Skulks In Gorgeous

HalfcentaurHalfcentaur Join Date: 2013-01-30 Member: 182612Members
Were there changes to how Skulks maneuver when attaching to walls and whatnot? I feel like I'm slowly down a lot whenever I jump on a wall or try to walk up a wall. There just seems to be some weird drag whenever I'm a skulk.
I'm curious if I'm just being crazy, or if this is actually a thing that was tweaked.


  • TyrsisTyrsis Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8804Members
    This definitely needs more attention. I hate when they screw with the basic movements of a life form like they always seem to do with skulks. Bring back the movement as it was, and change the bite/glacing hits if they want to nerf the skulk. Whatever they did makes it seem like the skulk is moving around in mud. You can't gain much gravity speed anymore, the leap is horrible now. At least with adren and the old speed you could keep up a bit with a jetpacker. Now it's impossible, and a useless fight.
  • FappuchinoFappuchino Join Date: 2012-10-10 Member: 162008Members
    ^ I think it's more important to know whether Skulks are fairer towards Marines. Of course you don't like it *now*, you were 'lighter' and quicker, and now it feels different. But balance takes precedence.

    I love that Skulks will visibly jump off of walls now (animations improved), and they're slower, making the fights fairer. Let's be honest, it's easier to mash the space bar and hold the left mouse button, than making 50 rounds count in a tight corridor with frame drops.
  • MisterNubsMisterNubs Join Date: 2012-03-01 Member: 147912Members
    Fappuchino wrote: »
    ^ I think it's more important to know whether Skulks are fairer towards Marines. Of course you don't like it *now*, you were 'lighter' and quicker, and now it feels different. But balance takes precedence.

    I love that Skulks will visibly jump off of walls now (animations improved), and they're slower, making the fights fairer. Let's be honest, it's easier to mash the space bar and hold the left mouse button, than making 50 rounds count in a tight corridor with frame drops.

    Thank god skulks have ranged options instead of being mostly a melee only focused unit.
  • GlissGliss Join Date: 2003-03-23 Member: 14800Members, Constellation, NS2 Map Tester
    edited March 2013
    I believe the restricted aircontrol was a good change. it was too silly how a Skulk could stay on the same wall at insane speeds and instantly 180 out of a room. there was no commitment necessary for any attack. now if you actually jump into a room you have to consider that you can't just be instantly bailed out with the ridiculous air acceleration. the chaining jumps mechanic is still not fully fleshed out and I would like to know what the ideal goal of the movement system is, instead of just making minor tweaks in response to balance issues.

    however, the ground acceleration should be reverted closer to its previous state. one of the most basic and useful things about Skulking is juking with A-D-A-D juking at a marine's feet, and it's pretty much impossible right now.
  • Vahn_PaktuVahn_Paktu Join Date: 2002-10-28 Member: 1666Members, Constellation
    Holding Ctrl to unstick from walls now slows you down to walk speed.
  • FappuchinoFappuchino Join Date: 2012-10-10 Member: 162008Members
    @ Communist, I think a mod should take a look at you. You're branding me a troll without presenting counter points, or making arguments that don't make it look like you spend 10 minutes playing as a Skulk in the new patch.
  • TimariusTimarius Join Date: 2012-11-15 Member: 171220Members
    MisterNubs wrote: »

    Thank god skulks have ranged options instead of being mostly a melee only focused unit.

    I'm not quite sure, but I'm hoping your post was sarcastic. (Italics helps!) Parasite is not really a ranged combat option outside of the beloved early game 1 para 2 bite system.

    I couldn't stand to stay Skulk in any of the games I've played since the patch. It just feels wrong. It feels as wrong to me as how strange the Lerk felt when it got fatter and lost the ability to 180 and accelerate away like a drag racer.
  • RainyCaturdayRainyCaturday Join Date: 2013-02-19 Member: 183202Members
    edited March 2013
    Fappuchino wrote: »
    ^ I think it's more important to know whether Skulks are fairer towards Marines. Of course you don't like it *now*, you were 'lighter' and quicker, and now it feels different. But balance takes precedence.

    I love that Skulks will visibly jump off of walls now (animations improved), and they're slower, making the fights fairer. Let's be honest, it's easier to mash the space bar and hold the left mouse button, than making 50 rounds count in a tight corridor with frame drops.

    Yes balance is important but good balance wouldn't take fun away from the game (I'm not saying skulks are not fun anymore). You can balance skulks while keeping the "fun" movement.

    Also, Skulks being slower plus the improved hitboxes and animations all add up to what people are feeling with the skulk right now. Slower and Easier to hit. A dip in "Fun Factor".

    I wish they would have saved these movement changes for when they do the walljumping adjustment patch. Instead of splitting them up.

