My list of suggestions for new things beeing added to the game
Join Date: 2012-12-24 Member: 176116Members
Hey guys,just wanted to share my ideas how to make ns2 even cooler.
-Sniper rifle:Cost 25 or 30 res.Available after advanced armory.Does really high dmg(about as much as a shotgun)and does bonus dmg to onos.Fires slower than shotgun and can be fired only once zoomed and should have a charge metter(like the sniper in teamfortress 2).It should be a very hard to use skill canon,that proves a decent counter to onos in the late game.
-Underbarreled grenade launcher for the assault rifle:I think i have seen this in a video of ns2 actually(guessing it was beta).I know this may sound OP,because you are not loosing your assault rifle and gaining grenade launcher at the same time.However it can be balanced easily i believe.
Make it cost 30 res and make it available after advanced armory.Underbarreled grenade launcher should basicly function like the m320 grenade laucnher in bf3,it should have a total ammo of 4-5 and can only fire 1 grenade before a long reload.
-Underbarrel shotgun for the assault rifle:Same as the underbarrel nade launcher:30 res and available after advanced armory,should work like the m320 shotgun from bf3,have totaly ammo of 4-5 and be able to fire only 1 shot before a long reload.
-Minigun for the marines:Basicly a smaller more mobile version of the EXO's minigun.Make it cost 30-35 res,available after advanced armory.The dmg output should be slightly lower than a single minigun exo and there should be huge mobility trade offs:
You cant use jetpack with it.
Your walk and sprint speed should be cut in half.
You shouldnt be able to jump with it at all.
-New weapons for EXO and ability to make custom EXOs.
1)Flamerthrower:Pretty much like the normal flame thrower,but with double the range and maybe slightly more dmg.
2)Fast firing shotgun:More effective than miniguns at up to 5-8m,but pretty uneffective at any range beyond that.
3)Chainsaw:Be able to replace the exo arm for the 1 weapon exo with a chainsaw for just 10 extra resourses(uping the price from 50 to 60).It should do about double dmg compared to the exo arm and be a little easier to use.
-Custom EXOs.
Basicly my idea is that we should be able to customize the EXOs.
An exo with one gun and normal arm should cost 50res.
An exo with one gun and chainsaw should cost 60res.
We should be able to combine any 2 weapons(a minigun and rail gun,flamethrower and shotgun,railgun and flamethrower,2flamethrowers,2railguns and so on)for the cost 75 res(maybe even make it 80res).
-Flamerthrower sentry gun:Should cost as much as normal sentry guns.Should have about the same range as a normal infantry flamethrower(as in very short)and should be somewhat decent at deffending infantry portals and phase gates(and by that i mean maybe buy a few seconds for marines to deffend them).It would also really help against lerks harassing the main base.
So after the gorgeous update aliens feel kinda lacking in the early game.And we all know that alien commander doesnt have nearly as much work as the marine commander.
Maybe there is a way to fix both these problems at once?
Here is my idea:
-New alien commander abilities:
1)Inc cloud:Becomes available after evolving the shade hive.Should cost about 3-5 resourses to use.It should generate a big,thick,inc cloud of smoke(about 12-15m in diameter) that makes it extremely hard for marines to see(while aliens can still see throught it with alien vision).Flamethrowers should easily counter it in late game.
2)Speed boost:Becomes available after evolving shift hive:Should cost about 3-5 resourses to use.It should double the speed of aliens for 5 seconds.It should work like nanoarmor(meaning that all aliens within 3m of cast radious should get the bonus).
3)Healing cloud:Becomes available after evolving crag hive:Should cost about 3-5 resourses to use.It should generate a healing cloud(10-15m in diameter)that heals nearby aliens(slightly slower than a gorge would).The cloud should be very transperent and easy to see through(so that it wont be used as an inc cloud).
