What do you think about disabled power and darkness at the beginning of the round?

YarYar Join Date: 2012-09-15 Member: 159505Members
edited March 2013 in Ideas and Suggestions
Guten Abend,

(excuse me for my schreckliches english, im from Deutschland)

there is a thing that bugs me a bit and that is the fact that the lights are functioning at the beginning of the round and that the rooms are very well lit even when there are absolutely no power nodes placed.
Why? I think it takes a lot from immersion and atmosphere, as a marine I would enjoy the feeling that I get from exploring a dark unknown room where dangerous skulks or villainous gorges may sit in the corners and on the ceiling and stalk you in every room without you seeing them immediately. I would enjoy this "explore an abandoned station and restore Ordnung and Disziplin" feeling big time, flashlights would be much more useful.
There are also threads where people are complaining about the low usefulness of aliens at the beginning, so this would give them a slight advantage.
Light would become an effective representation of the marines very much like the infestation is now for aliens. The main base should be illuminated from the start of course.

Well, its just an idea and it just seems logical to me that there is no light without power. What do you guys think about it? Can we agree on this?


  • |DFA| Havoc|DFA| Havoc Join Date: 2009-08-07 Member: 68375Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I think this would be fun / interesting and worth trying.
  • KalibosKalibos Join Date: 2013-03-03 Member: 183589Members
    edited March 2013
    Well, the obvious logical explanation is that the facility doesn't need space marine power plugs to keep the lights on.

    I think it would be great if the rooms by default (before any power plugs are built) had relatively dark & basic lighting, and when the power is built the lights increase to their current level or higher.

    I appreciate what you're saying though, especially the idea of lights being a sort of "marine infestation". I think that would be great. Same with flashlights.
  • CrushaKCrushaK Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167195Members, NS2 Playtester
    The argument that is usually brought up at this point is that you can't create the atmospheric scary alien experience with plenty of darkness without affecting gameplay balance too much because aliens simply have an advantage in the darkness, even with flashlights being used.

    I'd already settle for lights staying out longer before the emergency lighting kicks in.

    Though it would also be nice if lights would start to flicker and change to emergency lighting as infestation spreads across an unbuilt power node socket. Removing the infestation would instantly revert the lights back to normal. I simply don't like aliens have fully lit rooms in areas controlled by them, especially Hive rooms.
  • YarYar Join Date: 2012-09-15 Member: 159505Members
    edited March 2013
    Kalibos wrote: »
    Well, the obvious logical explanation is that the facility doesn't need space marine power plugs to keep the lights on.

    Yes, I thought about this too and it seemed obvious to me that the station would have only enough power to maintain this red emergency light :) I think that would be the best of the two worlds, no light at all may be a bit overkill for newbies.
    CrushaK wrote: »
    Though it would also be nice if lights would start to flicker and change to emergency lighting as infestation spreads across an unbuilt power node socket. Removing the infestation would instantly revert the lights back to normal. I simply don't like aliens have fully lit rooms in areas controlled by them, especially Hive rooms.

    This sounds really great!

    These are just little details and may be laughable when we concider that more important changes in balance etc. have to be made, but these details are a vital part of the whole picture and deserve attention.
  • Squeal_Like_A_PigSqueal_Like_A_Pig Janitor Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 66Members, Super Administrators, NS1 Playtester, NS2 Developer, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Silver, Subnautica Developer
    We see this suggestion pop up now and again. While it may sound fun or atmospheric at first, believe me, running around on maps where they are in either pure darkness, or under red emergency lighting, for like 75% of your playing time, would get very tiring, and frustrating. It would also turn off many people from the game.

    NS2 is not a horror game, its a fast paced multiplayer strategy/shooter, and that requires maps to be at a certain level of light, to make that work well.
  • YarYar Join Date: 2012-09-15 Member: 159505Members
    We see this suggestion pop up now and again. While it may sound fun or atmospheric at first, believe me, running around on maps where they are in either pure darkness, or under red emergency lighting, for like 75% of your playing time, would get very tiring, and frustrating. It would also turn off many people from the game.

