Combat Mode Relaunch



  • JektJekt Join Date: 2012-02-05 Member: 143714Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
    +1 to removing the power nodes.
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    edited October 2012
    The nays have it - we'll remove the power points on our next update.
    Just a brief overview of what we've accomplished this week:

    <ul><li>Increased wave spawn time to 12 seconds.</li><li>You can now switch between Combat and regular NS2 without having to restart your server!</li><li>co_mod_active false or sv_co_mod_active false will deactivate Combat Mode on the next map change.</li><li>co_mod_active true or sv_co_mod_active true will reactivate Combat Mode on the next map change.</li><li>co_mod_player_threshold <number of players> or sv_co_mod_player_threshold will set a threshold number of players - if more than this number of players are on the server when the map changes the next game will be regular NS2 (and it switches back to Combat if the player count drops).</li><li>Some further work to do to set different map rotations when Combat is active vs. otherwise. Maybe we'll finish it by Tuesday.</li><li>Further refinements to Alien Spawn Protection. Hopefully it works better now!</li><li>Changed the Level Up cinematic.</li><li>Power points are invulnerable again.</li></ul>

    I think we'll try and do the usual Tuesday playtest and if the mod's working well we can roll out a new version this week.
  • Join Date: 2012-02-13 Member: 145410Members
    I don't know if I am wrong, but I feel that in current version, they serve only to shutdown lights in a room. I haven't noticed any other effect, or do they disable armory?

    So their purpose should be only to give aliens temporary vision advantage, after some time they repair and lights will be restored. Then aliens have to chew them again. Just minor gameplay element, nothing too critical, but keeps some continuity with vanilla.

    Sounds reasonable?
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    That sounds good to me Rudy - for now we have disabled damage to power points again but I think in a future version we'll add the regeneration after 2 minutes as well and then boost their health a little - there's a tangible benefit to the aliens for destroying the power at a specific time.
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    edited October 2012
    It's Combat, PvP. It's bad enough that we have to take down a building to win a game. Marines have 1 target, Aliens have 3.. Divides alien attack fronts. Why can't aliens only have the CC to attack? Instead of CC, Armory and PowerNode :(

    Make the CC resupply ammo, like the Armory currently does. Make Alien Hive always red light, marine start always lights on and the middle lights are cycled after 2 min of gameplay, on if marines have more XP, off if Aliens have more XP.

    You can still use the lighting dynamic without the 'Bore inducing' powernode munching. Combat, and still there is too much building biting going on :P

    EDIT ----

    Or even, tie the lights to the health of the CC. The mechanic in place can be used in any manner of exciting ways, without actually needing to have skulks biting a powernode. Maybe make the lights go out in MS if the CC drops below 40% or something... you get the point :D
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    edited October 2012
    I've just published a new version of Combat Mode. I was waiting for build 222 to come live but there's no sign of it so I've just had to get something out there.

    <ul><li>Increased wave spawn time to 12 seconds.</li><li>You can now switch between Combat and regular NS2 without having to restart your server!</li><li>co_mod_active false or sv_co_mod_active false will deactivate Combat Mode on the next map change.</li><li>co_mod_active true or sv_co_mod_active true will reactivate Combat Mode on the next map change.</li><li>co_mod_threshold <number of players> or sv_co_mod_threshold will set a threshold number of players - if more than this number of players are on the server when the map changes the next game will be regular NS2 (and it automatically switches back to Combat if the player count drops again).</li><li>Added sv_ versions of all the above mod commands and you can now type them with no parameters to find the current status.</li><li>Some further work to do to set different map rotations when Combat is active vs. otherwise. Maybe we'll finish it by Tuesday.</li><li>Further refinements to Alien Spawn Protection. Hopefully it works better now!</li><li>Changed the Level Up cinematic.</li><li>Fixed an error when you get more than 6 upgrades as a skulk.</li><li>Improved spawn protect for aliens. It's still not 100% perfect but it's much better than it used to be!</li><li>Power points are invulnerable again.</li></ul>
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    Another small update this morning:

