Optimal Gorge Number/player.

Alpha_1Alpha_1 Join Date: 2002-12-18 Member: 11041Members, Constellation
I was just wondering what most people thought the optimal number of gorge were for the number of players on the alien team. Also at what point during a game would it be advisable for a second gorge to be morphed.

I've had problems with a 5 player team and 2 gorges within the first 5 minutes of the game, this prevented a hive from being put up by a bit of time. Once it did go up (a mintue or two later) marines were nice enough to show up and clear it out.

So how many gorge per number of players on the team, and at what point, either time wise or RT# wise should number 2 be encouraged to morph?

Thanks in advance for you replies.


  • WarpZoneWarpZone Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6264Members

    You know how people CONSTANTLY scream these messages into an uncaring, ignorant void on the public servers? Yeah. That should give you some idea of what the general population thinks is an apropriate number of gorges.

    <b>ONE</b> gorge. In every situation. No, you shouldn't go gorge buils a resource and then go skulk. ESPECIALLY not right outside the marine spawn. Stop it. God **obscenity**, we don't need OCs around that node you just built! The marines are gonbna take one look at it and seige it. Great so now you're going to wander off without even building some defs so the mess you've made LASTS a little while, and now you're going to run in circles around an empty node because you can't afford to build anything now. You **obscenity** noob.

    The only time there should be a 2nd gorge is if the first gorge has his resources maxed out AND he's already got a hive coming up. In that situation, HE will probably ask his team for a second player to become gorge. For all I know, this might actually happen in larger games. It sure almost never happens on a public server.

    In ANY other situation, the 1 gorge needs all the resources he can get, and that means YOU need to stay skulk and harrass the marines. If you think he wants a resource tower, type and ask him if he WANTS you to go gorge or not. Most of the time he'll say no. If he's rolling in resources or very, very low, and busy building up structures he just plopped down anyway, he <i>might</i> say yes. In any other scenario.

    Now, if you already have a gorge, and you die and you see that he's just standing still someplace utterly stupid, and he never talks or types and doesn't respond to other players, and it's been five minutes and he still hasn't built a single structure, then yeah, you have a lamer on your team, and you'll want a second gorge ASAP depsite the drain on resources, because there's nothing else you can do to try and salvage the situation.

    And for christ sakes, when you hear "WE NEED BUILDERS," don't immediately go gorge! Instead, press tab and see if your previous gorge says GEST as his species. Odds are he's just getting an upgrade and if you go gorge, in a couple second you'll have 2.

    Now let's recap:

    <span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'>ONLY NEED 1 GORGE</span>

    If you ever think you might benefit from having more than one gorge, ASK YOUR CURRENT GORGE if he wants you to go gorge and build XXX. And then DO WHAT HE SAYS TO DO!!
  • Evil_TimmyEvil_Timmy Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2350Members
    Number of gorges should be less than or equal to the number of hives, either up or building. At the start, the gorge needs all the resources (s)he can get to cap a couple of resource towers then save for a hive. Also, don't build any defenses until the second hive is building, which should be under ten minutes into the game with one gorge who knows what they're doing.
  • Ph0enixPh0enix Join Date: 2002-10-08 Member: 1462Members, Constellation
    I believe theres no hard and fast rules about the number of gorges on a team, it all depends upon the situation in hand.

    As a <b>VERY</b> general guideline, i'd say there should be just one gorge until at least one or two additional RTs are up, as resources are really slow between 2 gorges until this piont. Also, around this point in the game the skulks should be maxing out resources so it'll all be split between those two gorges.

