Hive unlocks and Alien scaling

wi2ardwi2ard Join Date: 2010-07-14 Member: 72363Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
<div class="IPBDescription">also make infestation more than just eye candy.</div>Some ideas have probably been said before or maybe tested in previous builds that I missed. Team Resource (tres) or Personal Resource (pres) listed are just examples.

After selecting the type of Hive; Crag, Shift, or Shade it unlocks other powers that can be evolved. Where the Hive type was, appears three new choices per hive. Thinking 10, 20, 30; but based on order selected not ability itself. That is another 60 per hive or 180 tres overall that can be spent. They are tied to the Hive so become inactive if Hive killed (exception being Vault Mind), though do not have to evolve again if linked Hive returns.

<b>Crag unlocks </b>
<blockquote><ul><li>Cyst Renewal - increases regen of aliens and structures on infestation; scales based on # of hives. (*3,6,9,12* unsure on % would have to test.)</li><li>Hypermutation - current power moved here, becomes a passive ability. (Should be available to all Aliens without having to give up other upgrades.)</li><li>Babblers - unlocks the power for Mature Crags and Hives, can be released by Khamm or Gorges using the Crag for a pres cost. (moved research from Crags)</li></ul></blockquote>

<b>Shift unlocks</b>
<blockquote><ul><li>Slick Infestation - increases speed for aliens on infestation, reduces marine speed on infestation; scales based on # of Hives.</li><li>Uproot - see current whip power (removed from whip, but after research allows all aliens structures to move. Since we cannot recycle should be able to move, while moving the structure provides no bonus.)</li><li>Wormhole - unlocks wormhole to Hive from Mature Shift, structure is useable by Aliens, costs pres to use each time but can select destination Hive. Randomly ejected into Hive room, so no two exit points are the same. (Cost scales based on lifeform, 1 for Skulk up to 10 for Onos; effect would be similar to “Sliders”; remove Echo from Shifts)</li></ul></blockquote>

<b>Shade unlocks</b>
<blockquote><ul><li>Xanthophyll - infestation evolves to now absorb light, makes the areas covered with infestation darker. The percentage of infestation in the room determines the decrease to the light source.</li><li>Pack Tactics - passive damage increase for aliens, damage scales based on # of nearby aliens, that % also scales on # of hives. (Would have no effect on solo aliens, encourages teamwork)</li><li>Hallucinations - unlocks Hallucinations for Mature Shades. (moved research from Shades)</blockquote></li></ul>

These additions make the infestation more than just visual eye candy. Moved advanced structure upgrades to the Hives as well, now a one time cost instead of each structure. The advanced powers still have a tres cost to them, or pres for wormhole.

<i>New Structure</i>
<b>Vault Mind</b> (10 tres) - Allows the access to ONE lifeform upgrade, evolution upgrade, or hive unlock that is currently available or previously unlocked. Each Vault Mind can be assigned a different upgrade/unlock. (Allows the Khamm to backup abilities, or if lose 2nd hive can still get leap or bile bomb back.)

What does the community think about the above?
Didn't want to split each idea into their own topic, since they are all connected. Will put Marine ideas in different post(they get Echo) depending on feedback. . .


  • S_BadguyS_Badguy Join Date: 2003-12-03 Member: 23925Members
  • wi2ardwi2ard Join Date: 2010-07-14 Member: 72363Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    If someone wants to make these tweaks into a mod so we can test, that would be great. I however am not that talented. I don’t even know if some are possible to do.

    Was hoping for more input or discussion on the ideas. Maybe if I expand upon the ideas/thoughts? I’ll start with the new/key ideas. . .

    If Aliens lose second hive, it is likely that the game will end soon for them. But Marines on one chair still have a chance. Vault Mind gives aliens that chance, it allows them to access previously unlocked upgrades. It does not allow them to research new powers. So if leap was not already researched would still be unable to access it. Each Vault Mind allows access to ONE power, but the Khamm can create multi chambers. I pictured tentacles hanging from the ceiling and at the bottom is a orange glowing brain.

    Wormhole aka teleport. Aliens have to “use” a Shift to select a destination Hive; then the power is triggered and sucks you into a portal that appears above the Shift then spits you out randomly in the Hive room. The P.res cost would be shown when selecting the destination, the cost will vary based on lifeform. If hypermutation is available, can switch to a lower lifeform to save on cost, but have the drawback of arriving as a weaker Skulk. This would encourage the Khamm to place shifts at the Hives, which could help with defense due to energy bonus. Also helps with the forward bases where the Khamm likes to spawn a bunch of eggs, able to get back to defend.
    It is different than phase tech, because it is in one direction to set destinations. Adding in a P.res cost, should also reduce the usage of the power when no threat.

    Pack Tactics - scaling damage buff, that encourages teamwork. No benefit for the rambo skulk, it is NOT focus. Again the #’s are just examples.
    For 1 Hive get a 2% bonus for Aliens within 15 yds, 2 Hives increases to 3% bonus / 20 yds, 3 Hives = 4% / 25 yds, 4 Hives = 5% / 30 yds
    For example; a pack of 5 Skulks at 1 Hive would get a 10% dmg bonus, the same pack at 3 Hives is 20%. Would help with defending since they spawn at the same time. It should also help against late gate Marine turtles on one Chair, IF they work together. Not sure what icon/UI to show this to the user so they are aware of it.

    Since I removed Echo, and Aliens do not have a way to recycle thought uproot would work nicely for all alien buildings. If your hive is under attack, uproot and walk the upgrades out of the hive. Did the ninja Marine find your hidden chambers, move them so he has to hunt around again. Being able to move the forward base, without have to drop all new structures again. Or retreating if need be, though they do move slowly and while moving provide no bonus. Since the Whip does not start with the ability, the T.res cost should be lowered.

    The Infestation changes are meant to be minor passive buffs. The renewal gives the aliens some bonus healing, not as strong as med pack spam, but hopefully enough to stop retreating to the hive to top off all the time. Speed perk, because as the Aliens expand they have more area to cover/defend. Logically it should not affect the Lerk, since they are not moving on the infestation. Making the areas darker, gives a defensive bonus to Alien lifeforms and buildings. By default the rooms should not be as bright as they are, unless the Power Node is built. ALL rooms should be in a emergency power state at the start (red lighting), except for the ones the mapper decides already have Power Nodes. Building the Power Node, would counter ALL infestation perks. So cysting into Marine start or expansion area would have no bonus perks, since power is still active.

    On the topic of Power Nodes, they are the weak spot for Marines. Research two Power Node Covers types in Robotics Factory, 20 T.res to research. 10 T.res to build. Can only have one Cover on the Node.
    > One that shocks melee attackers for X dmg, adds 1000 armor.
    > Second reduces X% damage from acid attacks (aka bile bomb), adds 1000 health.

    Give the Marines the “Echo” effect, let them phase buildings around the map, if taking damage the object cannot be phased. So they can build them in main base and phase it to a forward base, like Prototype Lab. Or if main base is going down, phase the arms lab out. An ability that can be researched for 15 T.res from the Observatory, cost to use is based on item moved. Recycle still has a role, since this power cannot be used if object is under attack.
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