Exosuit and Hardsuit

SafewoodSafewood Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166381Members
edited November 2012 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">How to improve the Exosuit and replace the 50 Res version.</div><b>Foreword:</b>
Right now, Exosuit with claw is useless. The Exosuit with dual minigun is useless alone, which is fine to some extent, however, not in the state it's in right now. Here's a few suggestions to how the 75 Res Exosuit can be improved, and what could be replace the 50 Res Exosuit.

You can either dual machine gun or replace one with a railgun. You can boost forward, kind of like in with the Hardsuit in Blacklight: Retribution, or instead, you could stomp and push anyone close to you away from you, perhaps except from an Onos.
The jetpack should be much faster with slightly longer duration, nothing significant difference, just so that you can get over small obstacles faster.

The Hardsuit will be the replacement for Exosuit with claw, which be a light version of the Exosuit, with instead something akin to an HMG, or replace one with another weapon. It will have a slow, low gravity; kind of like in the Halo series.
It will also have a jetpack, but something in-between a marine's and Exo's jetpack.

Could be looking something like this, but completely closed: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/12jd1.png" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/12jd1.png</a>


  • SkwallaSkwalla Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166492Members
    edited November 2012
    we need better exo suits for marine I call them mechs for a reason
    the picture Safewood got there is a true exosuit lighter armored more mobile someting the marines realy need to keep up late game vs stealth onos or blink fades

    the exo suites are nearly identical to one and other not much fun there either
    50 point exo is the marine counter to fade and the 75 point exo is for the onos but they cant win one vs one in there so called counters picks
    the alien have abilitys that the marines dont have like stompe and stealth marine realy need some counterparts like a new 50 point exo like the picture above that have a chance vs mid game fades and a better 75 point exo (mech) late game railgun upgrade sound very nice one fast fireing minigun and one havy hitting but slow railgun the light weith 50 point exo could be the more mobile and a fast exo that can run from a onos and stand there ground vs fade and abilitys for exo could also be useful and maybe get a flamethrower or grenadeluncher as secondary weapon from the armory like regular marines that replace the arm melee attack the balancing of the exo suits not that hard just take a existing model from the picture and tweak it all little it is a very nice model and hope u add it in the game at some point and the code part take one or 2 future paches to take care of easy to fix for profesonals like you guys

    50 point exo 50 point fade
    75 point exo(mech) 75 point onos
    that all I am saying
  • arnyboy87arnyboy87 Join Date: 2012-08-13 Member: 155551Members
    you will get your rail gun dev already said this as for any other changes -1 sorry but the only thing exo's can't do is build and move fast lol given them any of the 2 of these would be game breaking nvm the fact that devs have already said they would like a eject button (given them the abilty to build)
  • SkwallaSkwalla Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166492Members
    edited November 2012
    @arnyboy87 look at the picture Safewood got there it is a exposed marine in a exo it is not as heavy as the mech ingame I realy wish for a new 50 point exo like the one in the picture that have notting in comment whit the one already ingame
    light exo fast but low HP and armor YES armor and hp for the small exo like a thing in between of a marine and a mech = exo get it
  • RobustPenguinRobustPenguin Join Date: 2012-08-17 Member: 155719Members
  • SiminiSimini Join Date: 2012-09-28 Member: 160916Members
    You're getting a rail gun which will probably be horribly unbalanced to the middle Alien evolution units, like the lerk and the paper fade since they are pathetically fragile at the moment.
  • XenderXender Join Date: 2012-11-06 Member: 167800Members
    edited November 2012
    Claw in exo for 50 is a bit useless, maybe should it be saw?
  • ArcL!ghtArcL!ght Join Date: 2007-11-27 Member: 63031Members, Squad Five Blue, NS2 Map Tester
    <!--quoteo(post=2023243:date=Nov 14 2012, 04:59 PM:name=Xender)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Xender @ Nov 14 2012, 04:59 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2023243"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Claw in exo for 50 is a bit useless, maybe should it be saw?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    As much as anyone would like this, this is not a WH40k game
  • FierzeFierze Join Date: 2012-11-14 Member: 170961Members
    I would also like to see something lighter and faster as a 50res tier. Jetpack, dual ARs(not miniguns), loads of armor?
    Also, id like to see STOMP on the 75res MECHS. Not like stomp from onos, but skulks should die under the feets of a mech the same way eggs does. 1 AR marine doesn't take down an onos does it? 1 skulk often takes down 1 mech in pubs.