    At that point its common for both to go to a hive, with one setting up defences and the other saving for the hive, so saying one gorge only, period, is very wrong. I've seen 2 gorges early on because we needed healing at the front lines in a skulk rush, and it won the game for us because we could run in and back out for healing.
  • WildcardWildcard Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7787Members
    I would have to say one gorge can do it all. I have come across a number of people who seem to think that two gorges is the way to go(one to build rts and one to save), but that simply takes too long. With one gorge you can build 4 rts and by that time(usually before that) your teams rp's have filled so your getting all the resources then boom you can drop both hives back to back if they are clear. Or if both hives arent clear you can spam up walls of lames as defenses for both hives without any resource problems...with two gorges it doesnt work as well. Good example is a night where i was gorge and my team listened when i asked to be the only gorge...it was a tough fight before marines went for a tech rush then charged our hives but since i had no resource problems i just kept dropping hives faster then they could kill them and we managed to take the map.
  • Hobo_BobHobo_Bob Join Date: 2002-12-20 Member: 11218Members
    ok, here is the deal guys. its very simple. you only need one <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> at the beginning. no matter what. anything more will sadly suck up all ur res. now, if a <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/skulk.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> has 33 res, <b>the other <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> wants him to</b> then he can go <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> and put up a res tower <b>somewhere near the base, not near the marine's start</b>. Finally, he must not build def around it. the res tower is essentially only there to get enuff res for a second hive. if it is destroyed, well, o well, no biggie. what matters most is what the only <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> on ur team builds.

    *Note: once u have 2 hives up (or teh second one coming in, the other gorge <i>may</i> ask u to help build def around the two hives u now have. once there are three hives up, tho, and there are more than 6 players, there can be up to 3 gorges, and u can still win (seeing as ur gonna get onos and better weapons, what these 3 or less gorges are to do now is build def and offense chambers outside the marine base. then, the game ends with team two victory.
  • SirusSirus Join Date: 2002-11-13 Member: 8466Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    1:4 or 1:5 Is usually a good ratio, anyone who says you only need 1 gorge needs help. I've seen 2 gorges (one being myself) put up 2 hives simultaneously within minutes of the game. Needless to say, the marines were rather surprised when I rushed their base with an onos.
  • Hobo_BobHobo_Bob Join Date: 2002-12-20 Member: 11218Members
    it is a rare case when you use 2 gorges. it is usually not advisable. i personally wouldn't risk it, but on the other hand, if u have two gorges, the faster you can get res towers up........
  • WarpZoneWarpZone Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6264Members
    edited December 2002
    Well, think about it. When you play a 5 vs 5 game, you only want 1 gorge, and if you build only resources and try to get a hive up ASAP, it happens within the first 10 minutes.

    So I guess with a team of 10 people, maybe 2 gorges would be advisible after all.

    I don't know. I have never played on such a full server without 5 idiots all going gorge.

    I suppose what I should have said is that in the type of small games I usually play, you never want more than one gorge, and you never want to go gorge unless your team's current gorges want another gorge.

    1 gorge per 5 skulks sounds okay, but I have never played a 10 vs 10 game, so I can't say for sure.
  • hunter_huntedhunter_hunted Join Date: 2002-12-22 Member: 11338Members
    I'd just like to say, for people wanting to practice in a real game, then the best time is when aliens are sure of winning and the fades are pummeling the marine base.(<!--emo&::sentry::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/turret.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='turret.gif'><!--endemo--><!--emo&::onos::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tiny.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->) It's usually a good time to go gorge and help out by either securing res points (if needed) or building defence towers at the front line. The exception to this would be if resources are slow coming although usually they're fast at this point of the game. (I've been on aliens plenty of times where, at the end, as soon as you finish gesting into a fade/onos, your res are at max again)
  • WildcardWildcard Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7787Members
    I still stand by my "1 gorge can do it all" comment...provided the gorge knows what he is doing. I am speaking about around 10 vs 10ish games...and I'm sure that every regular on the server agrees with the 1 gorge rule. Now I'm not saying that other people cant go gorge after the important things are done(the important thing being getting second hive and third if its clear)...just saying its easier with one gorge till that point.
  • MobJusticeMobJustice Join Date: 2002-12-23 Member: 11401Members
    Ok, quick lesson in Kharaa economics:

    All RPs that flow into the alien team are split among players + gorges.

    This means that if everyone is at maximum RP, ie, all skulks have 33 RP when there's only 1 hive up, then ALL RPs will go to the ONE player who is the gorge.

    You are ONLY hurting your team when you have more than 1 gorge.