    That said, I'm learning to get back up to my old speed with skulk and it's not to bad.
  • JAMESEARLJONOSJAMESEARLJONOS Join Date: 2012-12-15 Member: 175155Members
    Skulk movement feels awful now. Worst part is that it's a change that really doesn't effect average players at all, it just screws up the balance for higher end play. Bad players never used skulk movement options fully to begin with, but now good players simply don't have much to work with at all. Ugh.
  • ZekZek Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7962Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    I haven't played much with it yet, but the old system was too abrupt and jerky with the instant momentum shifts. Bunnyhopping was fast but predictable to a fault - NS2 air control was the opposite which just isn't fair to the marine.
  • SquishyOneSquishyOne Join Date: 2005-01-11 Member: 34963Members
    I like skulk movement better tbh. Not as a skulk obviously, but it fixes a lot of reg issues and is a simple change that helps bring balance back to the game. That said, with skulks this slow they need to fix celerity because it is a useless upgrade due to turning off when you are hit/attack and I have no idea why it does that. It's not like celerity has been overpowered at any point. Every competitive match has been carapace for months. If celerity actually became useful like in ns1 (where it was the main competitive upgrade) that would fix a lot of issues imo.
  • TyrsisTyrsis Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8804Members
    MisterNubs wrote: »

    Thank god skulks have ranged options instead of being mostly a melee only focused unit.

    I'm not entirely sure what "fairer" means. It was pretty fair as it was. It was a difficult fight against a good marine who could aim, and usually required at least 2 to take out one, but now you're just fodder, and will be lucky if 3 can take out one good guy due to how slow they move. The other issue is that it completely kills mid and late game skulking, due to how hard it is to close distance and bite on a shotgunner now with how weird leap functions. Time will tell I guess.
  • ritualsacrificeritualsacrifice Join Date: 2012-11-14 Member: 171148Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I don't find that it's limited to any ridiculous degree or anything... you just can't do some of the crazier things that you could before.
  • Kei-chanKei-chan Join Date: 2013-01-20 Member: 180898Members
    The skulk change has effectively ruined aliens for me. It's no longer fun to play when your basic unit is more or less target practice for the marines.
  • TyrsisTyrsis Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8804Members
    I don't find that it's limited to any ridiculous degree or anything... you just can't do some of the crazier things that you could before.

    The "crazier" stuff is where the skill actually was. Being able to use gravity + proper wall jump to close distance on marine was really the only way to kill a good player, and even then it was still a toss up especially if the marine knew how to properly inside shoot (fighting skulks inside melee range). Now it's just pure target practice.
  • ritualsacrificeritualsacrifice Join Date: 2012-11-14 Member: 171148Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Tyrsis wrote: »

    The "crazier" stuff is where the skill actually was. Being able to use gravity + proper wall jump to close distance on marine was really the only way to kill a good player, and even then it was still a toss up especially if the marine knew how to properly inside shoot (fighting skulks inside melee range). Now it's just pure target practice.

    rofl its like you think i haven't played the game before. walljumping is fine, as far as I can tell it's literally not any slower, you just can't get as crazy with it (like doing 180's off the wall at full speed).
  • bERt0rbERt0r Join Date: 2005-03-23 Member: 46181Members
    I have been waiting for this: L2P! Trololol.

    As long as I did not go for a kill, i was able to run and jump around marines for about a minute and watch them unload all their ammo into the walls. That's what you call skill, I call it broken hitreg. Learn to attack from multiple directions, ambush and use the same amount of teamwork the marines have learnt to do. It is called positioning.
  • JektJekt Join Date: 2012-02-05 Member: 143714Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited March 2013
    It isn't fun, that's my issue with the current movement system. Even if I agree that it produces a more sensible and predictable skulk, I don't find it engaging or fulfilling to play. I don't feel like there's anything to master.

    A movement system that provides flexibility, freedom, depth and predictability already exists. It hops.
  • elodeaelodea Editlodea Join Date: 2009-06-20 Member: 67877Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited March 2013
    er, what are you guys on about? You had me all worried that sewlek had done something horrific to skulk again :p, but after testing like 1 minute it's totally fine. Infact air control is still too high, as is each walljump speed boost. But in the context of the current walljump/skulk movement model, the numbers feel like they're in a better place. It also feels like the timing for repeated jumping to maintain momentum has been tightened a bit (a good thing).

