Skulk and Fade are to hard to hit/kill... and a small control change to the skulk

RenkiRenki Join Date: 2012-12-21 Member: 175768Members
<div class="IPBDescription">the fade is to fast (teleporting) and the skulk always jumps</div>The fade is too fast in the game, because the teleporting costs too little energy and has no cooldown. It can teleport so fast that you are not able to aim, or it is away before it died.
1. increase the energy costs, or
2. set up a cooldown: a fixed one (e.g. 1,5 seconds after each jump) or an increasing cooldown (e.g. after the first jump 0,5 seconds, after the second jump 1 second, third 2 seconds... and after 5 seconds without jumping, it starts from the beginning) this would be my favorite

The skulk is very nice, but its main strategy is to sneak or fight in groups. The problem is the jumping. They dont sneak or circumvent the enemy and attack from behind. They only jump and jump and jump in a corridor and you cant hit them... Its sad, it would be a completely different atmosphere, because they would have to attack out of the shadows and you as a marine never be secure. I think this was the original idea of them. They should not be able to kill a marine in a straight corridor alone, because that's his strength actually, but they are.
like number 2 from above: set up a cooldown: a fixed one or an increasing cooldown, but if they are not strong enough increase the melee attack damage. Now they would sneak and try to attack from behind, because otherwise they get killed in an open combat.

Another suggestion to the skulk is, that it is fixed on the wall (maybe an option in the settings: e.g. fixed climing on/off) , because it is not easy to control the climing, it always falls down. If it would be fixed you can jump out of the wall with "jump" and witch "crouch" you can let yourself fall. This allows a lot more control...


  • bakkotobakkoto Join Date: 2012-12-19 Member: 175575Members
    edited December 2012
    increase the energy costs (+1 i agree)

    skulks are fine but the damage done to players need to be adjusted :

    From 75/50/25 (Based on accuracy) ==> to : 60/30/15 (Based on accuracy)
  • SixtyWattManSixtyWattMan Join Date: 2004-09-05 Member: 31404Members
    It's supposed to be hard to hit. The Fade and Skulk die easily when hit.
  • Omar - The WireOmar - The Wire Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165320Members
    Judging from your registration today (and mainly your post) I'm assuming you're a newer player. Probably even from the Steam sale? Nothing wrong with that.

    I suggest you get a bit more experienced before you write off things as hard.

    Fades are paper thin against any shotgun + weapons upgrades. Level 2 or Level 3 weapons, against good shooters can make Fades useless. If you added any kind of "cooldown" to his shadow step, you'd just end up with a useless class. By most experienced players, the Fade is already considered underwhelming. Yes, they move fast but they take damage very quickly. Their energy costs are pretty well balanced as their blink ability + swiping marines/buildings can deplete quickly and make you a very easy target. They can also still be shot during their specialty movements, so stray bullets can pick off a weak one even by accident.

    Skulks and their jumping are intentional. You gain a 15% speed increase by jumping off a wall as a skulk. Skulks do circumvent, sneak around and ambush.. but that's a skill level kind of thing. If I'm playing in a public server as skulk, I usually don't mind my tactics because I know I can outmaneuver a less skilled marine in a straight hallway. If it's a high skill set I'm playing against, I'm not going to be behave so stupidly. No, a skulk shouldn't win coming straight down a hallway (jumping or not) against a marine. They don't, unless there is a larger skill discrepancy.

    Both of these creatures are supposed to be fast, difficult to hit, easy to kill creatures* in their own different way. Skulks are the base level, fast, disposable creature thats best served in packs and the Fade as a higher damage, assassin capable of disrupting enemies wherever they are, before they can react.

    *Fade in NS1 was much more of a bullet tank than it is now.
  • MiniH0wieMiniH0wie Join Date: 2007-11-25 Member: 63013Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2049357:date=Dec 21 2012, 12:38 PM:name=Omar - The Wire)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Omar - The Wire @ Dec 21 2012, 12:38 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2049357"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Judging from your registration today (and mainly your post) I'm assuming you're a newer player. Probably even from the Steam sale? Nothing wrong with that.

