Soldier need ammo soldier need ammo soldier....

ExoskelettExoskelett Join Date: 2012-12-18 Member: 175509Members, Reinforced - Supporter
Well since im playing alot of times commander ive found many kids wich are not even allowed the play the game abusing the shortcut shouts.

ive seen tons of those people requesting ammo for 1000 times within a second and you guys need to do something about that abuse while you cant ban or votekick them on servers.

there should be several ways to get avoid of those kids:

removing their voicerights ( no more ammo or healthpack requests)
adding votekick / Voteban for voiceabuse
adding cooldown or kick them if abuse.

in my eyes theres anyway no need for people wich are destroying the commander's game fun - so i guess an kick after 4x times requesting medpacks should be a good choice.

no matter what you guys do but this needs to be fixed - a single marine troll will spamm so much, thats just unbelievable and really disturbing.


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