How do you win marines on NS2?

chibimikechibimike Join Date: 2007-09-09 Member: 62232Members

Serious post, haven't seen more then 2 marine wins in about a week and I have yet to lose a game on aliens...

How do marines work? What strategy should we be using on here Arcs the key? I never see Arcs really? Would love to see some more wins or some info on marines because right now it just feels like work to play marines and aliens is all nice and laid back and easy.


  • Rich_Rich_ Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167152Members
    Never go in groups smaller than 3. Go where commander says. Get 2nd base. Get phase gates. Get resources (always in groups of 3 or more). Build protolab. Start making pushes set up phase gates and armory as close to where you will push as safely possible. Attack in groups of 3 or more. You will almost always succeed if this is done. It's when marines start wondering off on their own, and being bad thinking it's call of duty and you point and click at pretty colors, that's how you lose games. It's not call of duty, and the people that make this mistake are always the ones complaining about aliens being over powered. The reality, if you play the game the way it's made to be played, is that if anyone is over powered, it's the marines.
  • VolcanoVolcano Join Date: 2011-07-27 Member: 112496Members, Constellation
    egg lock and take the hive works 10% of the time they are odds worth betting on
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited February 2013
    Never go solo, group of 2 (skilled) marines minimum, 3+ if unskilled (3 prob still die though if unskilled). Like Jekt said, attack harvesters, you should ALWAYS be attacking (and killing) their harvesters, the moment you start defending your own res nodes instead of attacking theirs, the aliens have won. Expand quickly then just hammer the aliens back into their hives (keep hitting res), if you manage to keep them down to one hive, that's game, two hives, if properly pressured, and enough res was killed early, you can probably win.

    Unlike aliens where a single player can carry the whole team (maybe not in 12v12, but definitely in 8v8) marines need the whole team (in 8v8, maybe not for 12v12) to be somewhat competent, and not to stand around in base doing nothing expecting to defend.

    EDIT: ARCS are map specific, Tram, arcs, Docking, arcs. Summit, probably not arcs unless you're filthy rich.
    Always get JP's first NOT exos, if you're rich enough you can get exos later (though you shouldn't need them).
  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    Jekt wrote: »
    Attack harvesters, constantly.
    This and killing many skulks along the way :)
  • SampsonSampson Join Date: 2012-01-06 Member: 139769Members
    as jekt said, kill harvesters. most of the marine power is to hold a position and harass it. try to hold a hive (or 2 if lucky) and use pgs to keep marines there... if you can hold a couple hives.. u prob will win
  • ResRes Join Date: 2003-08-27 Member: 20245Members
    edited February 2013
    The wins on the marines side is highly dependant on how well they know map strategies and awareness. Such as what areas to take over first depending on map and spawn location, arc locations, what mistakes not to make on a given map, speed at which attacks are responded to, which upgrades to get first and etc....

    Aliens on the other hand don't need to hardly know all of this at all. If you have a marine team that knows all this, your chances of winning as a marine skyrocket. However, a lot of pub players are oblivious to all this, but if you find the right server that has lots of regular players this won't be the case and you'll see a lot more marine wins on those servers.
  • irEricirEric Join Date: 2012-11-20 Member: 172615Members
    Ghosthree3 wrote: »
    Like Jekt said, attack harvesters, you should ALWAYS be attacking (and killing) their harvesters, the moment you start defending your own res nodes instead of attacking theirs, the aliens have won.

    This should be the first commandment of marine play(Maybe I'll start a thread on this). Keep mental notes of how many harvesters are up. Normally aliens will sit on 4 and win. Determining which to attack is like chess(not really lol) but if you read the game right you know when to step into their base or when to pick off non-base nodes. Do it right and the pressure shifts and the income as well. Also, use guns. 6 clips w0, 5 clips w1. Then ask for ammo.

    Solo is situational but high risk. Depending on how concentrated the alien focus is on the alpha team, may afford you a solo marine to take out upgrades or base harvesters.

    Now for my own addition.

    Offensive mines
    Early mines brought to forward positions. For instance, placing them as cover so you can pick off nodes from a distance. Even the best skulks can't avoid mines all the time.

    Commander support
    Drop meds and ammo. Even if you're low on res its worth it because letting your marines die is more detrimental to your economy than if you did drop meds.
  • ResRes Join Date: 2003-08-27 Member: 20245Members
    edited February 2013
    irEric wrote: »
    Commander support
    Drop meds and ammo. Even if you're low on res its worth it because letting your marines die is more detrimental to your economy than if you did drop meds.

    This is only true if the marines you are trying to support are trying to defend, take over a location or trying to hurt the alien economy.

    Supporting Marines that are fighting in an arbitrary area or not far from an armory or have no chance at all to begin with (ie: 2 onos fighting 3 marines) is a waste of resources.

