[Help] Server issue "Perf/Latency/Sluttr"

Sko0bSko0b Join Date: 2005-01-30 Member: 39171Members
edited October 2012 in Server Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">3 help needed</div>Hi, I have an issue with my Server Running the game Maxed player. I got Sluttering, a lot. Ping looks okay 96%.
My server is running under "2x Xeon E5520 2.27 ghz 16 go ram". I can give u information needed and if u wanna try the server is on the list:

nrkgaming.net. Btw i set the server at 16 player instaead of 24, currently having 30 Perf and 86 ping.

Any help would be appreciated on setting the server right. I can post my configs if needed.

I would like to know how to install mod Ns2stats on the server have stability, but the server is distant and i dont have access to the %APPDATA%. How can i set the new path for the mods and maps. Im currently using FileZilla, im a Tech member.

And Does all the maps Customs are whitelisted or only sum of. A list would be nice too :D

Congrats on the lunch ;D im a fan since the 1st Hl1 release


  • LucianLucian Join Date: 2004-01-09 Member: 25193Members, Constellation
    You need a much higher clock speed for hosting NS2. Check out the stickies and other threads for more information.
  • WhosatWhosat Singapore Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58301Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=121581" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index....howtopic=121581</a>

    That thread shows what the other servers are hosting their servers on and the relevant performance data.

    You will need a much higher clock as mentioned above. Your 2.27 Ghz server can probably do 10 players at max. And it will probably be unlikely to hold up towards the endgame.
  • Sko0bSko0b Join Date: 2005-01-30 Member: 39171Members
    edited November 2012
    Thx for the advise. Ill see if we can tweak the cpu clock. Its actually sad to lower this to 10 players.

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->You will need a much higher clock as mentioned above. Your 2.27 Ghz server can probably do 10 players at max. And it will probably be unlikely to hold up towards the endgame.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Btw, has mentioned we have 2 core. Is there a way to make the game accept both instead of only one. Just curious if that would make the prob go away.
  • WhosatWhosat Singapore Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58301Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Unfortunately, the server software itself is not optimised to use multiple cores. At best, it will use 2 cores but that does not help the performance much. You are still limited to around 10 players.
  • Sko0bSko0b Join Date: 2005-01-30 Member: 39171Members
    Okay so the problem is fixed. We gonna buy a brand new box instead ( been 2 yrs we have that one ).

    Btw i dont get how to change the Workshop Folder to put inside the same directory. Like i said i dont have the access to the "%APPDATA%" folder.

    If possible any info on the commandline to add.

    Seriously thx for your help Whosat.

  • WhosatWhosat Singapore Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58301Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/wiki/index.php/Dedicated_Server#Basic_Configuration" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/wiki/inde...c_Configuration</a>

    The command line option is -modstorage

    Specify a full path surrounded in quotes :)
  • Sko0bSko0b Join Date: 2005-01-30 Member: 39171Members
    edited November 2012
    thx but i dont know how to set the new folder cuz i dont have the actual path of the hdd. could u gimme a hibt how to set it. like -modstorage "/ns2/ModfolderX/"

    the only thing i got access its the folder from filezilla the location goes like this "/68.7X.5X.X2 port 2X088/ns2"

    thx again
  • WhosatWhosat Singapore Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58301Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I'm not entirely sure if relative paths work, could you try doing just that? -modstorage "mods"

    Create a folder "mod" in your server directory and then the ns2/ directory and download a mod (specify -mod). See if it downloads to either of those directories.
  • Sko0bSko0b Join Date: 2005-01-30 Member: 39171Members
    Hi, im sorry for the delay, i got school and stuff, Btw im 24 ... study Industrial mechanic's. So tonight i will give a try so for now i set the webadmin like this.
    We actually use Gamecp (Control Panel) For the Server rental service.

    <img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/zwakwp.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" />

    If you suggest me adding more options in the GamePanel im in for. But the most important now is the Mod folder. :D Thx
  • WhosatWhosat Singapore Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58301Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited November 2012
    Yup you could try that.

    All the command line arguments are listed here. If you are providing server rental services, I suggest you make available all command line options:

    <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/wiki/index.php/Dedicated_Server#Basic_Configuration" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/wiki/inde...c_Configuration</a>

    Also, -webpassword -webuser -webport will be useless if -webadmin is not specified. You will also want to include -webdomain at minimum if you're providing -webadmin access :)

    Alos, -name needs to be surrounded in quotes.
  • Sko0bSko0b Join Date: 2005-01-30 Member: 39171Members
    yey sofar -config_path worked but workshop dsnt work :S dsnt download anything.