And here are some lategame commander ability ideas:
-Nydous worm(shouldnt be called exactly nydos work ingame ofcourse
).After the aliens get 2 bases the commander should be able to create a nydous work entrance on a cyst covered territory(cost 20-30res).Than he can choose and exit anywhere on the map(exit should cost 20-30res).It should basicly work like the nydous worm in starcraft 2.It quickly pops out of the ground and star spreading cyst and allows aliens to go through it.It should have about 1000hp and 400armor and take about 3 seconds to deploy(meaning that if u deploy it in a marine base full of marines it would get taken out before even deploying)
-Bile bomb artilery:Available at 3rd hive.Cost 35-40res.The commander should be able to create bile bomb artilery building that have about the same range as ARCs(or slightly more).Those artileries should completely stationary.Once the commander makes the artillery he should get the ability to call a bile bomb artillery strike on a location within the artillery range.Each bile bomb strike should cost 10 res and have 15 second recharge timer.
A bile bomb strike should leave the buildings in the area at about 50-55% health.
That would be a usefull game ending tool.
And now some ideas for the alien life forms aswell:
-Gorge neural parasite:You want to make the gorge more fun to play?
How about giving it the ability to neuro parasite marines.
The commander should be able to research neuro parasite for gorges at 2nd hive.
This should allow the gorge to shoot a neuro parasite at marines.
If it hits a marine that has less than 60 health,the gorge should take over the marine for the next 30 seconds.
The gorge player should basicly switch to the marine's prespective and play as the marine for the next 30 seconds or untill killed.
This would leave the gorge vulnerable to atack while he is controll the marine.
If the marine is not killed within 30 seconds,it just dies.
The marine player should respawn in after beeing neuro parasited ofcourse(the moment he gets neuro parasited he is basicly dead).
-Lerk:Bile Acid:Available for research after 2nd hive.It should work just like the spores.It should have no effect on marines.It should do a low dmg to building and EXOs.However the real benefit of it should be increasing the dmg taken from gorges bile bomb to all effect buildings/EXOs by about 50%(nice teamwork tool no?)
-Onos self destruct:Available after 3nd hive.It should work just like the suicide bombing for the skulk.You are probably thinking right now "wtf?!Spending 75 res on onos just to self destruct it?!".Well it should make one hell of a blast
Basicly an onos self destruct should kill all marines within 15m,leave all EXOs at about 100hp or less(if they were at full health) and leave all remaining building at less than 30% health.
It should basicly turn the onos into a walking tactical nuke
Again,this should be mainly usefull for ending games in which aliens already have the upper hand.
So those are my suggestions for now.
Please if you liked any of them(assuming you are still reading this
)make sure to post something in this thread and not let it die.
Maybe the devs can draw some inspiration out of it aswell.
-Sniper rifle:Cost 25 or 30 res.Available after advanced armory.Does really high dmg(about as much as a shotgun)and does bonus dmg to onos.Fires slower than shotgun and can be fired only once zoomed and should have a charge metter(like the sniper in teamfortress 2).It should be a very hard to use skill canon,that proves a decent counter to onos in the late game.
-Underbarreled grenade launcher for the assault rifle:I think i have seen this in a video of ns2 actually(guessing it was beta).I know this may sound OP,because you are not loosing your assault rifle and gaining grenade launcher at the same time.However it can be balanced easily i believe.
Make it cost 30 res and make it available after advanced armory.Underbarreled grenade launcher should basicly function like the m320 grenade laucnher in bf3,it should have a total ammo of 4-5 and can only fire 1 grenade before a long reload.
-Underbarrel shotgun for the assault rifle:Same as the underbarrel nade launcher:30 res and available after advanced armory,should work like the m320 shotgun from bf3,have totaly ammo of 4-5 and be able to fire only 1 shot before a long reload.
-Minigun for the marines:Basicly a smaller more mobile version of the EXO's minigun.Make it cost 30-35 res,available after advanced armory.The dmg output should be slightly lower than a single minigun exo and there should be huge mobility trade offs:
You cant use jetpack with it.
