Looking to become more involved in competitive NS2... advice?

Blarney_StoneBlarney_Stone Join Date: 2013-03-08 Member: 183808Members, Reinforced - Shadow
In recent weeks I've become more and more interested in the competitive side of NS2 and I was thinking about potentially trying to get myself into that scene a bit more. However, I'm not sure exactly how I would do that, and I figured that since a number of people here are involved with comp NS2 maybe they could give me some advice.

I've played quite a bit of NS2, but mainly only on public servers. I normally play as commander (I'm really only an average shot, I need to work on that) and I've watched a fair amount of competitive matches so I have a pretty good feel for how the game flows in that setting. I guess I'm now wondering what I can do to improve my game - playing in pubs isn't going to help me anymore, so if I want to improve I'll need to play in a more organized setting. Should I just try to find a good server with some more experienced players or should I try to find a low-level clan that I could play with?

Also, I was interested in the possibility of casting some matches. Like I said, I love watching competitive teams play, so I think I could probably do a pretty good job at casting matches. Is there someone on the ENSL website I could contact about this possibility? Or would it be better for me to get some experience playing in a more organized setting before I tried to do that?

Lastly, I have a bit of a problem that might hinder this. I live on my college campus and as a result my internet connection isn't always the best. There are times during the day when the wireless connection slows to a crawl as so many people in my building are using the internet. At this time I get extremely high ping and have difficulty playing the game. Would anyone happen to know something I could do to partially remedy this problem.

I've already spoken to some competitive players about this on twitch streams, and they've all been really cool and helpful. If anyone here had any advice they could possibly give me, I would be very thankful indeed. I love this game, and particularly the competitive aspect of it, and I hope I can become more involved in the community surrounding it.

Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to help me out :)


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