Descent is fun
Mad selection
Join Date: 2013-01-01 Member: 176967Members

So many peoples bitching about this map while I think it's simply different then the others. Not the best choice for competitive play maybe I can't really say I'm no pro but it is still a welcoming change.
Also I wonder why nobody take the time to use the vent next to hydro that lead to launch to kill upgrades and even cyst chain. They will die for 10 minutes in gravity control trying to make it to the other side but they won't use the vent. Weird.
Also I wonder why nobody take the time to use the vent next to hydro that lead to launch to kill upgrades and even cyst chain. They will die for 10 minutes in gravity control trying to make it to the other side but they won't use the vent. Weird.
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And of course, it looks amazing!
The other day I spent some time in Water Treatment while waiting for the game to start, what a great room that is. I hope there will be some map tweaks in the future making the room more relevant to the map, as is I find there is almost never any action there.
Apr 02 14:34:25 <+Scant> there are also some weird and completely pointless rooms
Apr 02 14:34:49 <+snb> that describes about 50% of the map
Apr 02 14:35:31 <+snb> it's way too complicated
Apr 02 14:35:38 <+snb> and not in a good way
Apr 02 14:36:19 <+snb> nobody would ever build something like that, architecturally or aesthetically
Apr 11 19:11:00 <+snb> descent is killing ns2
Apr 11 19:12:05 <+snb> new people want to play it because it's pretty and they end up thinking the game is bad or imbalanced because the map plays like shit
Apr 11 19:12:47 <+Nade> its a like of summit :DDD must be good
Apr 11 19:12:50 <+snb> and 'vets' leave when it comes on
Apr 11 19:13:25 <+snb> it's the very opposite of summit
Apr 11 19:13:50 <+snb> cramped rooms strung together without any sense
Apr 13 15:57:29 <+Stormy`> still didn't get an answer as to why exactly the map is that bad, other that it doesn't flow well
Apr 13 15:58:47 <+snb> it has a terrible layout and terribly unfitting architecture
Apr 13 15:59:12 <+snb> it's a bunch of rooms seemingly randomly placed
Apr 13 16:00:01 <+snb> it's virtually impossible to play fade on it because there's staircases and tons of obstructions and low ceilings
Apr 13 16:00:25 <+snb> the tech point designs are bad
Apr 13 16:00:46 <+snb> everything directly surrounding the tech points is awful
Apr 13 16:00:54 <+snb> e.g. silo
Apr 13 16:02:39 <+snb> lots of rooms are either unnecessary as a whole or have an unnecessary design
Apr 13 16:02:48 <+snb> e.g. water treatment or whatever it's called
Apr 13 16:03:20 <+snb> which is a GIANT room with virtually no function
Apr 13 16:03:24 <+snb> gameplay wise
Apr 17 20:58:16 <+snb> there is literally no reason to ever even enter water treatment let alone build in it or anything
Apr 17 20:58:25 <+snb> and it's so huge that it's like 20% of the map's size
Apr 17 20:59:02 <+snb> there is absolutely no reason for the top floor in plaza
Apr 17 20:59:46 <+snb> and no one would ever design anything like anything on the map ever, architecturally
Apr 17 21:00:00 <+snb> it makes no sense and it's a terrible layout for gameplay as well
Apr 17 21:00:11 <+snb> now please shut up about it before i burst into flames
Like every single map made in existence (to include summit) it was not perfect in it's first, second and sometimes even third iteration..
But luckily there's a) high standards around these parts and b) mappers keep working on them and c) they don't need to be perfect to play and enjoy.. Summit was enjoyed for a very long time with half it's spawns not being marine friendly at all.
That would never happen if the map was horribly balanced for one side.
So when someone calls a film out for being bad they're a "pro filmmaker"?
Personally I don't mind descent, yeah there are a lot of unused spaces but at least it's not bloody mineshaft.
Oh my goodness the melodrama and vein popping anger is off the charts! Someone call an ambulance!
Meanwhile, I shall immediately have the fun police deployed to all NS2 servers. They will arrest anyone that dares have fun on a map that a certain subset of players deems unfit for their particular play priorities.
Sentencing after arrest will of course be death. Because we can't let people have fun on a map that is 'killing NS2'!!!
Hey there Chicken Little, finally got bored of yelling about the sky?
I do not think descent is bad. You need to try different tactics then normal, but thats half the fun.
And yes Descent is fun and looks sexy, apart from some spawns being a bit biased vs the team starting there <-- being worked on though :P
Anyway, better then just flat out saying, "I think this map is crap" it's not crap, I just don't enjoy playing on it compared to the other maps
*You can take that elsewhere. -Ironhorse *
If hugh has a problem with me calling him on his passive aggressive bullshit, why don't you let him deal with it instead of editing my post before he even sees it? He wants to come on the forums and talk shit to paying customers for voicing their opinion, but I can't call him on it? The post that he was referring to may have been negative, but very little of it was wrong.
Insane's post was passive aggressive too but it was also hilarious, so it gets a pass xD
*edit* lol, i like the angry traffic cone that you sent me iron horse. It was pretty cute.
Either find a more tactful approach or cease posting.
If you want to continue talking about your issue, do so through PMs
edit: :-D I thought you'd appreciate that cone.
OMFG, almost lost my drink because of that one. Good stuff, cannot be unseen either
I think you mean the wambulance.
I haven't seen anyone whining because they didn't get their way... At least not in regards to Descent. The vast majority of complaints are based on in-game experience. I've yet to see anyone be able to explain the purpose of the water treatment room. Or club. They're both huge parts of the map that essentially have no purpose/reason to exist. For the most part, descent could look like this and it would play the same:
Then if you look at that picture, you start to realize how silly a lot of the map design is. Think about what Summit would be like if there was just a huge dead zone separating data core from the rest of the map.
For the record, complaining that you had to do some extra running because there are more rooms is the wrong way to go about it. The size of the map is offset by the lower amount of RTs than some other maps which slows the game down just a bit. It calls for different strategies, and we haven't even begun to see what can emerge.
For aliens, the map is much better than any other map simply due to the fact that there are far more wall jumping routes that are viable than on any other map (mostly due to the way wall jumping works now), as well as having plenty of good ambush spots in the most important spots on the map. There are many objects which support alien attacks by lending cover to support structures (for example, the billboard in Plaza). And there are plenty of rooms that are great for a Fade to attack and retreat, such as Silo, Gravity Control, Plaza, Fabrication, Hydroanalysis, and Water Treatment.
For marines, it's a map that really tests your use of phase gates and mines in the early game, reinforcing the need for a tactic pub marines never seem to want to use (gotta save res for shotguns!). The great ambush spots for the alien team lead to cautious gameplay or very hectic gameplay depending on how each marine player reacts to them. There are plenty of alternative routes than just "run straight through the infestation filled corridor and into the drifters and skulks. There are great places to ambush a retreating Fade if they go the wrong way out.
Sure, Descent has its problems, but what map doesn't (just think about Mineshaft)? They'll get fixed. But getting mad because the map is big and has areas you don't think belong? That's not worth anybody's time.