    I suggest you get a bit more experienced before you write off things as hard.

    Fades are paper thin against any shotgun + weapons upgrades. Level 2 or Level 3 weapons, against good shooters can make Fades useless. If you added any kind of "cooldown" to his shadow step, you'd just end up with a useless class. By most experienced players, the Fade is already considered underwhelming. Yes, they move fast but they take damage very quickly. Their energy costs are pretty well balanced as their blink ability + swiping marines/buildings can deplete quickly and make you a very easy target. They can also still be shot during their specialty movements, so stray bullets can pick off a weak one even by accident.

    Skulks and their jumping are intentional. You gain a 15% speed increase by jumping off a wall as a skulk. Skulks do circumvent, sneak around and ambush.. but that's a skill level kind of thing. If I'm playing in a public server as skulk, I usually don't mind my tactics because I know I can outmaneuver a less skilled marine in a straight hallway. If it's a high skill set I'm playing against, I'm not going to be behave so stupidly. No, a skulk shouldn't win coming straight down a hallway (jumping or not) against a marine. They don't, unless there is a larger skill discrepancy.

    Both of these creatures are supposed to be fast, difficult to hit, easy to kill creatures* in their own different way. Skulks are the base level, fast, disposable creature thats best served in packs and the Fade as a higher damage, assassin capable of disrupting enemies wherever they are, before they can react.

    *Fade in NS1 was much more of a bullet tank than it is now.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

  • sHawke_NativesHawke_Native Join Date: 2012-12-20 Member: 175650Members
    fades are very weak they have low armor practically none, the skulk is on purpose if this wasnt adjusted yet it wont be, and have you ever played alien? it seems to be you are a new player that only plays marines play both sides before you judge
  • AurOn2AurOn2 COOKIES&#33; FREEDOM, AND BISCUITS&#33; Australia Join Date: 2012-01-13 Member: 140224Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Forum staff
  • CsaeCsae Join Date: 2012-11-17 Member: 172145Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2049357:date=Dec 21 2012, 01:38 PM:name=Omar - The Wire)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Omar - The Wire @ Dec 21 2012, 01:38 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2049357"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Judging from your registration today (and mainly your post) I'm assuming you're a newer player. Probably even from the Steam sale? Nothing wrong with that.

    I suggest you get a bit more experienced before you write off things as hard.

    Fades are paper thin against any shotgun + weapons upgrades. Level 2 or Level 3 weapons, against good shooters can make Fades useless. If you added any kind of "cooldown" to his shadow step, you'd just end up with a useless class. By most experienced players, the Fade is already considered underwhelming. Yes, they move fast but they take damage very quickly. Their energy costs are pretty well balanced as their blink ability + swiping marines/buildings can deplete quickly and make you a very easy target. They can also still be shot during their specialty movements, so stray bullets can pick off a weak one even by accident.

    Skulks and their jumping are intentional. You gain a 15% speed increase by jumping off a wall as a skulk. Skulks do circumvent, sneak around and ambush.. but that's a skill level kind of thing. If I'm playing in a public server as skulk, I usually don't mind my tactics because I know I can outmaneuver a less skilled marine in a straight hallway. If it's a high skill set I'm playing against, I'm not going to be behave so stupidly. No, a skulk shouldn't win coming straight down a hallway (jumping or not) against a marine. They don't, unless there is a larger skill discrepancy.

    Both of these creatures are supposed to be fast, difficult to hit, easy to kill creatures* in their own different way. Skulks are the base level, fast, disposable creature thats best served in packs and the Fade as a higher damage, assassin capable of disrupting enemies wherever they are, before they can react.

    *Fade in NS1 was much more of a bullet tank than it is now.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    And it did more damage, infact all alien classes did more damage in ns1.