    NS2 is not a horror game, its a fast paced multiplayer strategy/shooter, and that requires maps to be at a certain level of light, to make that work well.

    This may be true too. To be honest, I expected a more horror-like experience with darker atmosphere, but this is a question of taste of course.

    And what do you think about CrushaK's suggestion that infestation should turn off the lights slowly to emergency level?
  • SteveRockSteveRock Join Date: 2012-10-01 Member: 161215Members, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer
    You should make a mod! As far as mod ideas go, this one would be fairly easy to try. And I would check it out :)
  • NordicNordic Long term camping in Kodiak Join Date: 2012-05-13 Member: 151995Members, NS2 Playtester, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Shadow
    If the lights were to be off at the start aliens might need a bit of a nerf
  • IronsoulIronsoul Join Date: 2011-03-12 Member: 86048Members
    You should make a mod, I could probably do it with my current lua skills (PIL CHAPTER 5), but I lack the confidence of an experienced programmer. Go post this idea on the modding thread and see if there's any people generous enough to write something up :)
  • Samus1111111Samus1111111 Join Date: 2012-08-07 Member: 154930Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited March 2013
    At the very least, the alien hive rooms shouldn't be lit ><. It's the alien's base, they should have the advantage.
  • OutlawDrOutlawDr Join Date: 2009-06-21 Member: 67887Members
    edited March 2013
    At the very least, the alien hive rooms shouldn't be lit ><. It's the alien's base, they should have the advantage.

    This always seemed backwards. Alien start is usually the only room that always has power on throughout most of the game.

    It seems the marine power/lighting system was added initially for the atmospheric cool factor and recreate the neato moment from aliens where "they cut the power..". However that aspect has been mostly supplanted by power nodes simply acting as a weak point to end game for marines ..thats mostly very unsatisfying.

    While I also don't want to play in the dark 75% of the time, the threat of darkness should be reasons to keep the powernodes up for marines and down for aliens. And why not inject some actual reasons to have this thing in the game. I like savants idea of alien vision being disabled in powered rooms.

    Of course this all goes back to how the power system is under utilized and currently very boring and tedious.
    Imo the main reason powernodes are so annoying is how long it takes to destroy an repair them. Of course its been made this way due to powernodes being so critical in ending games (and they shouldn't). This only applies in marine bases, everywhere else they are a pain to bother with.

    TLDR - Change powernodes so they are easier to repair and destroy, but reduce their importance in ending games.
    Allow emergency lights and partial power to stay up if CC or Res tower is still up. Essentials like IP and armories are still powered, but PGs and obs are down. Full darkness once everything is cleared. Alien structures in a dark room should activate a form of "emergency lighting" but orange and more creepy. This represents the light emited by alien structures, which they don't seem to do on their too well, atm.

    Faster turn over of power will allow for more skirmishing with the power/lighting being on/off in contested rooms, but without it acting as the deciding factor on who wins or loses. Marine rooms should be with power on 90% of the time, and with emergency lighting if under pressure. Alien rooms are light up by alien structures, mimicking a creepy, orange "emergency lighting". Contended rooms in the battle front should be equal parts full power, emergency power, full darkness and "alien lighting" depending on who has the upper hand.

    Start games with all power nodes up, except alien start. Allow aliens to force darkness by taking down powernodes (its an odd game mechanic that they first have to wait for marines to build a power node). Since powernodes are now easier to take down and rebuild, interacting with them won't be such of a time waster for players ..as it is now.