    <ul><li>Updated gamestrings for build 222.</li><li>Handle old CombatMod.cfg configuration files properly.</li></ul>
  • JimWestJimWest Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69865Members, Reinforced - Silver
    When everything is working we will add something "special" for halloween :-)
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    Unfortunately Combat servers won't show up by default. To show them in the mod browser you have to uncheck 'modded servers' and then remove 'ns2' from the 'game' field. Love the new server browser but I'd imagine this limitation is really going to reduce player counts for us...
  • invTempestinvTempest Join Date: 2003-03-02 Member: 14223Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    edited October 2012
    Tried running this today and it was crashing the server every 4-5 minutes. The log is below:

    <!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->Script Error #1: lua/Player_Server.lua:616: assertion failed!
        Call stack:
        #1: assert [C]:-1
        #2: GiveItem lua/Player_Server.lua:616
            self = MarineSpectator-1039 {activeWeaponId=-1, alive=0, animateAngles=0, animateDistance=0, animatePosition=0, animateYOffset=0, animationBlend=0, animationGraphIndex=0, animationGraphNode=-1, animationSequence2=-1, animationSequence=-1, animationSpeed2=0, animationSpeed=1, animationStart2=0, animationStart=0, armor=0, baseYaw=0, bodyYaw=0, bodyYawRun=0, cameraDistance=2.5, clientIndex=10, collisionRep=0, communicationStatus=1, countingDown=0, crouching=0, currentBadge=1, currentOrderId=-1, darwinMode=0, desiredCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraDistance=0, desiredCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraYOffset=0, flinchIntensity=0, followedTargetId=-1, followingTransition=0, fov=90, frozen=0, fullPrecisionOrigin=Vector {x=9.721905708313, y=9.746280670166, z=122.90146636963 }, gameEffectsFlags=0, gameStarted=1, giveDamageTime=0, gravityEnabled=1, health=100, healthIgnored=0, imposedTargetId=-1, isCorroded=0, isMoveBlocked=0, isUsing=0, jumpHandled=0, jumping=0, layer1AnimationBlend=0, layer1AnimationGraphNode=-1, layer1AnimationSequence2=0, layer1AnimationSequence=-1, layer1AnimationSpeed2=0, layer1AnimationSpeed=1, layer1AnimationStart2=0, layer1AnimationStart=0, locationEntId=441, locationId=7, maxArmor=0, maxHealth=100, mode=1, modeTime=-1, modelIndex=0, moveTransition=0, onGround=0, onGroundNeedsUpdate=1, onLadder=0, onProcessMoveTime=0, physicsGroup=7, physicsGroupFilterMask=0, physicsType=1, primaryAttackLastFrame=0, processMove=1, pushImpulse=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, pushTime=0, resources=0, runningBodyYaw=0, sayingsMenu=0, secondaryAttackLastFrame=0, showScoreboard=1, sighted=0, slowAmount=0, specMode=3, standingBodyYaw=6.2197160720825, startCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraDistance=0, startCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraYOffset=0, stepAmount=0, stepStartTime=0, teamNumber=1, teamResources=0, techId=1, timeLastMenu=0, timeOfCrouchChange=0, timeOfLastJump=568.58477783203, timeOfLastUse=0, timeOfLastWeaponSwitch=0, transitionDuration=0, transitionStart=0, tweeningFunction=1, upgrade1=1, upgrade2=1, upgrade3=1, upgrade4=1, upgrade5=1, upgrade6=1, upgrade7=1, upgrade8=1, velocity=Vector {x=1.4403737783432, y=-4.8395977020264, z=-5.4657821655273 }, velocityLength=7.4411797523499, velocityPitch=-0.70808517932892, velocityYaw=-1.3131287097931, viewModelId=601, viewPitch=5.9545249938965, viewRoll=0, viewYaw=5.6737065315247, waitingForAutoTeamBalance=0, weaponsWeight=0 }