    <div align='center'><ul><li>-ip </li><li>-port 27088 </li><li>-webdomain "" </li><li>-limit 16 </li><li>-map ns2_tram </li><li>-name "Quebec nrkgaming.net"</li><li>-webadmin ******* </li><li>-modstorage "WorkShopFolder" </li><li>-config_path "config" </li><li>-webpassword ******** </li><li>-webuser ********</li><li>-webport 80****</li><li>-mods none</li></ul></div>

    any clue and dsnt show in the webpage.
  • Sko0bSko0b Join Date: 2005-01-30 Member: 39171Members
    edited November 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=2009235:date=Nov 4 2012, 02:05 AM:name=Sko0b)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Sko0b @ Nov 4 2012, 02:05 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2009235"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->yey sofar -config_path worked but workshop dsnt work :S dsnt download anything.

    <div align='center'><ul><li>-ip </li><li>-port 27088 </li><li>-webdomain "" </li><li>-limit 16 </li><li>-map ns2_tram </li><li>-name "Quebec nrkgaming.net"</li><li>-webadmin ******* </li><li>-modstorage "WorkShopFolder" </li><li>-config_path "config" </li><li>-webpassword ******** </li><li>-webuser ********</li><li>-webport 80****</li><li>-mods none</li></ul></div>

    any clue and dsnt show in the webpage.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Okay apparently i added them to -mods and they got there now :D thx But still cant get stats working .
  • WhosatWhosat Singapore Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58301Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    ns2stats? You need to follow the configuration instructions they provide on your My Servers page.
  • Sko0bSko0b Join Date: 2005-01-30 Member: 39171Members
    hey im back sry i got issue around me so i had to fix em b4 i get burried. ill need more help but 1st i need to see around new topics if something can help b4 posting new stuff
  • Sko0bSko0b Join Date: 2005-01-30 Member: 39171Members
    edited November 2012
    Still got issue with the ns2 stats thing
    And there is apparently a way to bypass to whitelist or im just tired but sill how from <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=121063&view=findpost&p=1984719" target="_blank">here</a> From Whosat in this <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?showtopic=121063&st=40" target="_blank">post</a> If its true i would be interest in.

    Here is my server JSON files i think i got do something wrong here.

    <div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:200px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'><!--coloro:#006400--><span style="color:#006400"><!--/coloro--><b>MapCycle</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->{
    "time": 30,
    "mode": "random",
    "mods": [ "5fd7a38" ]
    "maps": [ "ns2_mineshaft", "ns2_docking", "ns2_refinery", "ns2_summit", "ns2_tram", "ns2_veil" ]

    <!--coloro:#006400--><span style="color:#006400"><!--/coloro--><b>NS2 stats Advanced</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->{
    <!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->"attemptToWhitelist": false,<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> --------- Is it actually working
    "awardsMax": 5,
    "key": "not public",
    "unstuckTime": 5,
    "helpText": "You can use 'stats' in console for commands and help."

    <!--coloro:#006400--><span style="color:#006400"><!--/coloro--><b>NS2 stats config</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->{
    "afkKickIdleTime": 180,
    "motdLine3": "Welcome to Ns2 Server",
    "motdLine2": "Join us on TeamSpeak @ ts.net / Section Ns2",
    "chatMessageSayer": "NS2Stats",
    "votemapEnabled": true,
    "awardsEnabled": true,
    "afkKickEnabled": true,
    "maps": [ "ns2_docking", "ns2_mineshaft", "ns2_refinery", "ns2_summit", "ns2_tram", "ns2_veil" ],
    "motdLine1": "Have Fun ! Ns2",
    "tournamentMode": false,
    "unstuck": true,
    "killstreaksEnabled": false,
    <!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--> "adminSteamIdList": {
    "example2": 234567,
    "example": 123456<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> --- dunno how to set it

    <b><!--coloro:#006400--><span style="color:#006400"><!--/coloro-->ServerConfig<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b>

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->{
    "settings": {
    "rookie_friendly": true,
    "end_round_on_team_unbalance": 0.4,
    "auto_team_balance": {
    "enabled_after_seconds": 10,
    "enabled_on_unbalance_amount": 2
    "tags": [ "rookie" ]

    <!--coloro:#006400--><span style="color:#006400"><!--/coloro--><b>Consistency Config</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->"check": [ "game_setup.xml", "*.lua", "*.fx", "*.screenfx", "*.surface_shader", "*.fxh", "*.render_setup", "*.shader_template" ]<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    <!--coloro:#006400--><span style="color:#006400"><!--/coloro--><b>Command Line By GameCp ( Control panel )</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->-ip xx.xx.xx.xx -port 2x0xx -webdomain "xx.xx.xx.xx" -limit 16 -map ns2_tram
    -name "Name here" -webadmin Neod -modstorage "config/Mods" -config_path "config"
    -mods "5fd7a38" -webpassword ?????? -webuser TesT -webport 8xxx<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I think i gave enough info for now Maybe that would be enough hopefully.
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