Your walk and sprint speed should be cut in half.
You shouldnt be able to jump with it at all.
-New weapons for EXO and ability to make custom EXOs.
1)Flamerthrower:Pretty much like the normal flame thrower,but with double the range and maybe slightly more dmg.
2)Fast firing shotgun:More effective than miniguns at up to 5-8m,but pretty uneffective at any range beyond that.
3)Chainsaw:Be able to replace the exo arm for the 1 weapon exo with a chainsaw for just 10 extra resourses(uping the price from 50 to 60).It should do about double dmg compared to the exo arm and be a little easier to use.
-Custom EXOs.
Basicly my idea is that we should be able to customize the EXOs.
An exo with one gun and normal arm should cost 50res.
An exo with one gun and chainsaw should cost 60res.
We should be able to combine any 2 weapons(a minigun and rail gun,flamethrower and shotgun,railgun and flamethrower,2flamethrowers,2railguns and so on)for the cost 75 res(maybe even make it 80res).
-Flamerthrower sentry gun:Should cost as much as normal sentry guns.Should have about the same range as a normal infantry flamethrower(as in very short)and should be somewhat decent at deffending infantry portals and phase gates(and by that i mean maybe buy a few seconds for marines to deffend them).It would also really help against lerks harassing the main base.
So after the gorgeous update aliens feel kinda lacking in the early game.And we all know that alien commander doesnt have nearly as much work as the marine commander.
Maybe there is a way to fix both these problems at once?
Here is my idea:
-New alien commander abilities:
1)Inc cloud:Becomes available after evolving the shade hive.Should cost about 3-5 resourses to use.It should generate a big,thick,inc cloud of smoke(about 12-15m in diameter) that makes it extremely hard for marines to see(while aliens can still see throught it with alien vision).Flamethrowers should easily counter it in late game.
2)Speed boost:Becomes available after evolving shift hive:Should cost about 3-5 resourses to use.It should double the speed of aliens for 5 seconds.It should work like nanoarmor(meaning that all aliens within 3m of cast radious should get the bonus).
3)Healing cloud:Becomes available after evolving crag hive:Should cost about 3-5 resourses to use.It should generate a healing cloud(10-15m in diameter)that heals nearby aliens(slightly slower than a gorge would).The cloud should be very transperent and easy to see through(so that it wont be used as an inc cloud).
And here are some lategame commander ability ideas:
-Nydous worm(shouldnt be called exactly nydos work ingame ofcourse

-Bile bomb artilery:Available at 3rd hive.Cost 35-40res.The commander should be able to create bile bomb artilery building that have about the same range as ARCs(or slightly more).Those artileries should completely stationary.Once the commander makes the artillery he should get the ability to call a bile bomb artillery strike on a location within the artillery range.Each bile bomb strike should cost 10 res and have 15 second recharge timer.
A bile bomb strike should leave the buildings in the area at about 50-55% health.
That would be a usefull game ending tool.
And now some ideas for the alien life forms aswell:
-Gorge neural parasite:You want to make the gorge more fun to play?
How about giving it the ability to neuro parasite marines.
The commander should be able to research neuro parasite for gorges at 2nd hive.
This should allow the gorge to shoot a neuro parasite at marines.
If it hits a marine that has less than 60 health,the gorge should take over the marine for the next 30 seconds.
The gorge player should basicly switch to the marine's prespective and play as the marine for the next 30 seconds or untill killed.
This would leave the gorge vulnerable to atack while he is controll the marine.
If the marine is not killed within 30 seconds,it just dies.
The marine player should respawn in after beeing neuro parasited ofcourse(the moment he gets neuro parasited he is basicly dead).
-Lerk:Bile Acid:Available for research after 2nd hive.It should work just like the spores.It should have no effect on marines.It should do a low dmg to building and EXOs.However the real benefit of it should be increasing the dmg taken from gorges bile bomb to all effect buildings/EXOs by about 50%(nice teamwork tool no?)
