[Player] [Med+] [Fade] breasthound

prevertbreasthoundprevertbreasthound Join Date: 2003-10-28 Member: 22089Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
<div class="IPBDescription">LF Clan</div>I am looking to join a clan with medium to high experience in the North American region. I was previously the leader of clan Natural Erection but too many members lost interest in NS2 for me to want to continue reforming the team.

NS1 Competitive: 3+ years
NS2 Competitive: A few months (mostly the current Season 1 NSL)

8PM EST or later most nights.

On aliens I usually play straight fade but can lerk/gorge well if needed.
I have a mic
23 years old

To Contact:
Search for breasthound on steam or visit here to add me
<a href="http://steamcommunity.com/id/suladead/" target="_blank">http://steamcommunity.com/id/suladead/</a>


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