  • BigTracerBigTracer Join Date: 2012-12-04 Member: 174169Members
    chibimike wrote: »

    Serious post, haven't seen more then 2 marine wins in about a week and I have yet to lose a game on aliens...

    How do marines work? What strategy should we be using on here Arcs the key? I never see Arcs really? Would love to see some more wins or some info on marines because right now it just feels like work to play marines and aliens is all nice and laid back and easy.

    You need to know only one
    word: PHASE GATES.

    You put Phase Gates in every room you reach. And then you travel with that cool weeeejj sound around the world. Eventually there will be so many phase gates it will be faster to reach your destination by feet.

    And then you'll get a ride on Onos Choo-Choo Train. Have a good day!
  • irEricirEric Join Date: 2012-11-20 Member: 172615Members
    Res wrote: »
    irEric wrote: »
    Commander support
    Drop meds and ammo. Even if you're low on res its worth it because letting your marines die is more detrimental to your economy than if you did drop meds.

    This is only true if the marines you are trying to support are trying to defend, take over a location or trying to hurt the alien economy.

    Supporting Marines that are fighting in an arbitrary area or not far from an armory or have no chance at all to begin with (ie: 2 onos fighting 3 marines) is a waste of resources.

    Well 2 onos against what 3 marines? w1 a1? well yeah sure. sounds like the game is lost anyways. I hope you'll agree that you forgot to mention that what i said is true for killing lifeforms as well.
    i.e. despite being in an arbitrary area clutching a fade/onos kill is worth it. I'm not encouraging any arbitrary front line tactics, just saying, that if it happens a marine runs into a high lifeform, that nano-medpack is still worth it.
  • GoldenGolden Join Date: 2004-09-01 Member: 31169Members, NS1 Playtester, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, WC 2013 - Silver, NS2 Community Developer
  • CiroCiro Join Date: 2013-01-09 Member: 178392Members
    More information would be helpful Chibimike:

    -What is your skill level?
    -What generally happens on your Marine teams? At what point do they start losing?
    -Do you plan to command or do you stick to being a foot soldier?
    -Do you have and use a mic?

    I've been playing on 24p servers a lot this week and a few 16p servers. It's been pretty even between races. I haven't had a marine losing streak since last year. I don't always win on Marines, but working with the Commander and the team helps get some memorable wins. I think communication is the biggest factor, going by the past week of games. A silent team is a disorganized team.
  • NeokenNeoken Bruges, Belgium Join Date: 2004-03-20 Member: 27447Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Silver, Subnautica Playtester
    edited February 2013

    The most important thing imo is that you have to move fast and be agressive. Expand to tech point, secure it, move out again. Don't linger around unecessarily. Take the fight to the aliens. Put the pressure on them instead of the other way around. If you hit a stronghold, don't waste too much time trying to break through. Adapt, move around, hit other targets. One of the biggest mistakes I see marines make quite often is getting sucked into a trench war on one side of the map while losing control of the other side. And hunt down those harvesters.

    Off course, you'll still have to win engagements to make it happen, so you'll need some good shots and a medpackspamming commander on your side.
  • hozzhozz Join Date: 2012-11-20 Member: 172660Members
    Usually (in pubs), Marines lose due to 2 reasons:
    • They are simply outplayed by the Skulks right from the very start of the game (e.g. when groups of 3 Marines get constantly killed by 2 Skulks). Nothing can be done about that, just even teams in the next game.
    • Marines fail to
      Jekt wrote: »
      Attack harvesters, constantly.
      This is *really* important.

    Let me explain the second point (the quote):
    Marines have a lot of advantages. They have ranged attacks and so they are more effective in groups. They can quickly lock down important locations with Armories, Mines, and later Phase Gates. Right from the start of the game, too, not just later.
    In short: Marines can quite easily and quickly take control of a part/room of the map if they go there in a bigger group. This is what NS2 is all about: you control the map, you win. You don't, you lose.

    Here's when attacking Harvesters comes into play. When Marines are attacking a Harvester, it means they are taking control of the map. They are doing the right thing to win the game. More importantly, they are NOT doing something useless. They are NOT wasting their time with something that effectively does NO damage to Aliens. They keep the pressure on Aliens.

    You can play NS2 by a simple rule: if you do NOT
    • a) kill Harvesters or prevent them from being built
    • b) secure and build Extractors
    • c) secure key locations to gain map control, in order to to do a) and b)
    you are NOT doing any meaningful damage to Aliens. You are NOT damaging the Aliens economy. You can kill one million skulks with your 1337 aiming skills, it does nearly NOTHING in terms of helping your team to win.