-Onos self destruct:Available after 3nd hive.It should work just like the suicide bombing for the skulk.You are probably thinking right now "wtf?!Spending 75 res on onos just to self destruct it?!".Well it should make one hell of a blast

Basicly an onos self destruct should kill all marines within 15m,leave all EXOs at about 100hp or less(if they were at full health) and leave all remaining building at less than 30% health.
It should basicly turn the onos into a walking tactical nuke

Again,this should be mainly usefull for ending games in which aliens already have the upper hand.
So those are my suggestions for now.
Please if you liked any of them(assuming you are still reading this

Maybe the devs can draw some inspiration out of it aswell.
Use a railgun exo.
Was tried in Beta, was stupidly overpowered.
Hasn't been tried, but sounds stupidly overpowered.
Use a single minigun exo.
Flamer exo, maybe.
Shotgun exo isn't really need, the minigun already gets better in close combat due to it's huge spread at range.
Chainsaw, maybe doesn't really do much though.
Yeh maybe, this has been suggested quite a bit.
Sentrys are rubbish at defending, a flamethrower sentry wouldn't be any better.
And then what do shades get?
Nanoarmor doesn't work like that.
So the above three commander abilities would certainly give the alien comm more to do, but they also straddle a line of being useless or really powerful.
Use gorge tunnels (would be nice if these acted like a hive in that they could spawn infestation)
Use gorges with adrenaline.
No! No ability should take control away from the player (we already have stomp and that's enough)
Biles already quite potent! If you want to support spores already covers this by forcing the marines on foot back.
... that's quite powerful ... a 3 hives/2 cc game would very very quickly change if aliens had this. Remember 3 hives isn't an automatic ticket to winning.
Overall, next time you have an idea post one idea per thread. Give the idea some thought (and some spell checking, my screen is now full of red squiggles). Most of these ideas are either imbalanced or already covered by something else in the game.
How can a idea be overpowered?
An idea can always be tweaked to be balanced.
"Use a railgun exo."
How is railgun exo the same as a sniper ment for INFANTRY?
-underbarreled nade launcher
"Was tried in Beta, was stupidly overpowered."
Was suggested by me,in a way that would be balanced.
-underbarreled shoty
"Hasn't been tried, but sounds stupidly overpowered."
How so?
Devs cant tweak their game to balance stuff?
Is that your logic?
-Minigun for infantry
"Use a single minigun exo."
Again you are comparing minigun for EXO with a weapon idea for marine.
Seriosly bro?
-Flamethrower,chainsaw,shotgun for EXO
"Flamer exo, maybe.
Shotgun exo isn't really need, the minigun already gets better in close combat due to it's huge spread at range.
Chainsaw, maybe doesn't really do much though."
I agree that shotgun wont be that much different than flamethrower,but it still adds variety.
The hole pole of this thread is to suggest ideas adding variety,which creates more tactics,which create different play expirience every time,which creates fun and replayablity.
I am sorry if you dont see how having more cool stuff in the game would actually make it even cooler,but i ll respect your opinion.
-Flamethrower sentries
"Sentrys are rubbish at defending, a flamethrower sentry wouldn't be any better."
My idea wasnt for flamethrower sentries to be much better than normal sentries.
Just different.
What i said about variety.
-Inc support power
"And then what do shades get?"
So adding commander ability automaticly means shades wont get inc?
I dont see your logic there m8,assuming you have one.
-Speed support power
"Nanoarmor doesn't work like that."
So you are telling me that nano armor doesnt give a bonnus to the units within it's cast range for several seconds?
Obviesly nano armor doesnt give speed boost,but that was never implied in my post...
"So the above three commander abilities would certainly give the alien comm more to do, but they also straddle a line of being useless or really powerful."
Again assuming devs cant tweak their own game(you do realise all the suggestions i made here are pure examples and need to be further tweaked in game?).