    The less responsive strafing ADADAD thing is more the result of slightly lower ground acceleration than ground friction i believe, and i actually kinda like it. It might end up needing a very very slight tweak upwards, but it's good that you can no longer super rapidly ADAD to screw up your animation. Strafe dodging just requires that you use walljumps and environment now.
  • BigTracerBigTracer Join Date: 2012-12-04 Member: 174169Members
    Can't wait to try it out. I didn't expect a skulk nerf.
  • RippsyRippsy Join Date: 2013-01-16 Member: 179921Members
    edited March 2013
    I'm a big fan (so far) of the change to Skulk movement, I think the problems going to be it was 2 fixes and one balance to Skulks at the same time. So it feels like a huge nerf. Fixing animations, hit reg and then reducing ground accelerate means a lot of the old skulk movement tactics have changed.

    I believe this is a good thing, especially as @bertor has said - I frequently saw a Skulk who was virtually un-hittable jumping around in a Marine base drawing fire from 3/4 marines and not dying. Maybe there aim WAS that bad - but a base life form able to out manoeuvre 4 players who aren't firing from the same direction? That isn't good movement, that's broken hit-reg. Now that is fixed, and movement has been adjusted slightly we'll see where this leads us.

    If with the new hitreg movement can be adjusted back up that's probably going to be the answer, or a slight tweak to it in some circumstances (Dropping of ceilings etc) but it'll take sometime to see where the problems really lay here.

    I believe it can only be for the best, as a few have said, now you cannot always escape due to obscene mechanics from an engagement going wrong as a Skulk - you will die for your failure :P
  • BigTracerBigTracer Join Date: 2012-12-04 Member: 174169Members
    I've had around 20 games for the last week and can't remember a single time, when bullets wouldn't hit skulk.
  • Kei-chanKei-chan Join Date: 2013-01-20 Member: 180898Members
    BigTracer wrote: »
    I've had around 20 games for the last week and can't remember a single time, when bullets wouldn't hit skulk.

    More than that, personally, and yes. The only "hit registration" issue is marine players who can't aim or have terrible ping or performance issues, though the latter go just as much for laggy alien players.
  • BigTracerBigTracer Join Date: 2012-12-04 Member: 174169Members
    I've watched several videos with aiming tips and I got surpized how good I can actually take down skulks now. There were hit-reg issues before, but not in 239. Let's see what 241 will bring us tomorrow :D
  • RippsyRippsy Join Date: 2013-01-16 Member: 179921Members
    BigTracer, the problem is both our opinions are very subjective to situations/circumstances. There WERE issues with hit registration since it's in the change-log as fixed. That is not up for debate, the real question is - with the changes to hit registration, did skulks receive to much of a movement adjustment. I believe less than 24/hrs is a little to early to tell - this patch has been in playtest for a long time, UWE team are obviously happy with it. Maybe we need to give ourselves a bit more time to learn the new situation.

    I played 5 games last night, 2 Marine wins, 3 alien wins. Same server, similar teams. Felt pretty good imo.
  • ZekZek Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7962Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    I think hitreg is usually a misnomer in this case, but janky animations and unpredictable acceleration were definitely responsible for a lot of problems with marines tracking skulk movement. It's subtle little things that can make all the difference between keeping a lock on him or losing him.
  • Kei-chanKei-chan Join Date: 2013-01-20 Member: 180898Members
    Changing the animations is fine, nerfing their general movespeed is not. Whether or not that was the intention, that's what happened. Without celerity, it's extremely difficult to get the jump on marines now.

    Going crag/shade early used to cripple some alien players not only because it became more important to pick, choose, and survive your encounters (due to how long it could take to get back to where you died), but because tanking marine bullets was a far less effective strategy than simply moving so erratically that they had a hard time hitting you.

    Now we've got all the detriments of going crag/shade early without the benefit of celerity. Celerity basically "normalizes" skulk now, which shouldn't be the case, as it's no longer sufficient to lock down an advantage, just to be able to perform normally against the marines in the early game.

    I really, desperately want to believe that this isn't the intended change and that a decimal point got misplaced somewhere. Even Leap feels weak and short-ranged and underwhelming now...
  • whoppaXXLwhoppaXXL Join Date: 2006-11-03 Member: 58298Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Alien movement was so smooth, now it feels much more inflexible. Give their legs more power, i dont care about the running speed but give em more thrust.
  • pendelum5pendelum5 Join Date: 2012-10-29 Member: 164317Members
    I must be the only player who didn't notice a thing in skulk movement. It might be because I never found out the ADADAD technique, or that I use wall-jump to get literally everywhere, but I think the new skulk movement is more or less the same as it was before the patch. I interpreted the patch notes as improving skulk animations and hitboxes, not changing movement values for skulks. Can a playtester verify this, or is it just skulks venting about dying now that they can't glitch out their model?
  • AgielAgiel Join Date: 2006-11-14 Member: 58605Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Subnautica Playtester
    Skulk acceleration has in fact been lowered. Friction was tweaked to compensate so you shouldn't notice much of a difference unless you're trying to change direction quickly.
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