Some suggestions for the minimap

wollofwollof Join Date: 2013-02-09 Member: 182925Members
First of all, this is the first time i post on this forum so im sorry if i post something in the wrong thread.

1. My main problem with NS2 is that it can be hard to figure out what location I am at, and also navigate through the map, and somethimes the maps feels like a big labyrinth. And bring up the map by pressin c does not always help a lot because I use a lot of time to just find the arrow that shows my location, because the arrow is the same color and size as everyghing else. What about making the location arrow either a little bigger or with another color, or a combination of both?

2. I see that when you play with friends from steam they show as green color in the stats screen. what about making them green on the minimap as well, so that its easier to find them in the game?

3. What about "fog of war", so that structures that the team have discovered stays on the map until they get destroyed?

- WolloF -


  • WildChickenWildChicken Join Date: 2004-08-25 Member: 30891Members, Constellation
    I'd say the location arrow is fairly obvious.

    The green color in the stats screen indicates "rookie" status, which means you've played less than 4 hours of NS2. There's no system for keeping track of your friends ingame yet, unfortunately. Would love to see this implemented, though optionally (when we're playing 6v6, everyone on the team is on my friends list anyways).

    As for 3, you used to be able to parasite structures, UWE removed that for reasons unknown and so it seems unlikely they'd implement some other means of permanent tracking of structures instead.
  • wollofwollof Join Date: 2013-02-09 Member: 182925Members
    Hey WildChicken. thanks for the reply :)

    1. I guess there is a lot of people that find it obvious, but then again I dont think I am the only one that find it a little hard. It's not like i use 1 minute to find the arrow, but some times about 3-5 seconds, and in some cases that is valuable time in NS2. There is so many games that have better solutions so that you only use 0.5-1 second to locate yourself, so why shouldent NS2 have the same? :/ And i would love to see that as an option to choose another color.

    2. Ok, dident know the green ment "rookie", thanks, now i learned something to day as well :) but then its 4 hours per server i guess? because i have played way more then 4 hours NS2. But since that means "rookie", i would love to see another color for your friends on the stats screen as well. but as you say, optional is proboably best, i know i would love that option. Now i only have 3 friends that play NS2 so if we join a game with a lot of other players it would absolutely help us a lot to track eachother and play as a group.

    3. I think its weird that its not possible any more, NS2 is a mix between RTS and FPS after all, so i see no reason why ther should not be some sort of fog of war:/
  • CalegoCalego Join Date: 2013-01-24 Member: 181848Members, NS2 Map Tester
    When you first press c to open the map the arrow is large and faded, then it sort of shrinks to pinpoint where you are. It takes a bit to get used to, especially having little to no knowledge of the maps. The map for Mineshaft is abysmal. Cave/Cavern/Crusher is all one big blob and I'm sure there are still some passages I've no idea about, but for most maps the map is pretty helpful.

    I'd agree with having friends show up a different color. It's always a nice feature.

    Hives and chairs have a little icon that sticks to their location in the world, it's not the most helpful, but it shows up once someone discovers it and it sticks around. I personally don't think FoW is a bad thing, but I don't think NS2 needs it. Since the maps are generally small and the game play is fairly repetitive but always changing, residual icons left on the map wouldn't help much. All the same, it wouldn't hinder anything either.

    It's sort of expected that you can keep a mental image of the state of the map in your head based off of the information that your teammates should be channeling into the comm via mic.
  • MacrosMacros Join Date: 2013-02-01 Member: 182719Members
    wollof wrote: »
    3. What about "fog of war", so that structures that the team have discovered stays on the map until they get destroyed?

    I like this idea :)
  • HamletHamlet Join Date: 2008-08-17 Member: 64837Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited February 2013
    All the players who already racked up 500+ hours with the game are blind to your problem now, because they know all the maps like the back of their hand and even know all the rooms' names.

    If I remember my first few hours in the game correctly, I had the same problem as you had. The arrow animation faded too fast so I had to play "Where is Waldo?" with the minimap, but instead of Waldo's striped pullover I kept searching for Arrow... it was frustrating to say the least.

    --> It would help if the animation was longer or the player arrow was easier to spot because of its colour.

    As I said. All the pros are blind to this problem by now. We don't need the minimap to figure out where we are anymore, we know it before the minimap opens and we just use it to check on the overall situation.
  • wollofwollof Join Date: 2013-02-09 Member: 182925Members
    Ok Hamlet, I agree with you, the more i play the easier it gets to navigate around, but i am still playing "where is Waldo?", And I dont have time to play that much, i will proboably reach 500 hours in a couple of years. but once in a while I love to play a game or two, or 10 :D So i would love to have the option to change the colors of the arrows. And I dont think its the hardest thing to add to the game?

    And I also like the idea of having the option to change the speed of the arrow animation :)
  • nsguynsguy Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69869Members
    When I started playing the game the first feedback I gave was regarding the map, but of course response here was that it is perfect as it is and I should just learn to play the game. These people know nothing about usability unfortunately - not that you must be a specialist to be able to tell that something isn't as intuitive as it should/could be. I stated that the map is not detailed enough. You can't see elevation and you can't see where a lot of paths are, especially around Cave. I've learned the maps now, but I completely agree that the map needs fixing. I expect no changes though as nothing but a single bug fix that I mentioned when the game came out has been implemented, regardless that people repeat the same problems over and over again.
  • CalegoCalego Join Date: 2013-01-24 Member: 181848Members, NS2 Map Tester
    Don't forget also that you can look in the upper left corner of the screen an it will tell you the room you're in. That can help with the waldo hunt, which now that I am paying attention to it, is annoying. I'm all for a slight color change for the arrow. I don't think it needs to be too much of a change, just a little one to call itself forward.
  • soccerguy243soccerguy243 Join Date: 2012-12-22 Member: 175920Members, WC 2013 - Supporter
    the mini map shows several areas that look like they are connected but actually are dead ends. There's one near central drilling. There was no indication that my arrow on the mini map wouldn't be able to make the turn until i got there and it was a wall instead of a hallway.
  • wollofwollof Join Date: 2013-02-09 Member: 182925Members
    I totally agree with you soccerguy! And i feel there is a lot of those dead ends :/
  • wollofwollof Join Date: 2013-02-09 Member: 182925Members
    Yes Calego, the info in the upper left corner is helpful indeed :) but still think the minimap need a little upgrade.

    Of course there is a lot of people that is happy with the way it is, thats ok. but i would love to see some options that you can adjust yourself for the minimap, then i would set another color for myself (probably purple or red), and i would love to have my steam friends show up as the same green color that rookies show up with in the stats window, and have rookies show with a sign or badge instead of the green color.
  • RippsyRippsy Join Date: 2013-01-16 Member: 179921Members
    the mini map shows several areas that look like they are connected but actually are dead ends. There's one near central drilling. There was no indication that my arrow on the mini map wouldn't be able to make the turn until i got there and it was a wall instead of a hallway.
    wollof wrote: »
    I totally agree with you soccerguy! And i feel there is a lot of those dead ends :/

    Absolutely a huge problem in my opinion - area's on the map which look passable, but which are blocked. There are many of these, and learning them is a game itself. It really should be clear which way to go from the map alone so you can play your route.
  • wollofwollof Join Date: 2013-02-09 Member: 182925Members
    And there is also a lot of the ventilations for the aliens to move aroud in that doesnt show properly as well. for eksample in the map Veil, in cargo bay, there is a ventilation on the right side that dosnt show properly on the map, i just discovered it by a mistake :p
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