And again,what i said about variety...
-Nydos worm
"Use gorge tunnels (would be nice if these acted like a hive in that they could spawn infestation)"
Gorge tunnels:Tunels created by gorges that can be placed only on cyst and which main purpose is traveling between one alien controlled territory to another.
Nydous worm:Tunels created by the commander that can be placed anywhere and which main purpose would be suprising the enemy and deploying behind enemy lines.
You still dont get it?
-Bile bomb artilery
"Use gorges with adrenaline."
Again comparing commander ability to gorge...
Not to mention the fact that bile bomb artilery would be ment to work like arcs,as in shoot through walls.
Last time i checked you couldnt do that with gorges?
-Neuro parasite
"No! No ability should take control away from the player (we already have stomp and that's enough)"
How is this taking controll away from the player???
It's the same as killing you with any other ranged atack.
It can be balanced in multiple different ways,make the projectile very slow moving,tweak the value of marine health that is needed to do it and so on.
-Lerk bile acid
"Biles already quite potent! If you want to support spores already covers this by forcing the marines on foot back."
So you are telling me that right now the lerk has an ability that gives direct bonus to a life form special atack(the bile bomb for gorge)?
Sorry m8,but your argument that current lerk abilities already "cover this" is quite invalid.
-Suicide Onos
"... that's quite powerful ... a 3 hives/2 cc game would very very quickly change if aliens had this. Remember 3 hives isn't an automatic ticket to winning."
Well you have a huge trade off when you use it,you loose an onos that is worth 75 res and if you fail to get the perfect splash you are gonna be feeling bad.
Again,the idea itself is neither overpowered or underpowered,it's just a matter of tweaking it.
"Overall, next time you have an idea post one idea per thread. Give the idea some thought (and some spell checking, my screen is now full of red squiggles). Most of these ideas are either imbalanced or already covered by something else in the game."
Why would i make 20 threads instead of one?
None of my ideas are imbalanced(read what i said about ideas themself never beeing imba) and none of them are covered in the game.
For the grammer i guess you are correct,my english is not perfect but i believe understandable(the only thing that matters really).
No need to be a grammer nazi:
So onto each idea specifically.
Because there both designed for long range, precision firing. They are similar enough. Why choose one over the other?
See my point about trade offs. Either no one would by these or everyone would buy them and tear the aliens a new one. You have no trade off to taking these apart from the resource cost.
Again both are for outputing large DPS at the cost of precision. This is why we don't have the HMG from Natural Selection 1.
Variety does not automatically create tactics. If you just cram in all the cool stuff you can think off you end up with a mess. It's harder to balance, it's harder to learn, and the benefit to tactics and depth is negligible.
Flamethrower sentry are a maybe thing, they're different enough to normal sentries. I don't see them being much good for defense but would be much better as close range cover in a push.
What I said about things stepping on each others toes. If the comm can just drop an ink cloud why would anyone use the shade ink.
No nano armor only effects one player at time. It does not give an area of effect boost.
So I wasn't clear on this. I like the idea of the alien comm having more to do, and as khamm I often wish I could influence fights like the marine comm can with nano and meds. However these would have to be carefully balanced.
Ok either you don't understand how gorge tunnels work or you've written that really badly! Gorge tunnels can currently be placed anywhere, their purpose covers both traveling between alien controlled locations AND allowing surprise attacks. You don't need a new ability to do this just use gorge tunnels. That said I would like to see gorge tunnels act as a source of infestation like a hive.
Why does the commander need this ability if the gorges do it perfectly well? As for shooting through walls, it's not needed aliens have much less trouble breaking bases than marines.
"If the marine is not killed within 30 seconds,it just dies." That means the marine has to wait for 30 seconds, not being able to do anything. That's taking control away from the player, so no!
Bile doesn't need a buff like this! Support abilities don't have to translate to direct DPS boosts! A lerk sporing the marines give LOS blocking and DPS boost to health values. This makes it easier to take out welders allowing bile to then tear through the exo.