    Another flawed piece of logic is "Well with one gorge he can't get around fast enough!"

    Two words:

    Movement. Chambers.

    Well, four:

    Well placed Movement Chambers.

    Just like a Phase, and about twice as useful (albeit less versatile).
  • AllUrHiveRblong2usAllUrHiveRblong2us By Your Powers Combined... Join Date: 2002-12-20 Member: 11244Members
    How anyone can say that you only need 1 gorge is beyond me. Besides having an insurance policy in case an early marine rush kills a gorge, leaving you high and dry on healing, two gorges also mean that even though your hive may go up a mimute or so later than it would with only one gorge, it's going to be very well defended if the gorges know what they're doing. If you have two gorges, especialy when the second hive you're going for is cloe to the marine spawn, by the time you get the second hive up, you'll already have a very well established offensive chamber defense, and becuase you saved time by having two gorges build teh defense, you could be halfway to saving up for the 3rd hive even.
  • NinjaBurgerNinjaBurger Join Date: 2002-11-25 Member: 9931Members
    Here is the part that everyone neglects to consider in the Gorge argument:

    If you are a Gorge, you are not a Skulk. If three of you are Gorges, three of you are not Skulks. That's three less people to attack the marines.'

    Do the math:

    Five marines, one is a commander, four are attacking. Five aliens, one is a Gorge, four are attacking as Skulks. Evenly balanced.

    Now, shift it. Two more dumb noobs turn Gorge. Now you get four attacking marines vs two attacking Skulks.

    Point is clear.

    By turning Gorge, you not only steal resources from the team, you deprive the team of necessary warrior Skulks who are desperately needed to attack the marines during the first five minutes of the game. I would venture to say that more games are lost because there's no one attacking than because of resources.

    If this isn't clear, switch it around. Everyone on a team going Gorge is like if every Marine was Commander. You would have five guys sitting around in command consoles while the aliens merrily ate everything up in their base.

    Don't stay Skulk because you don't need another Gorge. Stay Skulk because you need Skulks.
  • Psycho-Kinetic_Hyper-GeekPsycho-Kinetic_Hyper-Geek Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9243Banned, Constellation
    However in large games it is often better for there to be multiple gorges. No matter how big the game is the gorge only recieves 3 shares. In a 12 vs 12 match means that he gets 3/14 (21%) of the resources. Now if there are two gorges each gets 3/16 (18.5%) Due to the size of the group they only loses 3% for each gorge but the total resources the gorges pull in is now 6/16(37.5%) as opposed to 3/14(21%) The bonus goes away once all the skulks reach their maximum and as such all their resources go to the gorge.
  • WildcardWildcard Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7787Members
    The whole goal of the skulks at start of the game(after the start rush if there is one) is to keep the marines from expanding as long as they possibly can and to spend as little resources as they can doing so(so no lerks). that being said I will explain how 1 gorge CAN be more then enough for a game no matter how many people. The single gorge starts off healing the hive(does not apply in version 1.04 but thats still in test and most of you probably dont play the test servers) because the hives start at half life. The skulk rush is usually taking place at this time and a couple skulks should stay back a little to kill any marines trying to leave base to expand. Ok now by this time you probably have near enough to place a rt so go to the one closest to your start hive and place it. While your placing the RT tell your team which hive you would prefer to take and ask 1 or 2 people to scout it. Once the hive you wanted is clear or a clear hive is found take the RT at the hive..then any rts near that hive. At this point there should be about 4-6 nodes under the control of your team and if you picked good nodes(ones that dont usually see much action) you havent needed to rebuild or place any defenses yet. The other thing you will notice is by the time you placed your last node your teammates resources has filled so your getting more then enough so go ahead and place a hive...also if you want drop a d chamber right below it. Now comes the part that people dont realize.....with 1 gorge you pretty much have unlimited resources till that hive finishes(your team will have to fill back up).

