Rookies and closet rookies everywhere
Join Date: 2009-06-04 Member: 67683Members

This is getting worse and worse, and I'm wondering - where did all the average/somewhat skilled players disappear? Today I have yet to find a server where I can enjoy a game without rookies. It has always been like this - 30% of the players on the server are average or better players, the rest is rookies - there is no fun in having a high k/d ratio against rookies. Is there a specific server where non rookies play? Don't tell me to play gathers - I try when I can, but most of the time it's a loooooong wait until all 12 players sign up.
p.s. it is even more ridiculous when on a server full of rookies some clan players come in (well known clan players)
p.s. it is even more ridiculous when on a server full of rookies some clan players come in (well known clan players)
UWE is working to get the veteran players to team up according to Organized NS2 Play systems post.
As for the greens, well..they really need training.
What do we do? Have veteran only servers and kick greens or people with low K/D?
We could try a mod based on NS2 steam hours.
Brilliant idea, kick all your gorges. And hours played != skill. I have a couple hundred hours in and I often have a negative K/D, usually trying to achieve objectives, not just killfarm.
Since there's no way to make a match making system currently, you either organize matches with people you consider "skilled" or sack up and help rookies become better.
You had a first day in this game once too. Shitting all over new players is a sure way to make the community not grow, and kill the game in the long run.
With the right attitude, games full of rookies can be some of the best games you'll play.
If they're playing poorly - like, say, hanging around in base - help them get better.
If they're not getting better, you need to work on your leadership skills.
I think the point is that lots of experienced players are not interested in spending their time teaching new players and I think that's fair enough, so it would be nice if there were servers that only allowed players with X number of hours played, so everyone would know how to play and there would not be lots of frustrated veterans shouting at players who don't know how to use bile bomb and new players getting freaked out because some veteran players are just shouting 'newbs' and killing everyone. It's not about skill usually, it's about understanding the complex system that is NS2.
I also think a lot of new players would feel more comfortable if their were some servers they could join that only allowed players with under X number of hours played, so they knew they weren't pissing off anyone by being unfamiliar with the game and were more likely to be with players of a similar level. Maybe these servers could even have the explore mode running.
And then there should always be servers that any player can join so that experienced players can teach if they want to and new players can learn more advanced stuff.
feel the joy of teaching!
the more you teach, the better you get yourself and the others too and
so you get better games then even before quicker!
be friendly, be nice and always remember: behave like you would have needed all the others to behave when you where a rookie yourself!
1. disconnect
2. take a deep breath
3. listen to this
4. reconnect
5. Profit !!!!
Whoa, easy there, I should've added a sarcasm tag to that post, I don't hate the newbies.
The K/D thing obviously doesn't work, the hour thing might work. comes to mind but the SC community is way WAY bigger for that to work.
Its true, Ive seen some mad shit pulled off with a team full of green tags.
Calm yourself brah, or at least read what the man wrote before getting your panties in a twist. He said dedicated VETERAN SERVER.
There is no point is forcing people to play with specific gamers even if it is to find others around their same skill level. I don't think people are taking into account server culture. Some servers charge a fee for becoming admin. On some servers you become acquainted with and build relationships with the admin and regular player base. You yourself may become a regular that is known for helping people learn or for commanding when no one will do it. I still play on a few rookie friendly servers because I started playing their and I know the admins are fair and friendly. Why should I have to stop playing on a server where I have built relationships? I understand the need to not get stomped into the ground by vets that wont move on but that is a totally different problem that can be handled by the admin. Gaming (pc especially) has become more social than ever before and you have to accommodate that. Ask any server owner or operator and ask them if their regular server traffic should have to be forced to move on and never return. There is no way they would be ok with that. For some people running a server is a business or a supplemental income (and most of the time they are paying for it entirely). You should not control their private server or business that they are sinking their own economic resources into. Just my own thought.
Alt+D, play Halo 1 theme song, Alt+Tab back in, no longer care about the outcome of the match.
It still sends chills down my spine after all these years.
If you're a newbie, you're always better off saying you're bad at the game, since I've yet to see anyone raging at a newbie who admits it, and yeah, if you're not sure what to do, follow other players and do what the commander/other players tell you to do, you'll learn in time.
Leadership skills don't make people stop being bad, skillwise.
That is: You can give people the best directions in the world, they can even follow said directions, but if they're awful(read: Can't aim) it won't make a lick of difference.
Have to agree with this, I comm, a LOT, and people can't do the simplest things, today on summit, spawned FC (as rines) couldn't secure a SINGLE tech point, not even XR, which is so easy to get to from FC. This isn't uncommon either. The best part is, after being locked in to base with 2-3 RT average, people still think they can win the game, well, frankly I don't want to sit in an overhead view, watch you fumble your guns for 10 more minutes while they turtle onos, then get blamed for the loss.
On point: Veteran servers wouldn't solve the problem. There will always be huge skill gaps, that's just the nature of public servers in a game without ranking and matchmaking. NS2 doesn't lend itself to ranking or matchmaking, so there's nowhere to go with this issue other than the advice already given: lead the rookies or join gathers.
I do NOT like n00bs though, idiots who refuse to learn/are intentionally bad.
Yes, it can get frustrating when a couple skulks jump on you and your shitty teammate who can't aim for shit stands back and uses you as the bait instead of vice versa, where they could actually maybe be of SOME sort of use. Or when you're dealing 120 dmg to a carapace skulk or getting a huge shotgun blast on a fade or lerk with cara only to watch them peace out as your teammates can't even hit a single shot.
What can ya do though.
I hope some of those players are still playing!
Also servers limited to how many hours of ns2 you have on steam sounds interesting, but I don't think it's the best idea to put a wall between so many players. I'd rather see what happens with this organized player system and I'm *hoping* that the organized play system takes down ALL of the official servers and uses them for that, while leaving the regular dedicated servers all to the community (I think this would improve the amount of community servers being played on, including modded ones) and for people who wanted a quick pug/party pug could use this organized play system.
Also having events or even tournaments using the official system would be awesome as well. For those of us who don't feel they have enough time to dedicate to a team and a league
Part of the problem is certainly the lack of adequate introductory content. Some kind of coherent tutorial system would be really effective, but that's not news.
However, I really enjoy playing games where I'm not ahead in kills by a factor of 2+ to anyone on my team (I don't care about deaths as a skulk/LMG foot marine, so I often rack up a lot) K:D ratio is a useless statistic in this game, imho. If you die for the good of your team, good for you, you'll respawn.
I would like the option to play with non rookies by choice rather than chance.
Including an achievement system and requiring players to reach a certain number of achievements before rookie mode can be disabled would be nice. It would make sure that people at least have experienced enough of the game mechanics before they play on non-rookie servers.
even more frustrating is players with names you have to figure out or are flat out unpronouceable. incidentally, I've long since accepted that ah-mohrel is going to be said... education in these united states... and I'll respond to that too.