  • VenatosVenatos Join Date: 2012-03-31 Member: 149762Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    about 2 years before release there was a mod(never got finished) that added orange light sources to cysts, harvesters etc. it looked realy great in dark rooms.
    that would realy soften the darkness aspect to not screw balance so much.
    the notion that unpowered rooms shouldnt be lit comes up every few month and everytime i give my vote to do it, but until now no one ever made a mod...

    i realy think about learning some lua to give it a try but my time is so limited it would take me months to get to the point where i could start a mod...
  • Samus1111111Samus1111111 Join Date: 2012-08-07 Member: 154930Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I really did like that mod. I thought it was much more recent than that, but anyways...

    If you had alien buildings giving off faint orange glows (like in the mod), then that, imho, is enough light for the marines to be able to see, but still give aliens the advantage. I'd say that this should only occur in hive rooms (something like you need the strength of a hive to override the power or something for lore) and just have the rest of the map with maybe a combo of emergency lighting/normal lighting until a power node is built.

    The combo could be something like 5 seconds red light/5 seconds normal light and this would only be needed if the devs feel a lot of red light is painful on the eyes or something like they've said in the past. That way the non-claimed rooms are kind of a neutral room that doesn't really favor either side, but the alien hive rooms favor aliens and the marine rooms with power nodes favor marines.

    An added bonus to having mostly dark rooms is you get to enjoy the awesome lighting effects from FT/exos/etc. more often :D
  • CowMeatCowMeat Join Date: 2013-03-02 Member: 183557Members
    I would like: rooms are lit by small devices (spot lighting). Aliens can destroy the small lighting sources easily. Marines can build centralized power which provides lighting to an entire room.

    This would give aliens and marines something to do as they explore the map at the start of the round.
  • VenatosVenatos Join Date: 2012-03-31 Member: 149762Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    i took a look at the PowerPoint.lua and PowerPointLightHandler.lua.
    its pretty simple to give a unsocketed powerpoint the lighteffects of a destroyed or damaged(low power) powernode.
    i have to say the destroyed lighting is pretty bad, the whole map is covered in red light.
    but the low power lighting is a slowly pulsing white light which when combined with a lower minimal light setting(0.1 instead of 0.4 intensity) is pretty nice and atmospheric. aliens wouldnt realy get an advantage because its never pitch black dark.
    of course it should be put into a seperate "lightstate" and not borrow from the damaged powernode but i think even i could do that.

    ps: if someone wants to take a general look:
    always make a backup kopie of files you are tinkering with!!!
    just open the PowerPoint.lua and search the text for "self:SetModel(kUnsocketedSocketModelName, kUnsocketedAnimationGraph)" or as its one of the first functions just go down to "local function SetupWithInitialSettings(self)"
    there you have the line: self.lightMode = kLightMode.Normal just change the Normal on the end to NoPower or LowPower.
    and if you want:
    for the reduced intensity in LowPowermode open PowerPointLightHandler.lua on the first page you find local kLowPowerMinIntensity = 0.4 , just change that to 0.1

  • ManwichManwich Join Date: 2013-02-01 Member: 182715Members
    edited March 2013
    Instead of starting the round with no lighting, why not make alien infestation touching the power node slowly cause red emergency lighting/some other lighting like you've been talking about. This would mean that alien infested rooms would be more atmospheric but hopefully not give the aliens too much of an easy start.
  • PsiWarpPsiWarp Gifted Gorge Richmond, B.C., Canada Join Date: 2010-08-28 Member: 73810Members
    I think it would be interesting to try out the low lighting you get when the Power Node is 40% damaged, but for neutral rooms with empty Power Sockets. I recall during beta that building a Power Node lite up the room... not sure why it was removed?
  • VenatosVenatos Join Date: 2012-03-31 Member: 149762Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Gold
    the normal LowPower lighting is too bright for my taste, its pretty much normal brightness with a little darkening now and then.
    i actually tried to write my own "lightsetting" for unsocketed powerpoints, but didnt get it to run. now im trying to highjack the lowpower-setting and just reduzing the minimal light intensity if its the first time lowpower-lighting is used, because in a running game i dont want the damaged powernode to darken the room so much as if there was no powernode at all.
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