This runs the risk of being like xeno. It either does such crap dmg it isn't even researched or it's so powerful that it pretty much guarantees the base. If it leaves building on 30% then two Onos will level a base! Yes you lost your Onos but they lost their entire base.
You make one thread at time with one well thought out, well presented idea. This is just idea spam. As for not being imba or already covered see above.
Install a spell checker, you really have no excuse. I write horribly with pen and paper, but I'll spend the 30 seconds it takes to use a spell checker online so others don't have to struggle at all with reading what I wrote. Bad grammar and spelling just looks disrespectful to your readers, if you can't be bothered to write properly why should we be bothered to read it.
1. Grenades. either grenades costing 15 res for 3 hand thrown grenades, or 5 res for 1 disposable Grenade and rifle attachment, a high cost situation specific grenade that can be bought to aid marines early game.
2. gauss rifle, a charge and fire weapon similar to the gauss/tao cannon from hl. would be a prototype weapon purchased from the proto lab.
3. a change to turrets, my suggestion is that the sentry battery has 1 360 turret mounted atop it and then 2 90 deg turrets can be built instead of 3. or to increase the cost of a sentry but remove the battery mechanic all together.
4. silence makes you invisible to observatory and scans provided you are stationary or walking.
5. lerk needs an increase in movement speed and a decrease in bite damage to marines,
6. skulks need their acceleration back.
7. possibly a flamer/ fist exo to replace the single minigun exo.
8. possibly the ability to upgrade turrets to flamer turrets.
Take the neural parasite idea for example,how do i have to say it so you can understand that the marine doesnt w8 for 30 seconds,it instantly respawns,to the marine getting neuro parasite is insta death.
Do i have to draw it in pictures for you?
And not understanding the concept that an idea itself is never under/overpowered,just lol...
As for not beeing able to see the difference between a fragile marine with a certain type of gun and and a tanky EXO with a similar gun...
I will just stop talking to you here because it's a waste of time.
Deathshroud i like your 1,3,6,7,8 ideas
The way things are now, it takes a group of at least two people to do anything productive well. GLs need LMGs and Shotties to cover them.
Well on that note, I'd think that anything that causes insta death (even if it is only if the marine has little health left) from an unknown source is in and of itself undesirable. The whole neuroparasite thing doesn't really fit in with the gorge either, but that's entirely different and solely based on my opinion.
I think for the sake of simplicity keeping the marines marinelike and the aliens alienlike is an excellent idea.
Apparently in NS1 there were no Exos, there were HMGs. Once NS2 came out, Exos were part of it to replace the HMG. Sure there's a difference between an Exo and a marine with a HMG, but they effectively fill the same role. Having two for the sake of having two.... well. That's hardly the best way to get things done.
^ This. Though it is understandable if English isn't your native language.
EDIT: Furthermore, you did share this in the I&S section, so obviously you wanted it to have some feedback and discussion. Not all ideas belong in a game, don't take this personally, keep thinking.
*rolls eyes*
Variety DOES NOT ADD DEPTH! It adds complexity, go watch Depth vs Complexity. Adding subtly different things for the sake of variety is not a good thing, you have to give a good argument that it also increases depth as well as complexity. You haven't done that for any of your ideas.
The neural parasite I misread, so you can deduct what I said about lack of control. However also you've now given the gorge an ability that kinda does 60 dmg ignoring armor and adds confusion to the marine team, yikes.
I understand what your trying to say about ideas not being imba, but:
A) This style of post is not conducive to arguing the specifics of one idea to try and suss a balance out for it. This is why I said post one idea at a time.
Marines aren't fragile, EXOs aren't tanky. Take your sniper idea, just try to think of a damage, rate of fire and cost that doesn't either A) Make it useless
Sorry if you think I'm a waste of time.