            itemMapName = "shotgun"
            setActive = nil
        #3: GiveItem lua/combat_CombatUpgrade.lua:123
            self = CombatMarineUpgrade { }
            player = MarineSpectator-1039 {activeWeaponId=-1, alive=0, animateAngles=0, animateDistance=0, animatePosition=0, animateYOffset=0, animationBlend=0, animationGraphIndex=0, animationGraphNode=-1, animationSequence2=-1, animationSequence=-1, animationSpeed2=0, animationSpeed=1, animationStart2=0, animationStart=0, armor=0, baseYaw=0, bodyYaw=0, bodyYawRun=0, cameraDistance=2.5, clientIndex=10, collisionRep=0, communicationStatus=1, countingDown=0, crouching=0, currentBadge=1, currentOrderId=-1, darwinMode=0, desiredCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraDistance=0, desiredCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraYOffset=0, flinchIntensity=0, followedTargetId=-1, followingTransition=0, fov=90, frozen=0, fullPrecisionOrigin=Vector {x=9.721905708313, y=9.746280670166, z=122.90146636963 }, gameEffectsFlags=0, gameStarted=1, giveDamageTime=0, gravityEnabled=1, health=100, healthIgnored=0, imposedTargetId=-1, isCorroded=0, isMoveBlocked=0, isUsing=0, jumpHandled=0, jumping=0, layer1AnimationBlend=0, layer1AnimationGraphNode=-1, layer1AnimationSequence2=0, layer1AnimationSequence=-1, layer1AnimationSpeed2=0, layer1AnimationSpeed=1, layer1AnimationStart2=0, layer1AnimationStart=0, locationEntId=441, locationId=7, maxArmor=0, maxHealth=100, mode=1, modeTime=-1, modelIndex=0, moveTransition=0, onGround=0, onGroundNeedsUpdate=1, onLadder=0, onProcessMoveTime=0, physicsGroup=7, physicsGroupFilterMask=0, physicsType=1, primaryAttackLastFrame=0, processMove=1, pushImpulse=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, pushTime=0, resources=0, runningBodyYaw=0, sayingsMenu=0, secondaryAttackLastFrame=0, showScoreboard=1, sighted=0, slowAmount=0, specMode=3, standingBodyYaw=6.2197160720825, startCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraDistance=0, startCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraYOffset=0, stepAmount=0, stepStartTime=0, teamNumber=1, teamResources=0, techId=1, timeLastMenu=0, timeOfCrouchChange=0, timeOfLastJump=568.58477783203, timeOfLastUse=0, timeOfLastWeaponSwitch=0, transitionDuration=0, transitionStart=0, tweeningFunction=1, upgrade1=1, upgrade2=1, upgrade3=1, upgrade4=1, upgrade5=1, upgrade6=1, upgrade7=1, upgrade8=1, velocity=Vector {x=1.4403737783432, y=-4.8395977020264, z=-5.4657821655273 }, velocityLength=7.4411797523499, velocityPitch=-0.70808517932892, velocityYaw=-1.3131287097931, viewModelId=601, viewPitch=5.9545249938965, viewRoll=0, viewYaw=5.6737065315247, waitingForAutoTeamBalance=0, weaponsWeight=0 }
            kMapName = "shotgun"
        #4: TeamSpecificLogic lua/combat_CombatMarineUpgrade.lua:36
            self = CombatMarineUpgrade { }
            player = MarineSpectator-1039 {activeWeaponId=-1, alive=0, animateAngles=0, animateDistance=0, animatePosition=0, animateYOffset=0, animationBlend=0, animationGraphIndex=0, animationGraphNode=-1, animationSequence2=-1, animationSequence=-1, animationSpeed2=0, animationSpeed=1, animationStart2=0, animationStart=0, armor=0, baseYaw=0, bodyYaw=0, bodyYawRun=0, cameraDistance=2.5, clientIndex=10, collisionRep=0, communicationStatus=1, countingDown=0, crouching=0, currentBadge=1, currentOrderId=-1, darwinMode=0, desiredCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraDistance=0, desiredCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraYOffset=0, flinchIntensity=0, followedTargetId=-1, followingTransition=0, fov=90, frozen=0, fullPrecisionOrigin=Vector {x=9.721905708313, y=9.746280670166, z=122.90146636963 }, gameEffectsFlags=0, gameStarted=1, giveDamageTime=0, gravityEnabled=1, health=100, healthIgnored=0, imposedTargetId=-1, isCorroded=0, isMoveBlocked=0, isUsing=0, jumpHandled=0, jumping=0, layer1AnimationBlend=0, layer1AnimationGraphNode=-1, layer1AnimationSequence2=0, layer1AnimationSequence=-1, layer1AnimationSpeed2=0, layer1AnimationSpeed=1, layer1AnimationStart2=0, layer1AnimationStart=0, locationEntId=441, locationId=7, maxArmor=0, maxHealth=100, mode=1, modeTime=-1, modelIndex=0, moveTransition=0, onGround=0, onGroundNeedsUpdate=1, onLadder=0, onProcessMoveTime=0, physicsGroup=7, physicsGroupFilterMask=0, physicsType=1, primaryAttackLastFrame=0, processMove=1, pushImpulse=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, pushTime=0, resources=0, runningBodyYaw=0, sayingsMenu=0, secondaryAttackLastFrame=0, showScoreboard=1, sighted=0, slowAmount=0, specMode=3, standingBodyYaw=6.2197160720825, startCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraDistance=0, startCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraYOffset=0, stepAmount=0, stepStartTime=0, teamNumber=1, teamResources=0, techId=1, timeLastMenu=0, timeOfCrouchChange=0, timeOfLastJump=568.58477783203, timeOfLastUse=0, timeOfLastWeaponSwitch=0, transitionDuration=0, transitionStart=0, tweeningFunction=1, upgrade1=1, upgrade2=1, upgrade3=1, upgrade4=1, upgrade5=1, upgrade6=1, upgrade7=1, upgrade8=1, velocity=Vector {x=1.4403737783432, y=-4.8395977020264, z=-5.4657821655273 }, velocityLength=7.4411797523499, velocityPitch=-0.70808517932892, velocityYaw=-1.3131287097931, viewModelId=601, viewPitch=5.9545249938965, viewRoll=0, viewYaw=5.6737065315247, waitingForAutoTeamBalance=0, weaponsWeight=0 }
            techId = 125
            kMapName = "shotgun"
        #5: DoUpgrade lua/combat_CombatUpgrade.lua:144
            self = CombatMarineUpgrade { }
            player = MarineSpectator-1039 {activeWeaponId=-1, alive=0, animateAngles=0, animateDistance=0, animatePosition=0, animateYOffset=0, animationBlend=0, animationGraphIndex=0, animationGraphNode=-1, animationSequence2=-1, animationSequence=-1, animationSpeed2=0, animationSpeed=1, animationStart2=0, animationStart=0, armor=0, baseYaw=0, bodyYaw=0, bodyYawRun=0, cameraDistance=2.5, clientIndex=10, collisionRep=0, communicationStatus=1, countingDown=0, crouching=0, currentBadge=1, currentOrderId=-1, darwinMode=0, desiredCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraDistance=0, desiredCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraYOffset=0, flinchIntensity=0, followedTargetId=-1, followingTransition=0, fov=90, frozen=0, fullPrecisionOrigin=Vector {x=9.721905708313, y=9.746280670166, z=122.90146636963 }, gameEffectsFlags=0, gameStarted=1, giveDamageTime=0, gravityEnabled=1, health=100, healthIgnored=0, imposedTargetId=-1, isCorroded=0, isMoveBlocked=0, isUsing=0, jumpHandled=0, jumping=0, layer1AnimationBlend=0, layer1AnimationGraphNode=-1, layer1AnimationSequence2=0, layer1AnimationSequence=-1, layer1AnimationSpeed2=0, layer1AnimationSpeed=1, layer1AnimationStart2=0, layer1AnimationStart=0, locationEntId=441, locationId=7, maxArmor=0, maxHealth=100, mode=1, modeTime=-1, modelIndex=0, moveTransition=0, onGround=0, onGroundNeedsUpdate=1, onLadder=0, onProcessMoveTime=0, physicsGroup=7, physicsGroupFilterMask=0, physicsType=1, primaryAttackLastFrame=0, processMove=1, pushImpulse=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, pushTime=0, resources=0, runningBodyYaw=0, sayingsMenu=0, secondaryAttackLastFrame=0, showScoreboard=1, sighted=0, slowAmount=0, specMode=3, standingBodyYaw=6.2197160720825, startCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraDistance=0, startCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraYOffset=0, stepAmount=0, stepStartTime=0, teamNumber=1, teamResources=0, techId=1, timeLastMenu=0, timeOfCrouchChange=0, timeOfLastJump=568.58477783203, timeOfLastUse=0, timeOfLastWeaponSwitch=0, transitionDuration=0, transitionStart=0, tweeningFunction=1, upgrade1=1, upgrade2=1, upgrade3=1, upgrade4=1, upgrade5=1, upgrade6=1, upgrade7=1, upgrade8=1, velocity=Vector {x=1.4403737783432, y=-4.8395977020264, z=-5.4657821655273 }, velocityLength=7.4411797523499, velocityPitch=-0.70808517932892, velocityYaw=-1.3131287097931, viewModelId=601, viewPitch=5.9545249938965, viewRoll=0, viewYaw=5.6737065315247, waitingForAutoTeamBalance=0, weaponsWeight=0 }
            techId = 125
            kMapName = "shotgun"
        #6: ApplyAllUpgrades lua/combat_Player_Upgrades.lua:185
            self = MarineSpectator-1039 {activeWeaponId=-1, alive=0, animateAngles=0, animateDistance=0, animatePosition=0, animateYOffset=0, animationBlend=0, animationGraphIndex=0, animationGraphNode=-1, animationSequence2=-1, animationSequence=-1, animationSpeed2=0, animationSpeed=1, animationStart2=0, animationStart=0, armor=0, baseYaw=0, bodyYaw=0, bodyYawRun=0, cameraDistance=2.5, clientIndex=10, collisionRep=0, communicationStatus=1, countingDown=0, crouching=0, currentBadge=1, currentOrderId=-1, darwinMode=0, desiredCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraDistance=0, desiredCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraYOffset=0, flinchIntensity=0, followedTargetId=-1, followingTransition=0, fov=90, frozen=0, fullPrecisionOrigin=Vector {x=9.721905708313, y=9.746280670166, z=122.90146636963 }, gameEffectsFlags=0, gameStarted=1, giveDamageTime=0, gravityEnabled=1, health=100, healthIgnored=0, imposedTargetId=-1, isCorroded=0, isMoveBlocked=0, isUsing=0, jumpHandled=0, jumping=0, layer1AnimationBlend=0, layer1AnimationGraphNode=-1, layer1AnimationSequence2=0, layer1AnimationSequence=-1, layer1AnimationSpeed2=0, layer1AnimationSpeed=1, layer1AnimationStart2=0, layer1AnimationStart=0, locationEntId=441, locationId=7, maxArmor=0, maxHealth=100, mode=1, modeTime=-1, modelIndex=0, moveTransition=0, onGround=0, onGroundNeedsUpdate=1, onLadder=0, onProcessMoveTime=0, physicsGroup=7, physicsGroupFilterMask=0, physicsType=1, primaryAttackLastFrame=0, processMove=1, pushImpulse=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, pushTime=0, resources=0, runningBodyYaw=0, sayingsMenu=0, secondaryAttackLastFrame=0, showScoreboard=1, sighted=0, slowAmount=0, specMode=3, standingBodyYaw=6.2197160720825, startCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraDistance=0, startCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraYOffset=0, stepAmount=0, stepStartTime=0, teamNumber=1, teamResources=0, techId=1, timeLastMenu=0, timeOfCrouchChange=0, timeOfLastJump=568.58477783203, timeOfLastUse=0, timeOfLastWeaponSwitch=0, transitionDuration=0, transitionStart=0, tweeningFunction=1, upgrade1=1, upgrade2=1, upgrade3=1, upgrade4=1, upgrade5=1, upgrade6=1, upgrade7=1, upgrade8=1, velocity=Vector {x=1.4403737783432, y=-4.8395977020264, z=-5.4657821655273 }, velocityLength=7.4411797523499, velocityPitch=-0.70808517932892, velocityYaw=-1.3131287097931, viewModelId=601, viewPitch=5.9545249938965, viewRoll=0, viewYaw=5.6737065315247, waitingForAutoTeamBalance=0, weaponsWeight=0 }
