[Project] Comprehensive Tutorial Videos for Newbies
Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members

in Squad Five
Yeah, so, most of the videos in the "Tutorials" menu of the game suck. Even the good ones are out of date - the best is the advanced Skulk tutorial but the walljump mechanic has changed since then. So I made some videos to fix this. <a href="http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCfp7klrYmz-0NcwKiMS-Lb5KXp666Pgc&feature=view_all" target="_blank">Here is the YouTube playlist with my videos</a> and <a href="http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=121296534" target="_blank">here is the Steam guide</a>. If anyone has any suggestions for improvements or additional videos let me know. NS2 is a hard game to learn and the game doesn't make it easier - videos like these are the first step for turning newbies into happy players rather than people who give up because it's too complex and never play NS2 again.
The quality, the voice, the style is different for each video. They're incredibly long and disjointed in some of them. That's the byproduct of having them produced by different people.
They need to be categorized, edited down and grouped efficiently. Dialogue needs to be kept clear, direct and to the point with no filler. It's a tutorial, not a trailer.
This rough outline would be 1 Intro Video, 5 Marine videos, 7-9~ Alien videos, each no longer than 5 minutes unless necessary time runs that long. (more likely with Aliens than not)
Intro Video: Explanation of team objectives, game overview and asymmetrical style along with general goals on every map (Tech points and RTs)
Marine: Gameplay Style Overview
- Commander Overview
- Marine Weaponry and Support Gear
- Basic Marine positioning and tactics.
- Basic Commanding Tactics along with standard Do's and Don'ts
Alien Gameplay Overview
- Khammander Overview
- Tech tree explanation along with structure nuances and abilities
- Life form overview
- Skulk basics and gameplay style.
- Gorge basics and gameplay style.
- Lerk basics and gameplay style.
- Fade basics and gameplay style.
- Onos basics and gameplay style.
i'm struggling to find any good tutorials to show my friends, so they can see what ns2 is all about.
i would like to help you in your endeavors, but i don't have any editing skills...
what i can offer you, is to translate your videos into german and help you in any other way i can!
I'm very interested! I already made one and linked it in the OP.
Omar, I pretty much made all the videos you listed, although mine are combined a bit more (all of the non-commander Marine stuff is in one video, basically).
Whooper, you can link your friends to the videos I posted in the OP if you want. If you want to translate them too, go right ahead! I could add the subtitles to YouTube.
good stuff you got there!
Omar, That is the issue with a lot of tutorials. and the reason the NS2 tut's are so 'chaotic' in terms of view-ability is the very fact that they are all done by sole poeple not organized together.
Which is why we need to gather people, remake videos (pain in the ass but needs to be done), and create a series that helps people get into the game. Who knows even UE might back us up in terms of promo's.
But we need to take this by baby steps. Get a pilot out that shows the 'style' of teaching we will be approaching, get a list of lessons we need to teach, break it down to a novice level. Then we can bring it up to advanced levels to help people get into the competitive side of things.