    So, in order for Marines to win, they need to do the above things. This means they must NOT do other things which do not do damage to Aliens, but waste the time of Marines. If you do anything for more than 2 minutes, and have not yet done a), b) or c), then you might as well be AFK in terms of how your team benefits from you. You are NOT making use of the Marines' advantages.

    Here are some random examples of what I often see making Marines lose:
    • Map: Mineshaft. Aliens are holding Deposit (left side Hive location) with a base, or simply a Gorge and some Clogs. A group of 3 Marines is constantly attacking Deposit (but not getting in).
      This does NO damage to the Alien economy. Meanwhile, because these Marines are missing, the rest can't hold the Repair Tech Point, can't hold Central Drilling, can't attack Aliens Harvesters in Crusher and Cavern, can't attack Cave... and because of this advantage, Aliens win. Marines could not use their advantages: going in big, powerful groups, securing locations, taking map control.
      These Marines attacking Deposit should have helped taking control of the rest of the map.
    • Map: Refinery. Marines split up: one half goes to Pipeworks (left Tech Point), the other goes to Smelting (right Tech Point). Because these locations a far apart and don't really allow good attacks on Alien Harvesters, often Marines lose one to a combined Alien attack, and then lose the game (even though they were holding 3 bases)
      A more successful alternative that I've seen is this: one half of Marines goes to Pipeworks, the other half gets Lava Falls (getting Phase Gates in both locations). From then on you can put pressure on Containment (top base), especially if Aliens didn't start there. You can attack Chasm and Conduit Harvesters. Aliens can't get Lava Falls for themselves. The only safe Harvesters Aliens will have are in their bases. Marines can better defend, because anybody attacking Pipeworks must go through Lava Falls (where you are) or Containment (which you are attacking), so the front line for Marines is much smaller (allowing them to use their advantages) and the front line for Aliens is much bigger (you can get between Alien Hive locations).
    • Any map. Marines have a good start. They secure bases and Harvesters. Lots of them. But then: they are in a defensive position, must defend their stuff from constant Alien attacks. They can't (or don't) really put pressure on Aliens. There is no obvious thing to do, and any bigger strategy breaks down unless the Commander is good. They waste money on turrets (defense) and are going in small groups on many small fronts (just think of single Exos going somewhere and dying). Aliens, in the mean time, bile the f##k out of everything, constantly attack base power nodes, etc. They wait until they have some better lifeforms, and then they attack one Marine base with a big group, and get it. From then on, it's downhill for Marines.
      In that case, a good Commander must make sure that Marines don't hold too many locations (so they have to defend all the time), that Marines stay together in bigger, more effective groups, and give a clear plan of what to attack next so you don't give aliens time to recover from the advantage that Marines have.

    TLDR: Marines lose when too many of them are doing useless things. Time is on the Aliens' side. Don't be useless. Attacking Harvesters and securing key locations in time (e.g. Locker Room on the Docking map) is a great way to NOT be useless.

    This sums it up very well, too:
    Rich_ wrote: »
    Never go in groups smaller than 3. Go where commander says. Get 2nd base. Get phase gates. Get resources (always in groups of 3 or more). Build protolab. Start making pushes set up phase gates and armory as close to where you will push as safely possible. Attack in groups of 3 or more. You will almost always succeed if this is done. It's when marines start wondering off on their own, and being bad thinking it's call of duty and you point and click at pretty colors, that's how you lose games. It's not call of duty, and the people that make this mistake are always the ones complaining about aliens being over powered. The reality, if you play the game the way it's made to be played, is that if anyone is over powered, it's the marines.
  • sotanahtsotanaht Join Date: 2013-01-12 Member: 179215Members
    edited February 2013
    I wouldn't say NEVER go in less than three. You can have one or two marines killing an undefended harvester, or if they see an opening maybe even an upgrade in the alien base. But yeah, marines should always be killing something that costs the alien commander resources. ESPECIALLY early in the game. The alien economy is extremely vulnerable for the first 2-3 minutes, if you can kill 2 harvesters in that time you probably already secured a win in the long run.
  • bERt0rbERt0r Join Date: 2005-03-23 Member: 46181Members
    Always go solo and get a PC which gives you decent fps. Attack alien structures, dont bother with killing skulks. Don't be frustrated if you die, focus on dealing economic damage. Only buy shotgun if aliens have a fade or you want to hit a hive and kill upgrades.
  • YuukiYuuki Join Date: 2010-11-20 Member: 75079Members
    Stop attacking every cysts and building every power-node on the map, just move to RT's or upgrade chambers and kill them.
  • RoobubbaRoobubba Who you gonna call? Join Date: 2003-01-06 Member: 11930Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    No one has yet mentioned upgrades, so I thought I'd add that to the mix. If your marines are good shots, weapons upgrades will make them really, really nasty for the aliens. Armour 3 marines are very frustrating to aliens as well. These upgrades really help an attacking marine team stay alive so they can put out more damage to the alien economy, and better control the map.
  • DestherDesther Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165195Members
    Don't let aliens take 3 RTs and get some egg kills
  • nezznezz Join Date: 2012-12-11 Member: 174712Members
    pressure aliens more then what they pressure you.
  • _Necro__Necro_ Join Date: 2011-02-15 Member: 81895Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Much truth in this thread.

