MAC Stupidity Fix + Rebalancing

SpoffySpoffy Join Date: 2013-01-06 Member: 177871Members

I'm looking to create two mods, namely a fix for the MAC's AI and rebalancing of the aliens vs Marines, especially early game/with few marine players.

First things first, the MACs:

1. They detect things to fix in a very small area. Change this to be a certain radius/per room.
2. When given a weld order, they often go and complete the order, then sit around. I'm thinking notably of mechs here which move. Make the weld order be maintained if applied to a mech or (possibly) building.
3. Make them flee when attacked/auto-emp.

Secondly, Alien Rebalancing:

1. Make the Onos' primary have a knockback. This could perhaps make it a little less overpowered, especially as they can be spammable late game.
2. Implement Alien spawn timers, reminiscent of the vehicle cooldowns in Planetside 2, for evolutions. This timer would scale with marine numbers. This is due to the issue of 2 marines vs 2 aliens (Commanders excluded), aliens can usually come out significantly on top. This is due to the fact one alien will tend to beat one marine, almost always if the alien is played well. This means while the marines have to travel together, one alien can hunt them, one can capture. This persists until ~5 marines or so, whereby they can spread/push enough to make progress. Generally, the more players, the fairer the matches get.
3. Increase decay rate when cysts die. I mean, things die so slowly. Not sure if this will work.

I've certainly narrowed down the balance issues to a few problems, I think:
1. Aliens can capture a LOT earlier on, compared to Marines.
2. Aliens, 1v1, tend to be more powerful than a marine, regardless of weaponry. I know that a single fade can kill a mech, a single skulk a marine (Armed with anything, if good). This unbalances low population maps.
3. Onos can be amassed and will generally beat any mech 1v1, especially with MACs being stupid. Though this wouldn't be an issue if the early game wasn't so one sided that Aliens can capture everything.
4. Alien structures don't need help to grow. This frees aliens up to do valuable things like.. kill.

I'd appreciate any thoughts on these changes.

I fully intend on implementing these as I've programmed a fair bit of lua before, so don't expect this to be a wasted exercise. Hopefully ;)



  • TimMcTimMc Join Date: 2012-02-06 Member: 143945Members
    Personally I just think someone should implement a 'combat mode lite' that turns on when less than 4v4. No commanders, just killing eachother until the numbers join.

    Small games just go crazy, with commanders spamming structures everywhere.
  • SpoffySpoffy Join Date: 2013-01-06 Member: 177871Members
    That is... quite a good idea, actually. I might have a look at implementing that when my current mod is done. Certainly something needs to be done. I've noticed that small games are heavily Alien skewed, medium games (7v7 is really the minimum, or about there) fairly balanced, large games fairly balanced, possibly skewed a little towards marines, though I might well be wrong there.
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