Allow to change the linking order of phase gates
Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167195Members, NS2 Playtester

It would be a really nice feature if the commander could alter the order that phase gates link up in, without having to sell and rebuild the phase gates first.
A simple concept could take care of it, I illustrated it here:
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
At the top do you see the current phase gate order.
The two orders below are alterations where the commander decided to link PG1 to PG3 or PG4 respectively.
To re-establish a proper link order, the following algorithm could be used:
<ul><li>Assume A to be the phase gate of which you want to change the destination.</li><li>Assume B to be the new destination phase gate.</li><li>Set A to have B as it's new destination.</li><li>Set the destination of B to be the phase gate that was the old destination of A before the change and call it C.</li><li>Follow C's chain of links until you reach a phase gate that would have B as it's next destination and that is not A.</li><li>Change this phase gate's destination to be the phase gate that was the old destination of B before the change.</li></ul>
A simple concept could take care of it, I illustrated it here:
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
At the top do you see the current phase gate order.
The two orders below are alterations where the commander decided to link PG1 to PG3 or PG4 respectively.
To re-establish a proper link order, the following algorithm could be used:
<ul><li>Assume A to be the phase gate of which you want to change the destination.</li><li>Assume B to be the new destination phase gate.</li><li>Set A to have B as it's new destination.</li><li>Set the destination of B to be the phase gate that was the old destination of A before the change and call it C.</li><li>Follow C's chain of links until you reach a phase gate that would have B as it's next destination and that is not A.</li><li>Change this phase gate's destination to be the phase gate that was the old destination of B before the change.</li></ul>
Maybe an overhead command view when you 'use' a phase gate and allow the Marine to select their destination?
I think letting people choose the destination would be better than letting the commander change the order.
Uh, you can just stay inside the gate and it will keep teleporting you.
Also, i dislike the whole phasegate mechanic to be honest.
you should be able to open a menu by hitting E and then choose your target destination.
Maybe a little map pops up and all the phasegates are marked + room names ?
Just an idea really, its just annoying that building many phasegates is pointless as it slows down teleporting and renders it quite useless because inexperienced players will loose all overview.
Also, i dislike the whole phasegate mechanic to be honest.
you should be able to open a menu by hitting E and then choose your target destination.
Maybe a little map pops up and all the phasegates are marked + room names ?
Just an idea really, its just annoying that building many phasegates is pointless as it slows down teleporting and renders it quite useless because inexperienced players will loose all overview.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I always run in and out because I find it difficult to see unless I already know the order, just to make sure I'm going to be where I'm going.
Also, i dislike the whole phasegate mechanic to be honest.
you should be able to open a menu by hitting E and then choose your target destination.
Maybe a little map pops up and all the phasegates are marked + room names ?
Just an idea really, its just annoying that building many phasegates is pointless as it slows down teleporting and renders it quite useless because inexperienced players will loose all overview.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
If they add a menu it better be optional, i.e. press E for the menu but you can still just run through and get taken to the default location. Amount of times I've narrowly escaped a fade by jumping into the phase to heal up and come back to get them!
Although I was thinking this I think it would probably be better in the end for a menu. Gets old to lose a phasegate because you had to go through them so many times before you get to where you want to go. The only problem I see is I already know it can be annoying with a marine standing in the middle of a phasegate when I'm on a hurry to get somewhere.
And that ^^^^ is why I REALLY rather marines get the heck outta a phasegate and then jump back in rather than just sit there waiting to phase again. Let your bro get in so they can get to the dieing phasegate! It takes a second to 'rephase', so step out and then back in please. Phasegates go down fast and I don't got time for your fat butt taking up the gate space :P
I know savant mentioned choosing a default gateway (on google moderator) and along those lines it could be cool to do something like for 5 res the comm can make a gate the default gateway for 30 seconds or something. Maybe make the gates glow red or something so you know the phasegate might send you somewhere you don't expect.
i like it.
Now how to blackmail the devs into using that idea ;-)
Anybody got some sex videos ?
Yeah, I was thinking this originally, but decided an always available menu is a better option as to not waste time, or cause traffic jams at pgs.
Maybe the model for the radial menu is a hologram projected from your forearm armor?
Well you could always force their com to juggle more by being able to only link 2 phase gates at a time.
So you can have Phase gate A to B and C to D
But to get from B to D the commander would have to connect those two ans it would cut bit A and C out of it.
Phase gates are then more user friendly but also more hassle requiring either more gates or more com input to run
Idea 1: Leave phase gates as is if you just run through them; but add in a feature that if you go up to the side and press "E" on them, your minimap to pop's up with the ability to click on your phase gate of choice, once you click it you immediately phase there. Similar in functionality to the armory, where if you run up to it you regain HP/ armor/ ammo, but if you click "E" on it, it brings up a buy menu.
Idea 2: This is probably too difficult/ will take too many resources to program, but add a special phase gate room to each map called "the room of doors" or something. Whenever you run into ANY phase gate, immediately teleport to the middle of the room of doors. This room is a rectangular room with all existing phase gate "portals" along the wall which dynamically adds or subtracts doors as they are built or destroyed (maybe no power doors could be grayed out even). You can look out of each door (portal) just like a window and see what is beyond (think the game Portal where you can see on the other side of the portal ;) ). Each door is labeled above it to show which room it is in.
The idea is this allows marines to see a phase gate is swarmed with aliens quickly and pop into it, or jump to whatever room they need to based off of memory. I just mentioned it, but I'm completely envisioning the game Portal when I suggest this.
Think the ready room but you are still in active combat. And make it a common room for all marines. And only allow a marine to camp the room for up to 5-10 seconds to prevent greifing cause I’m sure it would happen.
Please go back to school. The only reason phase gates are the way they are is because no one bothered to change them. It's not going to break the game, and it's not a buff. It's something that should have been in the game originally just like weldable vents and doors, but just isn't for some reason.
And where does this comment fit in there in regard to his post? Or did you just try to make something up for the lack of a counter argument to his statement, "kiddo"?
And that ^^^^ is why I REALLY rather marines get the heck outta a phasegate and then jump back in rather than just sit there waiting to phase again. Let your bro get in so they can get to the dieing phasegate! It takes a second to 'rephase', so step out and then back in please. Phasegates go down fast and I don't got time for your fat butt taking up the gate space :P
I know savant mentioned choosing a default gateway (on google moderator) and along those lines it could be cool to do something like for 5 res the comm can make a gate the default gateway for 30 seconds or something. Maybe make the gates glow red or something so you know the phasegate might send you somewhere you don't expect.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
i thought that there should be a "main phasegate" meaning that it is the focal point of sorts so if an alien destroys it all the other phasegates either deactivate/blow up/kill or hurt any marine that passes through maybe aliens can pass through the phasegates because the main phase gate prevents aliens from using them but the alien get hurt so its not a complete nerf on phase gates