    Are you perhaps playing with a gamepad/controller ? This is a very competitive precision game, i'd be mighty impressed by anyone being able to keep up with a skulk using a controller.
  • RenkiRenki Join Date: 2012-12-21 Member: 175768Members
    Yes, i am a new player, but not such a new player... And no, i do not play with a gamepad. :) And yes, i played both sides, i wouldn't make any comments, if i hadn't.
    Ok, i have to say, that my post was maybe a bit too aggressive, but it is only a suggestion.
    The thing is, that i noticed that one skulk can kill one, two or even more guys at the same time, but i never saw the other way round. Nearly the same with the fade.
    The Problem is, that your rifle is mostly empty after the first one... And after this thought i searched for a reason and I came to the conclusion that it is up to the jumps.
    I do not want to have a complete change, but a bit. In my opinion for a better balancing.
  • CsaeCsae Join Date: 2012-11-17 Member: 172145Members
    edited December 2012
    I can kill two skulks as a marine before reloading... and i'm not a great shot.

    Its a fully automatic rifle but it does not mean you need to hold the fire button down ; ) I think it takes around 10 bullets to kill a skulk with no upgrades on both sides...

    Once the fades come out, its shotties time. Fade is 50res, shotty is 20res, two shotties will instantly kill a fade up close, a shottie player can take out 3 skulks easily before reloading since its ideally a 1shot deal, you get 8shots, lets say you take two shots per skulk, 6shots 2 spares.

    Once you learn to move as a marine (Never backup, watch the videos) you will not have this issue anymore.

    One of the things i picked up, is that once i tracked a skulk for a second, i let go of the trigger, i find the dmg usually catches up in 10ms or so and he dies. Alot of new marines make some basic mistakes against skulks:

    1- Backing up = no no
    2- Holding down the fire button = no no (skulks love you reloading)
    3- Firing after the skulk is dead = you can easily empty a clip into an already dead skulk and have the other munch happily
    4- not switching to their pistols. = slightly faster than reloading but does more damage once that pesky armor is gone.
  • MiniH0wieMiniH0wie Join Date: 2007-11-25 Member: 63013Members
    <!--quoteo(post=2049573:date=Dec 21 2012, 06:40 PM:name=Renki)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Renki @ Dec 21 2012, 06:40 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2049573"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Yes, i am a new player, but not such a new player... And no, i do not play with a gamepad. :) And yes, i played both sides, i wouldn't make any comments, if i hadn't.
    Ok, i have to say, that my post was maybe a bit too aggressive, but it is only a suggestion.
    <b>The thing is, that i noticed that one skulk can kill one, two or even more guys at the same time, but i never saw the other way round. Nearly the same with the fade.</b>The Problem is, that your rifle is mostly empty after the first one... And after this thought i searched for a reason and I came to the conclusion that it is up to the jumps.
    I do not want to have a complete change, but a bit. In my opinion for a better balancing.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    This right here tells me you haven't played enough and might be playing with a lot of other new players.

    It not uncommon to see a single marine take out 3-4 skulks. Granted this is not all with one rifle clip, usually it takes 2 clips and possibly some shots from the pistol. I've seen marines jump and dodge skulks long enough to reload their rifle and pistol.
    Give it some time, you see these things happen too.
  • KazelKazel Join Date: 2012-12-22 Member: 175939Members
    Csae has it right.

    Skulks with no carapace have 70HP(+10 armor), this is nothing! Their only defense is speed and agility. Your job as a marine is to stay as far away from them as possible, give yourself a good line of sight, and stick in groups.

    I find that when a skulk is already at your feet, instead of spraying as you back up(which is what most new players do), it is far better to fire in controlled bursts and jump OVER the skulk. As they lunge at you most new skulk players will try and munch at your feet which makes jumping over them extremely easy. This disorients them to a great degree as it looks to them like they bit at a guy's feet and as their jaws opened back up he disappeared.

    Step 1: Stay in groups.

    Step 2: Jump over them and put a buncha bullets in their skull.
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