Game lags for about a minute since update.

SupremeThroneXSupremeThroneX Join Date: 2013-03-20 Member: 184093Members
Alright, so every now and then after playing for a while, my game lags heavily. About 20 FPS and I lose a lot of control from my mouse. I tried running profile during these lag sessions and the spikes aren't very high. It isn't network related because my ping doesn't increase during the lag, also I don't teleport back to an original location. Instead it feels like im running at 10 FPS and it gets really hard to move with my mouse. I will upload a profile should someone ask for it. In the mean time, has anyone else experienced something like this? I already deleted my cache folder in roaming.


  • DC_DarklingDC_Darkling Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18068Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver
    how much is your cpu and memory usage during these spikes?
    The thing most descriving your experience was a completely loss of free memory I had once, and completely ns2 unrelated. But it matches your problem description quite a lot.
  • RicezRicez Join Date: 2013-04-13 Member: 184784Members
    edited May 2013
    I'm also experiencing the same issues over the last few days, FPS drops from 50 to <20 for between 20 seconds and 40 seconds. It happens 2 or 3 times per game.

    edit: I also lose mouse input for <1 second, and that happens more often.
  • aeroripperaeroripper Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42471NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators, Constellation
    Having the same problem.
  • DC_DarklingDC_Darkling Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18068Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver
    how much is your cpu and memory usage during these spikes?
    The thing most descriving your experience was a completely loss of free memory I had once, and completely ns2 unrelated. But it matches your problem description quite a lot.

  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    Long shot : anyone played around with raw input in the options? Also what is your mouse polling rate? And have any of you attempted to capture what is going on (if it's easily reproduced) using the profile command?
  • SupremeThroneXSupremeThroneX Join Date: 2013-03-20 Member: 184093Members
    how much is your cpu and memory usage during these spikes?
    The thing most descriving your experience was a completely loss of free memory I had once, and completely ns2 unrelated. But it matches your problem description quite a lot.

    How was it unrelated? I got the same feeling as well mostly due to a programmers point of view. Although some of the clues I got from profile was that it had something to do with Direct 3D rendering however it is contradicted by r_stats in which it says the GPU is at a constant 0ms. The only thing I find that correlates with the problem is the new update. I have never had this problem before. I will play again to check what my memory is at, and also my CPU although that IS usually maxed out given that its only a Dual Core Duo at 3.0ghz (cant overclock, crappy mobo is already maxed out).

    Any other tests I can try out? How about some programs or console commands that will help me with these tests? It happens frequently although it is randomly.

    I will try playing NS2 on another computer to see if it might be a network problem.
  • RicezRicez Join Date: 2013-04-13 Member: 184784Members
    I'm also on a C2Duo @2.6GHz.
  • IronsoulIronsoul Join Date: 2011-03-12 Member: 86048Members
    I have also recently started experiencing this, it could be the build 246, but it could also be that I installed my mouse driver/software recently.

    I'm on an i5 2500 at 3.3GHz. 7970 and 8GB of RAM
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    Need those profile shots if you have them @supremethronex
  • DC_DarklingDC_Darkling Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18068Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver
    your problems match completely a out of memory problem, so should be easy to check if it is.
    I had this once where i was playing NS2 when something non related (3d video thumbnail) was leaking memory.
  • RicezRicez Join Date: 2013-04-13 Member: 184784Members
    I checked memory usage during these spikes and it's completely normal.
  • SupremeThroneXSupremeThroneX Join Date: 2013-03-20 Member: 184093Members
    edited May 2013
    Alright so im uploading 5 pictures with screens from profile during a lag.

    I must say, steam has a weird way of storing the screenshots.

    As you can see, it does not look like much lag. However, it is skipping, and controlling with the mouse is quite difficult. Hell i saw lag going into the console and typing in profile. Their was about a 2 second delay for every letter to appear.

    If you need any specific screens I will do another profile and open up which ever drop downs you want. I dropped down the most significant ones (ie the bigger purple bars, and the ones that show the highest yellow lag points). Also, it isn't a network problem. My weaker laptop performs just fine.

    Still have yet to check the memory usage. Maybe Ill try different ram.
  • DC_DarklingDC_Darkling Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18068Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver
    usb polling on the mouse?
  • DestherDesther Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165195Members
    I get this too. Happens about every 5-10 mins and lasts ~30 seconds. Either team and at any point in the game. I turned on profiler and each frame time is about 50% higher than before the lag starts so I think It's CPU lag. Tried to get a screenshot but it came out black.
  • SupremeThroneXSupremeThroneX Join Date: 2013-03-20 Member: 184093Members
    Desther wrote: »
    I get this too. Happens about every 5-10 mins and lasts ~30 seconds. Either team and at any point in the game. I turned on profiler and each frame time is about 50% higher than before the lag starts so I think It's CPU lag. Tried to get a screenshot but it came out black.

