UWE should ride the fail wave of Aliens:Colonial Marines
I can mspaint Join Date: 2003-05-23 Member: 16635Members

So Aliens: Colonial marines is quite possibly one of the worst games to come out recently. And I bet there are a heap of people out there still wanting to scratch that marines vs aliens style gameplay - and NS2 could be the itch scratcher they need. UWE should take this opportunity to do a trailer or some kind of quite promotion to get those people on board.
btw here are some comparisons of the Aliens Colonial Marines game being compared to what the advertising material was and what the actual released game looks like.

Oh and in multiplayer the wall walking is laughable
btw here are some comparisons of the Aliens Colonial Marines game being compared to what the advertising material was and what the actual released game looks like.

Oh and in multiplayer the wall walking is laughable
Big big big 'oooooooooppppsss.'
Shows just how decent the team at UWE really is, they can *actually* deliver.
The people disappointed with that game are already frustrated enough at the lack of visual quality. Then add getting sold into a game that currently has performance issues?
I think they would be even more harsh.
ns2 is 10/10 compared to A:CM
that and the NS community is mega fussy (which isn't a bad thing, means the game ends up super polished) but i think for most usual gamers they won't even notice any issues in ns2
I think you may not be experiencing the full affect of the performance issues if you think nobody will notice.
I'm quite sure that NS2 blows CM out of the water in terms of gameplay. The performance issues cannot be ignored though.
Far as I remember, Spark can still actually do that stuff in real-time.
I'd really like to see a 'horror' map put in, that would really use the Spark lighting system to its full capabilities for once.
I am an idiot, I think people actually want to hear that shitty rifle firing sound at some time after 1998.
OOOOOOPPPPPPSSSSS. We have played NS2, we don't like vacuum cleaners any more.
I have had BL FANATIC flatmates (more than one) cuss BL2 right out of my 'suggested co-op' folder, apparently it was just that bad.
In short: apparantly they outsourced the main campaign and DLC to some other developers, while doing the MP bit themselves. They we're still busy developing Bordelands 2, which seemed to have priority, so the release date for A:CM kept getting pushed back. Ultimately they saw the campaign was awful, but SEGA had enough of all the delays, so Gearbox shipped this monstrosity to avoid further conflict.
If only they concentrated on making one game at a time, giving A:CM some proper treatment.
Anyway, I'd expect, with some press coverage for the Gorgeous update and possibly a free weekend, we'll be seeing a lot of disgruntled fans coming this way.
Reminds me of WarZ
Nah, srsly. It could work if you place some advice to the (in any way better) NS2 in the forum threads of game magazines as long as the rage is going in there. NS2 greatest lag is, that many people don't even know about that game or ignore it because they think its another "default-shooter".
And at the topic: NS2 is aliens vs marines, yes, but people who bought A:CM would most likely expect a good single player game. I don't know if the NS2 multiplayer is enough. Especially when people who don't know NS2 but NS1 buy it and expect something different. Or expect a perfect game since the memory of a bought not-so-perfect game is still around the corner
I agree but I think it has to do with this shoehorning into the FPS genre companies like to do *COUGH*Syndicate*COUGH*. Why not do a throwback to Alien (rather than Aliens) and do a survival horror game? Sounds more unique and an interesting jaunt into a genre that hasn't had many entries as of late.
I'd blame SEGA more than Gearbox though. They have a track record of forcing games out that aren't ready. That does not completely absolve Gearbox.
Relevant RPS: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2013/02/13/who-made-aliens-heres-what-we-sorta-know/
The timing of it is pretty great, what with the Gorgeous Update happening soon. A good trailer (of ingame footage, unlike what A:CM had!), if the disappointed fans find it, probably will convince them to jump ship. Hooray for more rookies!
If this poster here is legit, it sounds more like Gearbox didn't hold word with its contractors.
You can't sing contracts with 2 publishers about 2 games, when you don't have the capabilities to develop 2 games at the same time. And than outsourcing the development? Srsly? How did they ever think this could work?
You can't, that is exactly right. However SEGA should have stepped in, looked at that trash and not pushed it out. Ultimately they are the ones who put it on the market.
Why are you here?
At shows like GamesCom, PAX-East, and E3 I walked around the ACM super-booths in awe. I spoke to ACM PR reps and they had no idea what NS was. I watched the demos (especially the E3 one) and thought... 'How can we possibly stand up to these guy on the aliens v marine stage?' I walked around the Power Loader in multiple countries and shook my head at the poor luck of having to face this Sega/Gearbox monster in our launch window.
Now, I'm filled with sadness. Sadness at being an Aliens fan and not being able to experience LV-426 like I had imagined I would. Sadness that we spent so much time being afraid of a game that we have beaten on Metacritic by 38 points. Sadness that the launch trailer for ACM probably cost more than 30% of the entire development budget of NS2.
With that marketing machine, with that moneypot, with that kind of development time, with that kind of bullet-proof intellectual property, ACM should have been an absolute hit.
No, UWE won't be milking the poor reception of ACM. To do so would make us wankers, it would be dishonorable. Remember when Warfighter exploded? Activision ran a targeted ad campaign hitting every single Warfighter keyword with CODBLOPSII pre-rolls and banners. I'm sure it got them sales. But it also said much about the kind of company they are.
There is a very subtle aliens reference in the Gorgeous Trailer, but it was scripted in long, long ago. Well before we even realized ACM was landing at the same time as the update. Now, I just hope the press won't can us for 'trying to milk failure.'
EDIT: Corrected Meta-critic differential to 38 from miscalculated 30.
The first AVP was an amazing atmospheric experience, probably the best of the series IMO. Very pants-shitting scary at times.
My only complaint towards AVP2 was that it was TOO cinematic, you never needed the motion tracker as every time an enemy was going to charge you the music got all dramatic 2-3 seconds before the walls burst. Still an excellent game.
It's all been downhill from there tho
Milk it, milk it hard.
posts are all the same. bot? :idk:
idk how anyone couldn't have seen this coming.
Skillfully deceptive marketing. Those guys earned their pay, too bad the actual devs couldn't deliver.