            upgradeTypes =  {1=3, 2=2 }
            singleUpgrade = nil
            techTree =  {1=CombatMarineUpgrade { }, 2=CombatMarineUpgrade { }, 3=CombatMarineUpgrade { } }
            (for generator) = function
            (for state) =  {1=3, 2=2 }
            (for control) = 1
            index = 1
            upgradeType = 3
            upgradesOfType =  {1=CombatMarineUpgrade { } }
            (for generator) = function
            (for state) =  {1=CombatMarineUpgrade { } }
            (for control) = 1
            index = 1
            upgrade = CombatMarineUpgrade { }
        #7: GiveUpsBack lua/combat_Player_Upgrades.lua:352
            self = MarineSpectator-1039 {activeWeaponId=-1, alive=0, animateAngles=0, animateDistance=0, animatePosition=0, animateYOffset=0, animationBlend=0, animationGraphIndex=0, animationGraphNode=-1, animationSequence2=-1, animationSequence=-1, animationSpeed2=0, animationSpeed=1, animationStart2=0, animationStart=0, armor=0, baseYaw=0, bodyYaw=0, bodyYawRun=0, cameraDistance=2.5, clientIndex=10, collisionRep=0, communicationStatus=1, countingDown=0, crouching=0, currentBadge=1, currentOrderId=-1, darwinMode=0, desiredCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraDistance=0, desiredCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, desiredCameraYOffset=0, flinchIntensity=0, followedTargetId=-1, followingTransition=0, fov=90, frozen=0, fullPrecisionOrigin=Vector {x=9.721905708313, y=9.746280670166, z=122.90146636963 }, gameEffectsFlags=0, gameStarted=1, giveDamageTime=0, gravityEnabled=1, health=100, healthIgnored=0, imposedTargetId=-1, isCorroded=0, isMoveBlocked=0, isUsing=0, jumpHandled=0, jumping=0, layer1AnimationBlend=0, layer1AnimationGraphNode=-1, layer1AnimationSequence2=0, layer1AnimationSequence=-1, layer1AnimationSpeed2=0, layer1AnimationSpeed=1, layer1AnimationStart2=0, layer1AnimationStart=0, locationEntId=441, locationId=7, maxArmor=0, maxHealth=100, mode=1, modeTime=-1, modelIndex=0, moveTransition=0, onGround=0, onGroundNeedsUpdate=1, onLadder=0, onProcessMoveTime=0, physicsGroup=7, physicsGroupFilterMask=0, physicsType=1, primaryAttackLastFrame=0, processMove=1, pushImpulse=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, pushTime=0, resources=0, runningBodyYaw=0, sayingsMenu=0, secondaryAttackLastFrame=0, showScoreboard=1, sighted=0, slowAmount=0, specMode=3, standingBodyYaw=6.2197160720825, startCameraAngles=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraDistance=0, startCameraPosition=Vector {x=0, y=0, z=0 }, startCameraYOffset=0, stepAmount=0, stepStartTime=0, teamNumber=1, teamResources=0, techId=1, timeLastMenu=0, timeOfCrouchChange=0, timeOfLastJump=568.58477783203, timeOfLastUse=0, timeOfLastWeaponSwitch=0, transitionDuration=0, transitionStart=0, tweeningFunction=1, upgrade1=1, upgrade2=1, upgrade3=1, upgrade4=1, upgrade5=1, upgrade6=1, upgrade7=1, upgrade8=1, velocity=Vector {x=1.4403737783432, y=-4.8395977020264, z=-5.4657821655273 }, velocityLength=7.4411797523499, velocityPitch=-0.70808517932892, velocityYaw=-1.3131287097931, viewModelId=601, viewPitch=5.9545249938965, viewRoll=0, viewYaw=5.6737065315247, waitingForAutoTeamBalance=0, weaponsWeight=0 }
        #8: SpawnPlayer lua/combat_PlayingTeam.lua:253<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    Hmm, that seems to be trying to give a shotgun to a spectator...

