ModJam Day 2: The first playtests! - UnknownWorlds
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Much of day 1 of the UWE ModJam was taken up with picking teams and ideas. Day 2 has been nothing but hardcore development, and pizza. Having settled on their core ideas, each team has set off to realise their vision. Each team has until Friday to get their game working!
Can't wait to play the results! Heist looks very promising.
Question: If a marine dies, does he switch to the alien team?
Hugh, let me just say that it's good to see you back to work, we were all worried you would not continue to do what you do best, lets face it, you bump a thread like no body else. I had your back though just in case, I have a couch you can crash on. But you pick up your own damn socks.
back on topic: These, from what we can see, are looking awesome - some great jobs from the teams!
I'm definitely poking the devs with sticks to make it so as it adds a lot of suspense and more emphasis on teamwork, keeping your team alive until rescue time :P
On a sidenote, there's three four (perhaps) maps in the works, not two
Some questions:
Will we be able to change the characters skins and such? Like putting a skin mod in this mod?
Looking forward to seeing/playing all 3 mods.
How will the fighting game handle player count? Simply 2/2 player servers? Or randomly assign pairs in the "ready room", let them all duke it out and then repeat? You could even have a mini tournament where eliminated players watch the other fights until the final has ended.
SO, is it possible that last stand can become an official game mode? like if you guys polish it enough to just slap it right into the game officially?
Twould be kewl
Implement it into the game!
cannot be unseen .... xD
Are you kidding? Cut another few inches off and you got yourself a pin-up.
I wish you were more open to new gameplay-changing features in the original Game(like damaged Exo having rotation limits, secondary attack for weapons and even more complex things), would really work well as a separate experimental NS2 Beta branch without making you worry about balance.
I've tried making games myself and I think programming gameplay features is both more interesting and has more obvious results.
Don't get me wrong, I understand importance of polishing and you're doing pretty good on enhancing the Game! Just suggesting to make more gameplay additions to the game(sorry, but for me SG and every alien(except maybe fade) seems to have a lot of potential yet to be implemented). And what's with Google moderator ideas?
The mods sound promising, and I'd like to say Cory's art looks very very exciting! Hard to believe that you're actually making this game, because several month ago I had two dreams in a row where I beat up Skulks in first person view with Kazama-style 5-hit combo(the martial skill was given by nanoshield to be exact). If the game was closer to Tekken mechanics that would be just fantastic!
You're awesome, guys, I've double-checked! =D
P.S. Wondering if some of the gameplay will eventually become a part of the original NS2
And add the taser somewhere!
Has it been taken on by UW? I think UW should change their mod's name otherwise.
Really looking forward to playing it (we get to play them right?) eventually.