and the minigun which we already have right now. But what was the last one? Plasma gun? Rocket gun?
Can't remember who it was that informed about this :/ Maybe Cory :/ don't know. (^_^)
Anyone knows?
Can't remember who it was that informed about this :/ Maybe Cory :/ don't know. (^_^)
Anyone knows?
Exo with a lightsaber <3
Ultra kill it with fire mode.
Ultra kill it with fire mode.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Crisis battlesuit with twin linked heavy flamers.
oh god
Real Steel configuration?
Railgun? ...yes, I can see it now!
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/ClGB9.png" border="0" class="linked-image" />
But another thing: Skulks kind of always kill an exo almost alone 'coz they are moving too fast around the exo.
I think exo's should smash skulks just like eggs... skulks shouldn't survive an exo standing on them o_O
Furthermore, exos (especially dual gun one's) should more or less auto-aim on moving targets, so that both guns can handle 2 seperate targets at once. This should work like aiming at the 2 highest lifeforms. For example it shouldn't attack 2 skulks instead of an onos but attack the onos with both guns.
But another thing: Skulks kind of always kill an exo almost alone 'coz they are moving too fast around the exo.
I think exo's should smash skulks just like eggs... skulks shouldn't survive an exo standing on them o_O
Furthermore, exos (especially dual gun one's) should more or less auto-aim on moving targets, so that both guns can handle 2 seperate targets at once. This should work like aiming at the 2 highest lifeforms. For example it shouldn't attack 2 skulks instead of an onos but attack the onos with both guns.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
They should make every unit auto-aim, that way you only have to press one button to fight. I'm sure that'll really bring in the crowds at release.
Top 10 suggestion of all-time?
How about a netgun? Then we can net a fade and club it to death with our rifle butts.
While we're at it I'd like to have a big ol' set of pins so we can accurately stun a fade after hitting all 562 pressure points on its body.
Top 10 suggestion of all-time?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Don't be lame. Weapons of exos are very inaccurate, aiming help in order to use both weapons in a way that the dual gun exo can attack 2 aliens at once is useful. Currently 2 cheap skulks take out an expensive exo with ease, but 2 marines with lmg won't take out an onos, so it's kinda unbalanced right now, right? Exo needs some counter against fast moving skulks running around the exo without taking any damage from its feet or smthg. If you have any better idea to get dual gun exos working against 2 skulks, go ahead and give it a try.
It's amusing how both of those statements don't reflect the NS2 that I play. Not only are skulks, even with cara, trivial to kill with a dual exo, but onos are useless against two rifle jetpacks.
I thought this was one of the reasons why exos are not totally overpowered? If you can rush an exo with two skulks and take it down with reasonable ease, that sounds like an exo counter to me and should remain unchanged.
To counter that, an exo should not be ramboing it alone, and should remain with a welder or a MAC, or with other exos so that they can shoot the skulks off their feet.
Think of it like the Thor unit from Starcraft 2. Powerful and heavily armored, but rush it with a pack of zerglings and it goes down.
I see the model for the railgun, I like the recoil action. Also, the pink skulk? I like the slimline design *nods*. I can easily picture the flame-thrower as a weapon, as well. Kind of like AvP2's exosuit. No one want's to go near a big metal machine spewing a column of fire. I think another melee variation (or even replacement) for the hand would be neat.
The drill was mentioned before, but I think some sort of dangerous sharp rotating blade would be better :). I suppose you could call it a sawblade...
Ever play Redline?
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redline_%281999_video_game%29" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redline_%281999_video_game%29</a>
I still think the melee weapon is one of the coolest I've seen -- It's a spinning spike blade. UT's impact hammer was kind of neat, too.
What will aliens be able to do to counter it, if anything ?
What will aliens be able to do to counter it, if anything ?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
We need bone shield for Onos (make use of those bony plates on the Onos head). Significant damage reduction from the front, so Onoses can rush at exos and not get totally raped.
What will aliens be able to do to counter it, if anything ?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well I have a feeling the railgun will be a strong weapon, of course. A single shot with delay in between firing, probably pin-point accuracy. The disadvantage would be missing and not being able to fire in quick succession.
When I always think of railguns, I think of the railgun from Eraser that shot through walls or on Metal Gear (or some sort of electromagnetic gun), though I don't think we'll see penetration in game -- I'm sure their idea is just a version of a slow firing, but powerful single shot weapon. Maybe it will do more structural damage or maybe it will have an energy drain effect on top of the damage, who knows. The sky is the limit.
<img src="http://www.beforethetrailer.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/filmstill213.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
oh god<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I'll rather have an Imperial Plasma Cannon or Multi-Melta, thank you! Also, a decent Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon please ;)
+1 for the onos bone shield :-)
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/iu1vb.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/ClGB9.png" border="0" class="linked-image" />
YES, YEEEES! GLORY TO THE TSA!!!<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
-1 for blowing gorgies :(((
I knew about the rail gun but new weapon types, Wooo, that was unexpected
Land Raider Crusader for Marines plz.