A scary graph for ns2
Join Date: 2012-05-06 Member: 151627Members

the launch peak were similars but now the warz has a better average which means its better at retaining players, and were talkign about the worst game in a while : buggy beyond belief, full of hackers, devs dont care, false advertisement, yet its able to retain players better than ns2.
I'm actually not trying to say that NS2 is worst than warZ, I love NS2, its my favorite game, but when you see that random new player showing up to the forums with various complaints, you have to take them seriously. They are the minority among a mass of quitters that found the courage to take it to the forums before they uninstalled the game forever and the usual theme of their discontent goes as : bad performance, stacked teams, auto kick reserved slots servers, hostility to newer players in game, balance. These are flaws that kills your first impression and you cannot let these pass in this year and age, it makes you look just as bad as one of the worst game ever.
Although i have to admit that bad performance is something i have simply had to learn to live with in NS2. Drops to 20 FPS is not unusual 10 minutes into a game for me.
Bad performance had me leave the game for a while after launch, but now i have learned how to play with it and am playing alot again.
what i'm trying to show is that the mistakes UWE makes is hurting them as bad as it is to have a really shitty game like War Z
dota 2 gets 150-300k consistently, and is definitely NOT a retard friendly game.
The difference is focused, polished game design.
Well lets stop calling people who don't want to spend a lot of time to learn the basic mechanics of a game retards and lets just say different games aim for different crowds.
I dont think anyone who found NS2 appealing enough to buy it expected a game that would be fast to learn. But they certainly expected to have an EASY time learning, AKA not get raped, go 0-30, die instantly when they try lifeforms. Dota 2 will put new players up against eachother when you open an account and the things you will learn will allow you to start winning more games and play against better opponent eventually. Still, most of the game you'll play in dota 2 should be fairly close and fun (at least skillwise, I know MOBA games have a reputation of generating a lot of rage during a game). If you're forever a bad MOBA player but enjoy the game, you'll be put against people of your caliber and the game swill be fun, In NS2 you cna have the 2 best players agaisnt you in your first game and they'll soul crush you and make you wanna ask for a refund.
I agree with this the most. So difficult to introduce some mechanics to newer players without them getting destroyed and frustrated before they learn how to properly use it. The transitioning is something that causes people to dislike the game especially on aliens where you sometimes learn the hard way how fragile the lifeforms can be after saving up all game for it.
NS2 is not hard to learn it just takes a really long time to get a really good idea of how things works and most people are impatient. It does not help that NS2 is hard as balls to balance especially when considering enjoyability. I think they did a good job getting to this point in regard to balance and they still continue working on it so that's always good. UWE does delay stuff but but they have proven to make good on some of their promises it just takes time and they often get the critically needed features done really fast in comparison to other larger studios. Though there have been some they have really taken their time with like key bindings but maybe there are other reasons for it. Recently the whole yellow modded thing being removed was odd to me. However I know they are adding a function to see the mods a server has before you join which would even better than both but you just have to wait.
As for bad performance they are still working on it. Maybe we will never get the awesome performance of the old HL engine but they have made strides getting to where we are now from launch and they have hinted at significant changes that they would not make public. Just in case it does not turn out the way they want it and people go up in arms about their false promises.
Stacked teams, auto kick reserved slots servers, hostility to newer players in game are all factors outside of their control as of now. It exists in every game though you will never get rid of it since there will always be people who act like entitled douchebags most of the time in every game. However, they mentioned something about team assignment but we do not have evidence on what that is yet. Someone suggested it may be to accommodate stacking but who knows.
Unfortunately a really small percentage of the player base comes to these forums to voice their opinions. I sort of wished they would question players on their game in the main menu left4dead2 style just to get a general idea though. Maybe add in a questionnaire and people might just add their opinions as some do not feel like signing up for forums and stuff. Or at least open up Google moderator again with the statement that it is not a to do list for them.
Communication is such a vital aspect of a game like NS2 and yet so few players seem to realise this- having and using a mic to communicate with other players should be promoted more heavily.
A lot of us usually use TS3/Mumbles/Vent to talk with other peoples on the server since we sometimes play together.
My first impression on NS2 was that this game is unique in that I get to play non-humanoid creatures while playing strategically, team communication, etc... so I knew what I was getting into. I loved every minute playing as an alien, and still do. However, I'm guessing that is not the problem.
Seems like a lot of the new players played during the free weekend or first week after purchase and realized that dying has consequences, moreso than games like battlefield or call of duty for example. Perhaps they were looking for a more action-based playstyle similar to combat mod, but didn't realize it was available? *shrug*
dota 2 is free
dota 2 is more accessible to larger range of machines
moba games take arguably much less time to learn to a shooter, learning a shooter isn't difficult, it's actually the aiming and having strategy part. You can understand a fps game all you want, but until you develop long term muscle memory you won't be doing much, that's where time sink comes into play. Most competitive and etc already have this because they've been playing other games for so long, give someone who's never played NS2 or DOTA 2 and see which one they understand/become better at quicker (hint it's dota 2)
edit: Also you don't want that games shit playerbase, those people are legit retards
I disagree with that point entirely. Everything else you said is fair.
I think it's safe to say that this POS (piece of software) excels at anything its developers set out to do and exceeds even the wildest expectations.
In case I might be coming across too strongly, please make up your own mind:
ig et a feeling people dont understand my point, Im trying to say that despîte NS2 being a very good game, it has flaws that will give bad first impressions to a lot of new players taht wont try to look any further, and its a shame to lose them like that as a lot of them, given a proper newbie friendly platform, would stick around and enjoy this great game.
In order to back my argument, and show you guys how badly this is affecting ns2 i am showcasing a comparison between ns2 and one of the worst multiplayer game of all time
WarZ is surfing the tidal success wave of DayZ.
Hundreds, if not thousands of impatient/stupefying affluent buyers must have mistaken WarZ for the original. And if you ask me, all the obvious similitarities (right down to the name) are VERY MUCH done on purpose by the scammers developers.
Your solution is to make NS2 easier to get into and easier to learn. Yet many here have named DOTA2 because it sits right at the top of the most played list.
If anything DOTA2 is a freak in an industry where games become easier, more streamlined and more linear with every iteration.
Not so: DOTA (or any of its clones). It's a fucking freak from another time. It's hard and with every hero they add to the game (think LOL) it becomes even harder to learn.
If a match lasts only 30min, it's a short match. Many last easily up to 45 if not 60 minutes during which you are expected to stay (somehow this even works - even in our casualized day and age). If you don't, well you receive metric shit tons of flak and bile AND get punished by the system on top of that.
Compare the usual game length of NS2 which is mostly around 10min, maybe 15 or 20. Compared to DOTA2, NS2 is angry birds casual. You can drop in and out at any moment and it doesn't really matter because your team probably had +1 or +2 players anyway.
Learning all the subtle strategies, getting all the shooting skills and gaining an understanding of all the NS2 units and their functions is hard too, of course.
I'd even say that NS2 relies more on teamplay than Dota does.
I think DOTA2 is hard (if not harder) to get into and all the long-time players EXPECT you to be good. If not, prepare for the frustration of your life-time, because they will take it out on you if they lose their match.
Rather than bringing down the bar to your level, Dota 2 helps you to lift yourself higher. For me that's a pretty unique thing in modern gaming. Despite all the ugly parts and hostility of the community, the whole thing has a wonderful sense of learning in it.
we all know that Euro truck Simulator is better in many ways !
That seems... kinda bad however you put it, honestly.
Why are two thirds of your playerbase not wanting to play your game? Especially as the point of NS2 is very much that it's something that is getting long term support and you should want to keep playing it?