

  • sHawke_NativesHawke_Native Join Date: 2012-12-20 Member: 175650Members
    james888 said:
    Kouji_San said:
    Rambo Commando
    UWE's next game. Requires little to no dev time once it is made so they can still focus 50% of their time on ns2. The other 45% to making a third game of some sort.
    i've thought of a game that merges 2 games, Planetside 2 and of course Natural Selection 2! 
  • WoollySammothWoollySammoth Join Date: 2013-02-14 Member: 183062Members
    james888 said:
    Kouji_San said:
    Rambo Commando
    UWE's next game. Requires little to no dev time once it is made so they can still focus 50% of their time on ns2. The other 45% to making a third game of some sort.
    i've thought of a game that merges 2 games, Planetside 2 and of course Natural Selection 2! 

    I think they should do a prequel:  NS2 combined with Chivalry.  Chivalry needs a game mode where you're all fighting a big dragon, why not a big Onos with skulks scampering around it's feet.  I'd enjoy it, and screw you if you wouldn't.  :p
  • WoollySammothWoollySammoth Join Date: 2013-02-14 Member: 183062Members
    james888 said:
    Kouji_San said:
    Rambo Commando
    UWE's next game. Requires little to no dev time once it is made so they can still focus 50% of their time on ns2. The other 45% to making a third game of some sort.
    i've thought of a game that merges 2 games, Planetside 2 and of course Natural Selection 2! 
    I think they should do a prequel.  NS2 + Chivalry.  Chivalry needs a game type where you're all fighting a big dragon, why not a big onos with skulking scampering around it's feet?  :p
  • WoollySammothWoollySammoth Join Date: 2013-02-14 Member: 183062Members
    james888 said:
    Kouji_San said:
    Rambo Commando
    UWE's next game. Requires little to no dev time once it is made so they can still focus 50% of their time on ns2. The other 45% to making a third game of some sort.
    i've thought of a game that merges 2 games, Planetside 2 and of course Natural Selection 2! 
    I think they should do a prequel.  NS2 + Chivalry.  Chivalry needs a game type where you're all fighting a big dragon, why not a big onos with skulking scampering around it's feet?  :p
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