    So now comes the easy part ...putting up defenses...keep in mind pretty much every hive has 2 marine ways in and at least 1 vent. Now you may be tempted to put the defenses close to the hive or even in the hive room....but don't do so 90% of the time its better to put it a bit forward on that path into the hive. This does a few things 1 it gives really advanced warning about people heading to a hive and 2 it generally makes them siege the oc's and then have to make a new tf to siege the hive. Do this for the hive you are already at then run over to the other hive and do the same there. By the time you finish all the walls of lames and grab a couple more rt's the second hive should be near done so go ahead and save up a few resources.

    Ok so now the second hive finished and resources slowed down because everyone else needs to fill up again...but you were smart and saved up a little right? good now you can place 2 movements in your main hive us one of them and place one in the second. Take this time to either grab the third hive if its clear(if you havent already done that earlier) or to touch up the defenses you set earlier. Right now your tasks are really simple grab nodes, take choke points, web areas, and build forward support for assaulters. Easy eh?

    Ok now lets explain couple things that people are worried about. If your team is at full resources then everything above 33 goes into the team pool when the gorge dies...he then goes gorge again and regains it all back plus whatever was building up while he was dead. All you really lost was a few seconds which isnt a REALLY big deal. Another thing never have someone go gorge just to grab a node and then go back to skulk...its a waste. Think about it like this: that skulk is at 33 he then spends 13 to go gorge waits for 2 more resources drops a node and then goes back to skulk....he just spent 39 resources(22+13+4) on a node AND has to fill back up his resources. Thats a lot of wasted resources just going to gorge and back(just about enough for another node) and you also have to share resources with him till he fills back up...not acceptable.

    Now I know you probably still doubt the one gorge method hell I did too when I was first told about it...but give it a try you will see it works out much better. If you still uncertain just remember if you REALLY want its ok to have 2 gorges later in the game(after the second hive is complete) but its really important to only have 1 at start. Ok i have talked enough.
  • Ph0enixPh0enix Join Date: 2002-10-08 Member: 1462Members, Constellation
    These are the limiting factors for the number of gorges you have.

    1. Number of Rts you have.
    2. Number of players.
    3. Whether non-gorges have maxed their resources or not.
    4. How well your team is doing.

    More RTs, more players, maxed resources and your team doing all mean you can sustain more gorges. The reverse is also true.
  • MobJusticeMobJustice Join Date: 2002-12-23 Member: 11401Members
    It all comes down to one major point:

    1 gorge will ALWAYS, 100% of the time, get RPs FAR faster than if you have 2 or more gorges.

    And its not a minor difference in speed.

    It's "I just placed an RT and by the time I built it I already regained 22+ rp, and we're only on our 2nd hive."
  • ShuflYShuflY Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8760Members
    I almost always think one gorge is enough. The only situation where more than one is good is if you have someone who knows what they are doing and is playing as an offencive gorge, since this player knows what they are doing, they have a good idea about how their being a gorge is effecting the alien team as a whole, and is usually not a problem.

    The biggest problem with more than one gorge is that one or more of those gorges does not understand that they are hurting the team more than helping it. They have no concept of how the resources are distributed, and think that the ultimate strategy consists of everyone on the team going gorge and building right outside the marine base.

    The biggest problem with most 'newbie' gorges is that they don't think about how them being a gorge, sitting around waiting for those resources to come in, since there are 3 gorges and they are coming in quite slow, is hurting the team because that is one less attack-class alien in the field.
  • AAAddicussAAAddicuss Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8335Members
    two gorges can be very useful. people seem to ignore the fact that multiple gorges using a structure builds it up faster. if you get an intelligent pair of gorges one building resource towers and the other saving right off the bat you can actually get the hive up faster (try it). To get this to work you need to do a couple of things though

    the first gorge needs to convert right away.

    The second gorge should not evolve until he has 33 rps.

    The two gorges should not seperate. part of what makes this strategy work is the fact that resource towers will be up twice as fast.

    I have not timed it but the time it takes for the second hive to be up is very close if not faster than with one gorge. and as a result defenses and upgrade towers went up much faster.

    also try a few variations. have the first gorge build resource towers and the second one save for hive or the first gorge save for hive and the second one build resource towers only. Ive tried it with the first gorge building 2 resource towers then saving while the second drops the third and forth resource towers.

