Making all Hives into a collective HP pool

BensonBenson Join Date: 2012-03-07 Member: 148303Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
edited March 2013 in Ideas and Suggestions
The basic Idea is that once aliens loose their second hive, it is almost impossible to make a comeback.

The basic idea is that all active hives share an HP pool. Each hive that becomes active increases the total HP of all all hives, and every time a hive is damaged, it damages all hive on the field.

In relation to 2CC/2Hive (the most common occurance):

This would do is make is so that aliens don't have to wait for the Exo/JP/ARC pain train to roll across their last hive once they loose all of their abilities and lifeforms trying to defend, and in stead would give the aliens that much more time to defend. There is really no chance of recovering from losing 2nd hive, and it usually results in a last skulk rush (they don't have leap) to Marine Start, witch usually fails due to beaconing fully teched and geared marines.

If the game is over when aliens loose their 2nd hive, why not make it actually END and stop people from using F4 or concede right afterwards?

P.S. This may just be a commentary on how important 2nd hive is to aliens.


  • mibuwolfmibuwolf Join Date: 2012-12-11 Member: 174760Members
    edited March 2013
    You have one error in your logic. What about in the early game? There is enough room for a mistake hive placement that will not automatically lose you the game. I've come back plenty of times from having a early 2nd hive loss. At the end game though it is pretty much over. SIMILARLY, marines also have a vulnerable spot. If a coordinated push reaches a power node, then marines cannot beacon in time and can't phase through, thus usually beginning the "marines lose" phase of the game. OR sometimes even if the marines can beacon back they may still not be able to get back control of the base and the exos all die, etc.

    So, my point is your idea doesn't seem to work.

    People usually F4 or concede if there's no way of coming back, but it's way too hard to know if a game is about to end. A skulk rush really could win the game if they do it right and do it quick.
  • ManwichManwich Join Date: 2013-02-01 Member: 182715Members
    Correct me if I'm reading your suggestion wrong, but wouldn't that mean if the aliens third hive was destroyed every other hive would be destroyed as well?
  • -WildCat--WildCat- Cape Town, South Africa Join Date: 2008-07-19 Member: 64664Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I'm sorry but this is a really bad idea.

    It would be totally weird and counter-intuitive and it would be a huge buff to the Alien team in most circumstances because each of their hives would become extremely hard to kill. Imagine a 2 tech-point Marine team trying to siege a 3 tech-point Alien team and failing because the Aliens just had so much time to defend. Equally, imagine how lame it would be if the Marines actually succeeded in killing 1 of the 3 hives and then the game ended without them having to go and deal with the other hives.

    Also, Aliens can still win when their second hive gets killed by going all-in on the Marine base and quickly destroying the observatory or power.
  • BensonBenson Join Date: 2012-03-07 Member: 148303Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    Yes, it means that if 3rd hive is taken down, all hives go down, but that hive would also have 3X the HP/Armor of a single hive.

    Aliens cannot win by after losing 2nd hive by going all in on marine start, since it is most likely a 2/2 TP situation (this are the most common times I see 2nd hive going down), marines would still be alive with all their tech and be able to kill the last hive, even with no upgrades, and no resistance since all the aliens are now in marine start.

    The underlying issue that i was trying to point out is how much reliance aliens have on that 2nd hive, and how 9/10 times the game is over either by concede vote, F4 auto concede, or marines simply stomping them out. This is what I want people to notice, my suggestion was mostly arbitrary and served to show that losing a hive for alien T2 is much more drastic than losing an AA for marine T2.
  • sHawke_NativesHawke_Native Join Date: 2012-12-20 Member: 175650Members
    imo this is a very bad idea i get what you are saying an alien team losses it 2nd hive and it juts snowballs from there but a good/lucky alien team can comeback from that, but losing a 2nd hive doesnt mean GG. also aliens can place a hive without infestation so they are not dead...yet. dont underestimate your team mates(if you are an alien) if you try to concede then others will to so if you are the one who starts conceding then its your fault that the laiens concede, ibet they would've fought on till they lost that last hive.....i would've
  • ManwichManwich Join Date: 2013-02-01 Member: 182715Members
    Yeah I'm not a fan of the idea by itself - a game mechanic that finishes the game while the players still MAY have a chance to win isn't usually a good idea. Even so, you could say the same for conceding, but I think the fact that that is completely player controlled redeems it somewhat.

    Your commentary on the consequences of the alien vs marines losing tech points is very interesting, but I think you can say the same for aliens. Once they take a marines second tech point and stick up their third hive it's very rare for marines to come back and win, in my experience.
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