999 ping router problem

MurtaughMurtaugh Join Date: 2010-07-31 Member: 73376Members, Reinforced - Shadow
<div class="IPBDescription">ping/DC problem, worked yesterday</div>When I join a server, usually within the first minute, my ping raises until it reaches 999. Then after another minute or 2 I start getting the Red Disconnect symbol, and shortly after that my game freezes and I have to manually close it in the Task Manager. I was playing the game for a few hours yesterday and I had zero problems on the 10+ servers I played on. Today on the 20+ servers I tried I got the same 999 ping problem. I verified the game cache, i restarted my PC, I also tried disabling my routers firewall, and I still had the problem. I finally tried disconnecting my router and connecting directly to my modem, and the game worked. I played on 2 servers for full games and it worked.

So, what the hell changed between yesterday and today with the game or my router? I would like to be able to play without disconnecting my router every time. I tried resetting my router setting, and resetting the router itself, I disabled the firewall like I said and I also tried forwarding tcp and udp ports from 300 to 65536. Nothing has worked.

I have a Linksys WRT54GL with firmware v4.30.14. Windows 7 PC. I have also played the game off and on in the alpha/beta and never had this kind of problem. Yesterday was the first time I played it since official release. Also, today before I started playing, I installed 2 mods from the steam workshop, "Full Flashlight" and "Kouji San's Marine SE Gloves [FPS]". I have since, unsubscribed from the mods and disabled them in game. I'm not sure what else to do, any help would be much appreciated.


  • RSprinterRSprinter Join Date: 2012-08-16 Member: 155685Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited November 2012

    have worked some time in it-support and i have 2 idears.

    1. Try to upgrade your router software.

    2. If your router is having modem in. Use him only ! 2 Modems only block itself ( the second thought). Use only your router, write your internet password and stuff in the router (modem) software and try to go online ! if it works Problem solved.
    If not set router to maintinance settings and use your first modem again ! I dont know your tipe of router but i hope my post is helping you ! How long is the distance you patch from the first moden to your router if you use both !
    it could be a broken cable too, if you use w-lan to connect modem and router, that should be the problem !

    Greetings RSprinter

    P.S.: Router somtimes just "break" dont work likethey should ! if they are used over 2 or more years ! If it isn't older then 2 yearts you have garantie on it ( in EU) you can send it in and let it be checked :) ^^
  • MurtaughMurtaugh Join Date: 2010-07-31 Member: 73376Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited November 2012
    Thanks for the reply. Well I still have the same problem, but I did try a bunch of stuff.
    I upgraded the router firmware to the latest version, I tested all my ethernet cables with a cable tester (all my connections are wired), and I played a bunch of other multiplayer games and I didn't Have any problems with latency/ping/disconnecting. I also streamed a bunch of netflix and youtube, so as far as I can tell my router is working fine for everything accept NS2. I don't want to use my internet modem by itself because it doesn't have a firewall on it, plus I need the router for the other computers in my house. If my router shows any other problems in anything else, it is under a year old and it does have a 1 year warranty, but right now everything else works fine.

    The Next thing I'm going to try is installing a third party firmware on the router. I might try installing NS2 on another computer just to see what happens.

    Also, on some empty servers or low populated servers, the game seems to work, but anything with 16 or more players and my ping goes up right away.
  • MitMit Join Date: 2012-11-04 Member: 166980Members
    edited November 2012
    I've also been having this issue since official release. I've been playing the beta for months without issue and now the game intermittently has 999 ping.

    net_stats shoes my ping going up anywhere from 2000-10k+. Choke is always 100% when this happens.

    It is only NS 2 that does this, all other online games and streaming vidoes works fine with my internet; so it is definitely something to do with build 227/228.

    All of the other net_stats look okay. Not sure what's the problem. I thought maybe the hurricane was affecting some of the networks because it happened around the same time.
  • KirisKiris Join Date: 2013-01-08 Member: 178132Members
    I know that this is an old post.
    I recently bought the game and I also have WRT54GL router.

    My ping jumps to 999 when spawning and randomly throughout the game. Don't know what to do. It's been a few months since this thread so are there any solutions? Or should I request a refund?
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