    I will make sure the combat guys see this error, thanks for posting the log :)
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    edited October 2012
    Thanks for posting this! Looks like a new bug introduced in build 222. Hopefully I can fix it today.

    Edit: Seems to be yet another bug to do with our spawning code. I've fixed it and after a quick test I'll post a new version today.
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    I've fixed the spawning code and while I was at it I found and fixed another spawn protect bug. The new version is now up on the workshop. Hope it fixes all the problems!
  • AlignAlign Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation
    edited October 2012
    I got to thinking about the point costs for lifeforms and upgrades again, and they still don't really make sense, do they? 1 point for carapace as skulk = 20 armour, as onos = 150.

    It's a much smaller difference than before, but it does mean going with the highest lifeform is still "optimal"... waiting for enough spare levels to get them in the first place might sting, but if it's like in NS1 Combat, use the lower lifeforms with your points since you just get them back when you die.
  • Soul_RiderSoul_Rider Mod Bean Join Date: 2004-06-19 Member: 29388Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue
    NS2:Combat is now up on ModDB.

    Check out our profile, and raise awareness of the mod and NS2!

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • JimWestJimWest Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69865Members, Reinforced - Silver
    Actually, theres sometimes a strange "godmode" bug, but I can't find exactly why this is happening.
    Can anybody who got this bug tell me how it could be reconstructed that I can find the bug?
  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    I've been witnessing this invincibility bug as well, in several games yesterday (coincidentally all on custom maps with weren't finished), on both the marine and the alien side. F4ing and rejoining didn't help.
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    It's probably something to do with Spawn Protection? If it doesn't get deactivated properly you'll be invincible forever...
  • JibrailJibrail Join Date: 2009-04-16 Member: 67200Members
    edited October 2012
    I was wondering when we should have our next playtest I havn't been up to date on the latest builds, allso I have talked to about <a href="" target="_blank">co_core</a> he have done an amazing job on detailing the map and changing some stuff and he would like to test it in our PT group before uploading it to workshop.
  • JimWestJimWest Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69865Members, Reinforced - Silver
    I've changed the spawning system and a bit of the spawnprotection, maybe its working better now.
    I think a playtest soon would be good.
  • JibrailJibrail Join Date: 2009-04-16 Member: 67200Members
    edited October 2012
    sounds good also I dont know if this has been posted, there are major bugs with the gorge he can't heal anything including himself, heal spray dosnt do any damage and he can't build hydras, Thanks to Spade for noticing and telling me about it.
    tested this today on "Mr P combat server"
  • PhYzorPhYzor Join Date: 2003-10-26 Member: 22005Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited October 2012

    I have a NS2 Combat server "FR Paris - COMBAT" but i have some problem.

    If client don't turn ON combat mod he received a "client and server differ" when he try to connect on my server.
    In the client console i have "Client class hierarchy for mac does not match server class"

    I launch the server with "-game NS2Combat"
    Can you help me ?
  • JimWestJimWest Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69865Members, Reinforced - Silver
    Don't start it with -game, start it like this:

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • PhYzorPhYzor Join Date: 2003-10-26 Member: 22005Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    thanks it's ok now :)
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    I guess the instructions in the first post need updating... I'll give it a go now with the instructions I wrote earlier (though these are probably out of date now too!)
  • JimWestJimWest Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69865Members, Reinforced - Silver
    <!--quoteo(post=1993388:date=Oct 18 2012, 07:33 PM:name=Jibrail)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Jibrail @ Oct 18 2012, 07:33 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1993388"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->sounds good also I dont know if this has been posted, there are major bugs with the gorge he can't heal anything including himself, heal spray dosnt do any damage and he can't build hydras, Thanks to Spade for noticing and telling me about it.
    tested this today on "Mr P combat server"<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    The healing bug is fixed, too. , the hydra bug is a bit more diffucult.
  • carlgmcarlgm Join Date: 2004-08-26 Member: 30907Members, Constellation
    <!--quoteo(post=1994498:date=Oct 21 2012, 12:14 PM:name=JimWest)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (JimWest @ Oct 21 2012, 12:14 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1994498"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->The healing bug is fixed, too. , the hydra bug is a bit more diffucult.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Is this change pushed out and on any servers?
  • JibrailJibrail Join Date: 2009-04-16 Member: 67200Members
    edited October 2012
    how about the invincible bug? tried to play today on mr p combat server with lots of marines that we couldn't kill
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    Sorry about that, I've been away all weekend so haven't been able to get the new build onto Workshop. I'll push these changes out now, sorry for the delay...
  • JimWestJimWest Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69865Members, Reinforced - Silver
    Halloween special :-)
    <center><object width="450" height="356"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="356"></embed></object></center>
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