    REDUCE THE ONOS AGILITY! 180degrees turn in 0.01sec on that monster is just crazy.

    Why is it that alien com can drop the 75 res onos, while marine com cant drop the 75res mech?

  • SafewoodSafewood Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166381Members
    <b>@ arnyboy87:</b>
    The Exosuit won't be that mobile as you would think. It can "charge" forward like an Onos, but only for a certain range and will stop dead if it hits anything.

    <b>@ Simini:</b>
    I know, I just thought I would add it in there so there wouldn't be any unnecessary discussion about that Exo's will get buffed with a railgun.
  • grazrgrazr Join Date: 2012-10-12 Member: 162195Members
    edited November 2012
    I wouldn't mind being able to replace the claw with a welder like the lifter suit from Aliens.

    Being an exo makes you a liability more than anything else. You can't beacon, you can't weld, you can't build, you can't heal, your vision is impared and you're slow.

    What i would like to see is an exo repair station structure. Right now marines rely too heavily on each other whilst the aliens can pretty much do what ever the hell they want providing there's not a 6 thick marine ball rolling through the map (and even then you can just snipe the base/power nodes). Alien comm doesn't require any assistance to build tech or resource structures whilst the marine com requires marines just to build power to power the buildings he needs to place.

    The exos already costs a boat load of res: map control for 2 com chairs, 20 for the second com chair, 40 for protolab, 30 for exo research and then 50-75 for the suit which isn't self-sufficient as once you're damaged you're damaged. Then you're still pretty much useless and certainly not equal to an onos until you have tier 3 armour which is another 15, 25 and 35 res. The least players could have is some comfort in life sustainability without having to have his personal welder or the commander spamming MAC's up his butt.
  • SafewoodSafewood Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166381Members
    <b>@ grazr:</b>
    I don't know how if a welder would be a good option to balance the Exosuit, and a repair station wouldn't make too much of a difference because of how much the Exo lacks of mobility.
  • RokiyoRokiyo A.K.A. .::FeX::. Revenge Join Date: 2002-10-10 Member: 1471Members, Constellation
    I'd like the 50 res exo to have a flamethrower instead of that claw! >=)
  • xxswatelitexxxxswatelitexx Join Date: 2012-11-16 Member: 171754Members
    If you could use the Claw to Slam an onos down - like stomp for marines. I would gladly use the claw. Even if it did so little damage.
  • SafewoodSafewood Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166381Members
    <b>@ Rokiyo:</b>
    I think weapons should stay on mobile units.

    <b>@ xxswatelitexx:</b>
    The <i>cow tipper</i> they call it.
  • l3lessedl3lessed Join Date: 2010-06-07 Member: 71977Members
    I think you should be able to pick the weapons for each hand, and it is just an added cost to the exo suit, the mini-gun included as a select-able weapon.
  • SafewoodSafewood Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166381Members
    <b>@ l3lessed:</b>
    Could be. I just can't see it with how much of a liability an Exo is for marines.
  • AzaralAzaral Join Date: 2012-11-19 Member: 172408Members
    If the fist had a stun ability or something that might boost it a little. A flamer would also be cool. At the moment it is pretty useless. Maybe a major boost to damaging buildings. Something.
  • SafewoodSafewood Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166381Members
    <b>@ Azaral:</b>
    A stun or push ability could work with the claw, but you just gave me another idea actually.
  • ComboBreakerComboBreaker Join Date: 2012-11-22 Member: 172856Members
    edited November 2012
    50 res light Exo - melee/ranged support.Low armor,compared to Dual Exo.Hold shift for a turboboost in any direction you desire.Click to punch,hold left click to perform a grab action.If grab connects it damages structures severly,insta kills sculks,gorges,lerks(with a bonecrushing,juicy fatality).It takes a long time to windup,so its more of a gimmick against lowgrade lifeform.

