Evolution Upgrades

rmbrown09rmbrown09 Join Date: 2012-10-17 Member: 162592Members
edited March 2013 in NS2 General Discussion
I remember a dev saying a while back that they were planning on doing something like this so I would like to make sure something is still on track or perhaps in the works.

The idea is that with upgrades, on the marine's side for example, physical cosmetic changes would occur. For example with each increasing armor level the marines would look more and more suited up. Heavily encased in armor by level 3 as opposed to just wearing a light suit at level 1. I think the current suits would be a good level 2 middle of the road amount.

The LMG and shotgun at least would also change by level. At first a shortened, punier looking rifle, that transforms perhaps in model and color (grey to black and red or something more aggressive) by level 3. This would not only be something visually appealing, but allow the opposing team, aliens in this case, to gauge what tech levels their opponents have reached.

I think carapace for aliens should look different as well. Maybe skulks get scalier and "platier". Maybe they just look meaner and have bigger teeth. Although that could be the celerity upgrade or something. Onos might have a full armored mask, fades thicker arms etc. Basically something to let the marines know that carapace is on. Again it would be a nice visual improvement and was something a dev had discussed somewhere but I can't find it. (I think it was Cory)

On another note I think this would be especially good for skulks. As they look now I derive no fear or hesitation when I see one. They look like angry dogs that need to be squashed. I understand this isn't a horror game, bit the skulk in my opinion is entirely uninteresting looking. Every other alien looks grittier and meaner. Even the Gorge has a plated face. Armored back, etc. It looks kinda mean. Certainly the fade and onos are ok.

The skulk though is just vanilla.


  • Metal HandkerchiefMetal Handkerchief Join Date: 2012-11-09 Member: 168697Members
    I think by endgame, there should be an 'Alpha Gorge' and 'Alpha Lerk' option. More clogs and hydras for the prior, larger AoE on spores for the latter.
  • GrizeenGrizeen Join Date: 2013-03-17 Member: 184036Members
    @OP.... if they do put this in-game... it'll be a long ways down the road... still dealing with performance, maps, features, and more... cosmetics wouldn't be on top of the list... but I agree. they sorta did it when they changed the rifle noise being dependent on the weapons lvl. it'd be cool to see buffed-up skulks if they have carapace... and sleep aliens with celerity... but what if you combine the features? what then? a skulk would be a jumbled mess i'd think.
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