Allow Gorge to invest in two extra tiers of 3 Hydras and 10 Clogs.

HazeHaze O RLY? Join Date: 2003-07-07 Member: 18018Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">Tier 1 (current state) 3 Hydras, 10 Clogs. T2: 6H, 20C. T3: 9H, 30C.</div>I see some dismissive attitudes towards Hydras and Clogs by players all the time, so I think we can all agree that no one is worried about them becoming a balancing issue any time soon. I do so love building my little gorge forts in very bold forward positions just as the match starts. But there is one giant problem -- when I move, my wall usually ends up coming with me.

Why? I was under the impression most people scoffed at the idea of gorges putting effort into building structures and trying to hold off a decent marine push. It was "cute". So why do I feel so restricted in plugging up the map?

<u>Here is my suggestion</u> -- allow Gorge players to upgrade their arsenal for 10 res a pop twice over for another set of 10 clogs and 3 Hydras on top of what they already have (so their max would go up to 6 Hydras, 20 Clogs at tier 2, then 9 & 30 as the final tier 3 upgrade). Maybe the tier upgrades could be tied to the number of hives out, or it could be something the commander researches himself for his Gorges. <b>At any rate I just want to build more stuff in more places,</b> and having to move a critical fortress or be tied to one by the ankle for the entire game is the only thing stopping me from enjoying Gorge to the fullest.

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  • AurOn2AurOn2 COOKIES&#33; FREEDOM, AND BISCUITS&#33; Australia Join Date: 2012-01-13 Member: 140224Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Forum staff
    i remember the days when hydras had no limits, thems were fun times. the only reason that hydras are limited now was because of performance drops back then, which should really not be a problem.
  • dethfielddethfield Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165197Members
    I like the idea. I also would like the gorge to be able to build a larger variety of things in general to give him more purpose in the game. I was thining maybe allowign them to build cysts and harvesters to help the comm out.
  • RMJRMJ Join Date: 2012-08-09 Member: 155190Members
    Surely we can find a better spot between unlimited and 3. than 3 lol.

    it would indeed be nice and would fit well, having something to spend pres on as gorge, improving your stuff.
  • DarkTitan94DarkTitan94 Join Date: 2012-11-14 Member: 171009Members
    YEA definatly agree the gorge needs more power
  • NordicNordic Long term camping in Kodiak Join Date: 2012-05-13 Member: 151995Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    10 pres seems a bit cheap. I think 15pres seems a bit better. Why do I think they should cost more? Because hydras and clogs work exponetially better the more there are. If you had 30 clogs from one gorge could hold a hive.
  • Bad MojoBad Mojo Join Date: 2009-05-01 Member: 67317Members
    Building excessive forts as a gorge seems like fun as a type of mod, but shouldn't have a place in the vanilla game.

    If a garbage man tells you his job sucks, do you think he will be satisfied if you say "ok, how about I give you TWO garbage trucks to make your rounds instead of one?" Probably not. He wants a better job.

    That's what the Gorge needs. And the best way to do that is to give the Gorge more things to build. In my opinion it should be in such a way that promotes coordination between the Gorge and the Khammander. For example, if Gorges built Cysts and the Khamm built Harvesters, the Khamm would have to instruct Gorges to build cyst chains to resource nodes for that to happen.

    A new problem arises if the Gorge can build a variety of structures, and that is resources. I think that the Gorge would have to have a unique resource income that he only gets while playing as Gorge, because the current influx of pres probably wouldn't be enough to be able to build structures at a reasonable rate. Maybe even have the Gorge get resources separate from Pres and Tres, only used for building his structures, that comes in at the same rate as Tres. It would disappear on death or evolving to a different lifeform, and reset to zero or a low default when/if returning to Gorge.
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