    I think you just need to understand what does damage and what not. If marines are fighting skulks in an area it does no damage to aliens. Even if they kill the skulks, the aliens have won something. And this something is time. And time is resources. The aliens need no manpower to get extractors running. So if a few skulks can occupy a few marines for a minute, they won time. Marines that are shooting at skulks do no damage to buildings. You can damage the aliens only by 2 ways: Killing buildings (especially harvesters) to decrease the t-res pool or killing higher life forms to decrease the p-res pool.

    Ok, there is one thing more: Occupying tech points so aliens can't get all upgrades is also important. But the overall point is that you understand what you can do to damage the enemy team. Killing a skulk feels like damaging the enemy. But in reality it is not. Killing skulks is only necessary to take or defend map control. But the killing is only secondary to reach the goal.
  • [AwE]Sentinel[AwE]Sentinel Join Date: 2012-06-05 Member: 152949Members
    Don't forget your upgrades. You should have lvl2 upgrades at the 9 min mark. I know it is hard to get the res when it is not going the way you want it, but instead of redropping the same 5 RTs over and over again, try to hold only 3 and invest the res in upgrades. I have seen many games where rines dominated the aliens and hold 70-80% of the map but as soon as higher lifeforms came out around the 9-12 min mark, the rines lost everything because they still had lvl0 upgrades. I mean, who can defend 3 bases with lvl0 upgrades?! ;)
  • JuCCiJuCCi Join Date: 2011-08-08 Member: 114961Members, NS2 Map Tester
    Smash head on keyboard.
  • MestaritonttuMestaritonttu Join Date: 2004-07-29 Member: 30229Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    To be honest, the only real reason marines lose is because of lack of aim.

    If your entire team is hanging around a solid 1 kd ratio, it's usually a pretty even game.

    But since Skulks are easier to get kills with by mashing your head into keyboard, aliens tend to win.
  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Marines play RTS first, FPS second. It really doesn't matter how good your team is aiming, if you're not putting proper pressure on the alien economy from the get go you will lose no matter what. Marines are effectively playing against an alien economic timebomb and it just makes for horrible gameplay.
  • CrushaKCrushaK Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167195Members, NS2 Playtester
    edited February 2013
    Just commanded four matches on marine side. The first three were an easy win without much to worry about. The key are really the players.
    They instinctively spread out in the begging, take one res node after another and set up in choke points so Skulks can't easily get behind our lines and contest them. With a constant res flow, it was easy to provide the team with forward armories and mines to hold those locations before I was even close to getting Phase Technology.
    If the game is going well, my build order is basically Armory -> Second IP -> 2x Extractor -> Observatory -> 2x Extractor -> Forward Armories -> Welder -> Mines -> Arms Lab -> Phase Technology -> Weapons 1 -> Armor 1 -> Shotguns -> Phase Gates -> Forward Observatory ->Command Station for Nanoshield and more IPs.

    The most important thing is that your marines can coordinate themselves well and have a good aim. If I can trust my team to hold a tech point against an equal number of Skulks without dying, then I can focus on more important things first than an instant Phase Gate. As the guys holding that location get reinforced from the main base, they set out to the next RT locations and contest them, so ideally we have 5-6 RTs and keep the aliens down at 3. Ideally we get one more Phase Gate close to the alien base so that they don't dare to go anywhere else and attack our RTs.
    If you have guys who are clever enough to instinctively group up in small groups and spread over the map, then it's really a dream as commander. They secured enemy RT locations before you even considered to take them. If a Gorge is blocking an entrance to a room, there is already coming a marine team on it's own from another side into that room and pick the Gorge off so that they can regroup with the guys coming from the other side.
  • Salraine_ChiSalraine_Chi Join Date: 2011-07-03 Member: 107669Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    How to win as Marines?

    Download and play the Marine v Marine mod from the Steam Workshop. Seems to be the only legitimate way these days. Sad but true fact.

  • RoobubbaRoobubba Who you gonna call? Join Date: 2003-01-06 Member: 11930Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    Try ENSL public gathers.

    Plenty of marine wins on there :-)
  • SavantSavant Join Date: 2002-11-30 Member: 10289Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Xarius wrote: »
    Marines play RTS first, FPS second. It really doesn't matter how good your team is aiming, if you're not putting proper pressure on the alien economy from the get go you will lose no matter what. Marines are effectively playing against an alien economic timebomb and it just makes for horrible gameplay.

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