    Press F12 to take it with steam. Print screen doesn't work.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    I'm on a mobile for quite a while, would you mind linking those pics directly (not in a rar) so i can look at them in a more timely fashion?
  • SupremeThroneXSupremeThroneX Join Date: 2013-03-20 Member: 184093Members
    edited May 2013
    *deleted non useful images*
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    First off : every one of those are the natural byproduct of running profile, notice the random numbers up top instead of the example shot I used in the instructions for profile? Happens frequently for everyone.

    Now for the second thing I noticed : how in the hell did you manage to press the space bar that quickly!?? Every single one of those shots has the right most bar selected, the last frame rendered, notice how its the most red of all the bars at the bottom of the screen? How?? Really?

    So ya, see my instructions again in the link I provided previously in here, and be sure to use the bracket keys to select the tallest frame at the bottom of your screen or else I'm afraid it's not very useful.
    Thank you!

  • SupremeThroneXSupremeThroneX Join Date: 2013-03-20 Member: 184093Members

    IronHorse said:
    First off : every one of those are the natural byproduct of running profile, notice the random numbers up top instead of the example shot I used in the instructions for profile? Happens frequently for everyone.

    Now for the second thing I noticed : how in the hell did you manage to press the space bar that quickly!?? Every single one of those shots has the right most bar selected, the last frame rendered, notice how its the most red of all the bars at the bottom of the screen? How?? Really?

    So ya, see my instructions again in the link I provided previously in here, and be sure to use the bracket keys to select the tallest frame at the bottom of your screen or else I'm afraid it's not very useful.
    Thank you!

    Okay so I learned a little bit more when i found the instructions. Still odd though. I found the ones with the biggest purple bars. however i only had ONE shot of all the numbers at the top in yellow that was not random. Further more, the red bars actually signal lagging, most of the time they are at a constant low red bar fairly even, including during combat.

  • SupremeThroneXSupremeThroneX Join Date: 2013-03-20 Member: 184093Members
    Also this is standing still. Some of it was movie around. The best way I can describe it is the game is stuttering. Im pretty sure it is not my hardware since I play other games and it only happens on NS2. Ill get you the mouse polling rate.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    edited May 2013
    Okay so I learned a little bit more when i found the instructions. Still odd though. I found the ones with the biggest purple bars. however i only had ONE shot of all the numbers at the top in yellow that was not random. Further more, the red bars actually signal lagging, most of the time they are at a constant low red bar fairly even, including during combat.

    Weird that you aren't seeing the typical yellow bars at the top... so they are almost always random numbers?? Thats definitely something i haven't seen before.
  • SupremeThroneXSupremeThroneX Join Date: 2013-03-20 Member: 184093Members
    edited May 2013
    Perhaps it is one of those unfix-able problems that requires more advanced debugging tools. I will just try and reinstall and see if that fixes the issue. If it doesn't I will try reinstalling the entire OS.

    Disappointing though, I like figuring out what causes issues.
  • DC_DarklingDC_Darkling Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18068Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver
    Ive seen it  few times now ironhorse.
    But I never saw it on a player who had no issues. :)
  • RicezRicez Join Date: 2013-04-13 Member: 184784Members
    Anyone made any progress on this?

    Basically makes the game unplayable (<20 FPS).
  • DC_DarklingDC_Darkling Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18068Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver
    you did not provide any info like the other persons did @Ricez.
    Start with making profiler shots also
  • SupremeThroneXSupremeThroneX Join Date: 2013-03-20 Member: 184093Members
    Well actually. I reinstalled NS2 although that was a hassle on its own. I can give you instructions on how to do it properly. It still happened, however. Less frequently though. In the end i did end up fixing the problem by............................................. Getting a new processor. No joke. I upgraded my Core 2 Duo E6500 3.0 ghz, to a core 2 quad Q6600 2.4 ghz OC to 3.03 Ghz. I no longer have the lag spikes that lasted for a minute. And my frame rate is at 30 - 45 in combat.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    I've been experiencing this on the new build.
    The profiler should be fixed for the next patch, and hopefully we can get a clearer sense of whats going on..
    I'm curious if the profiler will show what i experienced: D3D:PresentSurfaces
  • SupremeThroneXSupremeThroneX Join Date: 2013-03-20 Member: 184093Members
    edited May 2013
    Well it seems that it was not fixed. However, it is much more manageable now. It happens to me but only for about 5 seconds. If the extra processors helped it along, then it must be something wrong with the programming. Ill see if I can catch it in profile again.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    By fixed i mean profiler shouldnt be spamming only those random numbers.. it may happen one frame every 15 seconds or so, but not continuous.
    Is this how it is for you now?
  • RicezRicez Join Date: 2013-04-13 Member: 184784Members
    I grabbed this profile capture ingame and paused then screenshotted in the main menu.
    These FPS spikes happen just as often as pre-patch FWIW.

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