    Anyone willing to try this and post times it took for the standard one gorge to bring up a hive as compared to various 2 gorge combinations would be greatly appreciated since im not 100% sure which is faster myself
  • RenmauzoRenmauzo Join Date: 2002-12-27 Member: 11571Members
    I don't think there is solid answer for this.. in 8v8 sometimes we have 2 Gorgs in the beginning and 1 just building res chambers around the base and the other one camp near the second hive and ready to contruct it as soon as he hits 80.. All the other skulks will have to keep the marine busy and MAKE SURE the gorg that's saving for the second hive doesn't get discovered/hurt... The good thing about this is that you can get 2nd hive up early and when you have it the rest is just Fade siege (try to lead the Marines to assault the 3rd hive pt..)
  • HypergripHypergrip Suspect Germany Join Date: 2002-11-23 Member: 9689Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Well i think one gorge is ok, two good & experienced gorges can be even better.
    I'm talking about larger games like 8vs8 players.
    As it was said earlier in this topic two gorges can build up structures faster than one gorge... and we all know that resource towers take quite a while to build up.

    When the game starts one player becomes gorge.. that's the "builder".
    the rest of the team has to keep the marines at bay.
    When reaching 33 res a second player become gorge, too... that's the "helper/saver".
    The builder builds res-towers wich the helper helps to build. The time you can save this way will pay you in resources.
    The Helper/Saver should now get enough resources for a second hive.
    Now the helper can either decide to become another type of aliens or work as an offense gorge.

    This one works quite well a lot of games for a few friends of mine and me... but it can't really say if it's really faster than the one-gorge-tactic. If i had a server of my own I could test this (on publics there are always some dumb noobs who run around attacking the enemy base with their spitting not even knowing what a gorge is for *sigh* ).
    Last but not least you should remember that gorges can't fly, can't climb and are not that fast...
    i like both the one-gorge and the two-gorge tactics, but on larger maps (or maps that takes pne long to from one place to another because of elevators, doors and so on) i think two gorges may be nessesary to secure the area and help their mates out if needed.

  • ChurchChurch Meatshield grunt-fodder // Has pre-ordered NS2 Join Date: 2002-12-31 Member: 11646Members, Constellation
    you know, the game makes it to late game scenario rarer and rarer nowadays, so I'm mostly concerned with beginning game. In the beginning, marines have advantages, and the skulks don't have full res yet. that means, for a while, a secong gorge will NOT be able to get enough res to be much help. When I'm gorge, I'm lucky if I can secure two res nozzles without being harrassed by marines. the important thing is for the skulks to keep the marines of the gorge's back. If the marines actually let you take 4-6 res towers and a hive, they're dead s h i t anyway. They need ot have one or both hives secure within about 5-7 minutes if they want a victory. The aliens have to try to battle the marines for a hive (who will be rushing one or the other Marines with phase gates have lots of advantages over aliens in the beginning. they can then rush the second hive realy quickly), and that means the area in and near the two hives that isn't the alien spawn is going to be a warzone (i.e bad for gorges) 2 gorges just means one more (almost) defenless target for the marines to kill (and a dead gorge is one that just lost lots of time, at that point in the game) One gorge is enough because you need all the others as skukls to protect the gorge. Two gorges just will not help because you will not get enough res to build enough chambers and still hope to put up a second hive early.
  • ZerglinZerglin Join Date: 2002-12-13 Member: 10754Members
    The number of the people in the game doesnt factor in until EVERYONE is full. In which you will find your only Gorge overflowing with resources and that is the ONLY time when you need another Gorge. Period.

    So don't go Gorge when we have already have a Gorge! Jeebus! This is a very simple matter.
  • ImaTargetImaTarget Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3415Members
    personally i am very often a gorge. In 10 people servers 1 is enough, but starting with about 6/8 people per side i like a second gorge as soon as i have build 1 more rt. Then i keep on capping res and building hives while the second gorge has just one job: build OC and upgrades. works great imho. shure you are a tad slower on the res side but mostly better defended against a surprising marinemove then you would be with only one gorge.
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