    However,against fades and onoses grab action pins down exo to a fade or onos.When grab was successfully used,claw cant punch anymore,while minigun is still able to shoot.Both Fade and Onos can attack when grabbed.While fade can use blink to escape(although it'll require a lot of energy to teleport out of the claw and without blink you are trapped), Onos cant. When exo and onos moves into different direction,Onos slowly pulls Exo in the desired direction but is severly slowed himself.When Exo uses turboboost it slowly pulls Onos in the desired direction.Fade's weight is not enough to affect Exo's movement.Light Exo pilot can hold Onos or Fade as long as he wants,but he should be carefull not to die because of low armor,decreased dps(no claw attack) and Onos` or Fade's attacks.

    Annoying unsupported hit-run-onoses are sentenced to death.However with team organisation on Alien side Light Exo will die instantly or will not get close enough to Onos to perform a grab.
  • CrushaKCrushaK Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167195Members, NS2 Playtester
    Please no repair stations for Exos. They are already regularly accompanied by 4 MACs, which makes them nearly unkillable if you don't happen to have a Gorge with Bile Bomb on your team (which requires two Hives, mind you!). A repair station would just add to the Marine turtling at the end of matches.

    And if you want a true 50 res unit on the Marine side, just increase the jetpack cost to 20 as it should be, because it's the single best upgrade for marines that boosts their offence and defence more than weapon or armor upgrades themselves. Then you can buy a GL + welder and you have spent 50 res on a unit.
  • SafewoodSafewood Join Date: 2012-11-03 Member: 166381Members
    <b>@ ComboBreaker:</b>
    Interesting way to use the claw.

    <b>@ CrushaK:</b>
    I don't see any use for a repair station, really. It just slows down the process to push for marines and increases their turtling power.
  • killer monkeykiller monkey Join Date: 2010-02-26 Member: 70743Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    What if the claw could build stuff?
  • ComboBreakerComboBreaker Join Date: 2012-11-22 Member: 172856Members
    edited December 2012
    What type of weaponry is railgun?Does it pierce through stuff?Is it antiarmor,antibuilding?
  • zeqzeq Join Date: 2012-02-14 Member: 145493Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited December 2012
    I have seen claw exos out dps an onos in melee, although it was quite a while ago. Repurposing the claw for more self sufficiency would be nice. Remove its structural damage trait, and make it do normal damage instead, and then maybe give it the knockback the riflebutt used to have. That way it could be used to keep skulks and fades off of the exo and allow them to duel better with an onos. The dual minigun exos on the other hand I think are fine at the moment. With at least two dual exos and a few welders or macs they will just melt hives. They are expensive and require teamwork to be effective, but are incredibly powerful if used correctly.
  • CrushaKCrushaK Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167195Members, NS2 Playtester
    Quoting myself here from: <a href="http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=125552&view=findpost&p=2040171" target="_blank">http://www.unknownworlds.com/ns2/forums/in...t&p=2040171</a>

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Or just let players buy the fists-only base Exoskeleton for 25 res (and let the commander drop it for 25 res as well) and then have the marine buy the weapons for it at the Prototype Lab while he is in the Exo.

    If the player really wanted, he could go for a melee-only Exo that is slow but punches the ###### out of Skulks for 25 res that way.
    Otherwise he could add weapon upgrades as he desires:

    <ul><li>5 res - Welder</li><li>20 res - Shotgun</li><li>25 res - Flamethrower</li><li>25 res - Grenade Launcher</li><li>25 res - Minigun</li><li>30 res - Railgun</li></ul>

    The commander would have to research dual wielding for the Exo at the same price as the current Dual Minigun Exo for the player to buy two attachments, otherwise one remains the fist.

    And I think the list above would be pretty balanced in terms of combinations and cost.
    It allows Exos to wield powerful weapons like the Grenade Launcher while also having his other powerful secondary weapon available when it comes to a close counter attack, as opposed to the basic marine GL. Of course he would still have to deal with his low agility and couldn't escape grenades that got knocked back from Whips as easily.
    Or Exo with Minigun + Flamethrower to fend of Skulks in close combat while having less fire power against ranged attacks from Gorges.
    Or a double Shotgun Exo. Probably devastating at close range but completely lacks long range power. Seems acceptable for 65 res and can still be taken out by a coordinated alien team.
    A double Welder Exo would be ridiculously defenseless but would be the ultimate support unit for other Exos at the cost of 35 res.

    And of course would the player be able to actually leave an Exo suit, so the commander doesn't drop an Exo for a player who can't afford any of the weapons.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Not sure if a double GL-Exo wouldn't be too strong after all. It would be completely helpless in melee combat on it's own, but could still pose quite a spamming threat if accompanied by other Exos. Probably might deserve a nerf to the grenades then or extra high self-damage.
  • TripleZeroTripleZero Join Date: 2012-11-06 Member: 167764Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    OPs idea with the exo and the hardsuit sounds pretty cool tbh.

    Also can any1 explain to me why the alien comm may drop an onos egg but the marine comm may not drop a dual exo?
  • zeqzeq Join Date: 2012-02-14 Member: 145493Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I would say there are a number of reasons why the alien comm can drop an onos whereas the marine comm can't drop a dual exo. The first being that the game is asymmetrical, and even though the onos and the dual exos share the same res cost, they are not considered equivalent in the eyes of the game. Furthermore I would say the aliens are more dependent on higher lifeforms in the late game then the marines are on different weapons, and the alien economy ideally has a smaller res flow than the marine one, which all means less pres for the alien team. Additionally it currently requires the alien team three hives to drop an onos, and in a balanced match the third hive should not be staying up, as it is just too much ground to defend against a decently coordinated team. This means the the onos eggs can only be created very late game, and not consistently unless your team is winning. Also no dual exo drop is the only reason I ever see claw exos used, although this is a problem with claw exos not being viable enough in comparison to their dual counterparts.
  • SpaceJewSpaceJew Join Date: 2012-09-03 Member: 157584Members
    edited December 2012
    I like the idea. Right now it seems like single-gun Exo are meant to be the answer to Fades, but since a regular trooper with a shotgun can do the job cheaper if with more skill it seems to languish in uselessness. Leave dual Exo at 75 P.Res since it's darn good in competent hands, change the single-gun to...something else. Perhaps just up the speed and jump-jets by roughly a third and I think a lot more people would grab it.

    That being said, I do think the Marines commander should be able to drop a T.Res Dual-Exo if they want. There are obvious pro's and con's to doing so already built into the game with such a high priced unit.
  • das0308das0308 Join Date: 2012-11-04 Member: 166824Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    A knockback on the exosuit claw attack sounds both fitting and useful to me.
    Question: Will the knockback softstun (i.e. slow for 100 milliseconds or so)?
    I ask because unless the knockback is pretty far I'm not sure how effective it would be against celerity skulks and shadowstep/blinking fades.

    Also, how about a slight buff to the exosuit jumpjets? It's very slow, has a long cooldown time, and doesn't lift you very high at all (it probably shouldn't though). The slowness and cooldown make it feel very useless.
  • geoxilegeoxile Join Date: 2010-12-24 Member: 75926Members
    How about just a stronger, harder (more armored), marine that comes at a price? Let him run as fast as other marines, be beaconable, be healable; give him a decent melee weapon (pilebunker?) and a HMG or regular weapons, and jump jets so he can fly vertically - high enough to get over railings or jump to the top of short cliffs.
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