As for @deathshroud
1. Grenades. either grenades costing 15 res for 3 hand thrown grenades, or 5 res for 1 disposable Grenade and rifle attachment, a high cost situation specific grenade that can be bought to aid marines early game.
I don't really see the need for grenades early game. But hand thrown grenades like we had in NS1 might fit in somehow. Certainly making them on par with mines in cost to encourage either defensive mines or aggressive grenades could be interesting.
2. gauss rifle, a charge and fire weapon similar to the gauss/tao cannon from hl. would be a prototype weapon purchased from the proto lab.
Again see what I said about similar upgrades/weapons. Gauss rifle is done pretty well by the railgun exo, adding it in as a marine weapon would be tricky to balance.
3. a change to turrets, my suggestion is that the sentry battery has 1 360 turret mounted atop it and then 2 90 deg turrets can be built instead of 3. or to increase the cost of a sentry but remove the battery mechanic all together.
Turrets are crap as is, the battery is a big reason for that. Increase the cost and remove the battery I would be happy with.
4. silence makes you invisible to observatory and scans provided you are stationary or walking.
I'd like to see silence make you invisible to the observatory what ever speed you going. As a counter I'd like the observatory to see exactly what alien is in range if they don't have silence (unlike now where you just see a red dot)
5. lerk needs an increase in movement speed and a decrease in bite damage to marines,
Lerks are in a pretty good place right now. Why exactly do you want them faster? Why do you want bite to do less damage? (At 60 dmg it's already one of the worst alien attacks)
6. skulks need their acceleration back.
Yes. Although this is partially due to a bug with losing all your momentum when touching the floor. Fix that then see if they still need an acceleration boost.
7. possibly a flamer/ fist exo to replace the single minigun exo.
Yes. Single minigun EXO is in an odd spot, most commanders will beg people not to buy it and to wait till duels are done. Would probably be better off replacing it entirely. Saying that I'm not sure how I feel about a flamer EXO, flamers are in a kinda odd place in that they only seem to be good for ninja hive attacks or clearing the map of cysts, an EXO would be pretty bad at both of them. Worth looking into as a potential replacement to the single mini gun.
8. possibly the ability to upgrade turrets to flamer turrets.
Flamer turrets, yeh I kinda like the idea. Especially if coupled with no batteries. I would do it as a full separate building though, so you can drop a mini gun turret or a flamer turret. Rather than upgrading a normal turret.
Maybe they could just make turrets cheaper, so they'll just be something you plunk down when you need a quick defense somewhere? Maybe that could get annoying for aliens to fight constantly or marines to replace constantly, but its better than over-buffing them (so they are annoying to fight) or keeping them as-is.
I'm kinda tired of trying to make them work in their current form
I would just get comms out of the business of placing down turrets or any static defense. Anything that is interesting for comms in this regard turns into a turret defense game. Or it turns out not being worth the comms time/res (as is currently)
Its time for an entire reworking. If its going to be in the game, players ONLY should be placing them. Anything thats going to be damaging players, should be player based. I would make both turrets/ hydras VERY player dependent. Turrets should only target enemy players if the enemy player attacks ally player/structure within the turrets range, or if ally players attack enemy players within range. Essentially its beholden on player action for them to operate correctly. Again, the same would go for hydras. Move whips to gorges. Comms can still move whips if need be, and rotate turrets.
Hrm, not sure I entirely agree with the video, but the general idea is right. In my opinion, one of the best things for a game is nuance, which, in terms of the video acts as a second order complexity which can GREATLY increase depth if done right. But the basic idea of designing by nuance is to have fewer, more nuanced things in the game. You can exploit the ability to add depth virtually without increasing the surface complexity at all.
Either way, most of OP's suggestions are permutations and/or variations on already existing mechanics which add a ton of complexity and almost zero depth to the game.
To OP: think of it this way, what specific, unique roll would these ideas fill? What problems do they seek to address? What gap in the game do they fill in? If you can't answer at least one of these questions for an idea, it's probably not worth putting into the game.