NEW Skulk ability. - "Latching"

EkreiEkrei Join Date: 2013-03-29 Member: 184527Members
The combat and agility of a skulk is nothing to be fooled with.
A skulk being able to drift around a room systematically placing itself to a unknown or guessing location only to jump out at you later and rip your face off is nothing meant to be easy against.
But nobody ever said Natural Selection 2 was .. "Easy"

This new upgrade-able skulk ability would give the skulk another enhancement on its traveling forms, to experienced players, it would allow for a new systematical approach to "surfing" the levels and it would also allow for a new fast approach into combat.

To latch, to have the Skulk extend his/her tongue out and have it grip onto a wall allowing the skulk to hang himself to latched point, the player can move towards attached point or away from it by simply using arrow keys. Although that range is not very far considering the length of the skulk's tongue, it would allow the skulk to easier clear smaller gaps, experienced players could use this ability to "fling" themselves into combat / around levels, because essentially you would sorta turn yourself into a pendulum.
••(Forward pulls you to latched point, backwards gives you some line)
••(Keyboard Toggle 3|4 • Right click Latching attack. Right click to fling your tongue out and latch onto something, spacebar to release your latched tongue, fwd & back would let you swing) - {
If(Leap >= TRUE) Latching = FALSE;
else latching = TRUE;

Asthetic - Small spines could grow on the skulk's tongue when its toggled on. Like fibers which grip into the surface of the material they latch to. Or maybe it could be some type of saliva which hardens immediatly on contact under a small bit of pressure which using another gland the skulk could combine its gland's chemistry to release the bond the latched goo holds.

When latched onto a wall, the skulk is sort of like spiderman, although the skulk's tongue isnt that long, it can manage to close small gaps it otherwise wouldnt be able to reach and would have to climb all the way back up that wall to get to. Plus it would be interesting and halarious as well as completely badass to see a skulk latch itself to like a Lerk and hang on while the lerk finds a spot to drop him and he can harass. Also it would be cool to see a skulk latch onto a marines helmet and fling around that marine only to explode in the face of a marine's buddy like.. high five.. nice shooting.... Or not to mention, you could also research that exploding skulk trait, use latching to grab onto that marine and pull youself in and BOOM, Or! Just flinging around the hall-ways like spiderdog would be pretty badass too.. So my questions, my ultimate questions, are you into the idea of Latching? Is Latching a good idea?

Jw its late, peace.


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