Allow aliens to choose their spawn

maessemaesse Join Date: 2010-04-08 Member: 71213Members
Currently you can do that... kind of. The way it works now is that <b>it selects the spawn that is closest to the player you're spectating while dead</b>.

That's cool, you can basically choose your own spawn.

There are some problems though:
* Toggling between players is very laggy and jittery. You have to spend a second looking at the minimap to figure out where he is.
* When someone you spectate dies, you instant start spectating someone else.
* Most people are not aware of this mechanic at all, I only know about it because I read it somewhere.

This can create situations where marines are pushing up towards hive A. Anyone spawning at hive A runs out and dies. So those who are dead are now spectating those who spawned at hive B. Now they <b>also</b> spawn at hive B. So marines send a small squad to hive B just to be annoying, and hive A is free to take. The marines should not be able to take a hive for free, just because the aliens didn't play the spectate game.

Instead of doing this, I propose simply letting aliens select their spawn while they are dead - ala Battlefield. Or just remove it completely.

(This could be a problem for marines also, it's just something I've particularly noticed when alien)


  • xxswatelitexxxxswatelitexx Join Date: 2012-11-16 Member: 171754Members
    edited November 2012
    One problem with choosing spawn is it completely negates a marine suprise base assault. All the commander would have to do is make 20 eggs. All the aliens suicide and spawn right all at the same time at the hive.

    Since alien spwns are not limited like the IP timer.
    They are just based on egg count. You can essentailly spawn 8 skulks at a base at once.

    The game is already balanced since
    If aliens destroy a power node or Portal - marines have to run across the map to save that CC \ Base.
  • maessemaesse Join Date: 2010-04-08 Member: 71213Members
    They can already do what you're saying. Just have 1 guy in the hive that everyone can spectate, and it'll work exactly the same.
  • RMJRMJ Join Date: 2012-08-09 Member: 155190Members
    Does the whole beacon thing, completely negate the alien surprise attack.

    WTF is that sound?. Ujhhhhhcrraashbuuuuubanng beep beep beep whooopp all marines appear and defends base no problemo.


    Thats my first reaction when i saw that happen. Then i wondered, why doesnt aliens have that. The marines can just instantly walk back through the Phasegate anyways.
  • deathshrouddeathshroud Join Date: 2010-04-10 Member: 71291Members
    aliens are much faster than marines though, it doesnt take long to travel the map as an alien. However when the marines rush a hive with ARCs you often dont have time to react.
  • drilltoothdrilltooth Join Date: 2012-11-12 Member: 170096Members
    edited November 2012
    I seem to recall eggs being used starting with most recent. with hive damage pushing nearby eggs back to the top of the list.

    edit: or is cooincidence that folks tend to be speccing the alien nearest the shift I just trigged..
  • bERt0rbERt0r Join Date: 2005-03-23 Member: 46181Members
    Alien hive has 4000 hp + 1400 armor. 5 Marines do 5000 dmg with one clip so 2 clips from 5 marines with lmg and a hive is down. No need for arcs and alien-beaconing with the 12 second respawn time wont help either.
  • l3lessedl3lessed Join Date: 2010-06-07 Member: 71977Members
    edited November 2012
    I agree with this. Also, I am not to concerned about the mass alien respawn either, and I actually think it would add depth to the game play. As a rine, you need to chose to either take out all the eggs or focus on the hive. Lastly, if they're using a shift to spam eggs, that is a massive t.res sink and a risk/reward scenario the devs should be encourage. Just put a single marine with a flamer on egg duty, and they won't be able to pop them out fast enough.
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