Rookie ONLY servers.
Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177320Members

You should make servers in which ONLY rookies can join. Increase the rookie time limit to 100 hours. Only admins with over 100 hours can be there, or even better, make them the UWE servers.
The benefit is that newcomers have some time to acclimatise to the game.
The immediate counter is this: but where do people with more than 100 hours go? Well, they can no longer join non-rookie servers. And let's face it, most people on rookie servers have too many hours anyway. It forces the rookies to clump together until good enough and the good players to clump together. There is almost always enough of either group playing, but the problem is that the good players diffuse out into rookie servers. Collect them all up and you easily can fill two servers (minimum).
This is how you improve the learning curve.
One more possible counter is that the rookies will never learn. They will. As someone pointed out, the best way for people to learn is against other children (not 10 yo footballers against 30 year olds), and they grow together with the aid of one adult. There is always going to be someone naturally able on a server who can lead the group. They can ALWAYS join a non-rookie server if they really want anyway.
The benefit is that newcomers have some time to acclimatise to the game.
The immediate counter is this: but where do people with more than 100 hours go? Well, they can no longer join non-rookie servers. And let's face it, most people on rookie servers have too many hours anyway. It forces the rookies to clump together until good enough and the good players to clump together. There is almost always enough of either group playing, but the problem is that the good players diffuse out into rookie servers. Collect them all up and you easily can fill two servers (minimum).
This is how you improve the learning curve.
One more possible counter is that the rookies will never learn. They will. As someone pointed out, the best way for people to learn is against other children (not 10 yo footballers against 30 year olds), and they grow together with the aid of one adult. There is always going to be someone naturally able on a server who can lead the group. They can ALWAYS join a non-rookie server if they really want anyway.
15-20 hours would be better, people with 200+ hours can have a special name color too, but no more server filters that just seperate the already small playerbase
It's extremely frustrating to teach some players though, as they refuse to "accept" help, you can give them tips or pointers and they will continue doing what they want, which then leads to the entire team f4ing, them being ejected and leaving, or just everyone leaving all together
Personally me, when I first started all I had was my aiming skills (from counterstrike and the such) so I already started off good, but before I continued I quickly went to youtube and did a few things
1) watched alien movement videos
2) watched a competitive match being played, but only focusing on what the commander was doing
3) marine was nothing I had to learn, besides commanding aspect; while I played ns1 AGES ago I mostly forget everything which is a surprise so the few minutes I spent on youtube basically made me go from knowing nothing to immediately a competitively viable player
From there I understood everything and just further improved over time, I feel like many people don't even bother to do these things which is part of the new generation gamers
The best way to learn is by trial and error, you learn from your mistakes. Ever wonder why kids never listen to good advice from adults ? yet when they get a shock from sticking scissors into the electrical outlet, they never do it again.
This is the only valid counter I have seen thus far.
But okay. We don't want change? Let's pi ss the playerbase away until it's 500.
If average is a few hundred people then by definition many servers get filled and most pings are accounted for, by the way
And how many people would do that? Less than 1% I'd wager. Dumb counter.
If you suddenly decided to make rookie mode an actual barrier, I'm pretty sure most people would do it. Because you'd have people like me actively telling people on the forums how to get around such a ridiculously stupid system.
Good luck.
I wouldn't do it. Why do you want to play on rookie servers? There are many non-rookie servers, of which I'd say around 70% of the time they have over 10 players. If not, it's because people with 200 hours + are playing on the rookie servers after seeing them as populated. If you had the barrier they'd be on non-rookies and that whole problem is circumvented.
So why is it a "dumb system"?
You're talking about rookies with fewer than four hours in the game. What else would they be doing?
You know that rookie you saw in January? Well he's not the same person as the rookie you see in May, so when you say, "they're still doing the same thing!" that is about as logical as saying, "I've seen babies putting their hands in the fire and they're still doing it after 40 years!!!". No...That specific baby/rookie has changed by then.
I personally feel that the best thing to do would to have like 2-3 rookie only UWE servers in each region. Limit: 20 hrs gametime. It would be a good stepping stone.
Just my 2 cents.
Last warning. -Ironhorse
I like that idea.
I lol'ed, best analogy ive seen in a while
I am so sick of every pub player telling me that celerity/shift is the best upgrade for aliens and phase gates by 1 minute or YOU'RE OUT.
I'm not talking about "Green" rookies, I'm talking about regulars on some rookie friendly servers I frequent. You forget that this game has an incredibly small community... more often than not i'll join a server and recognize at least half of the people that are playing there.
I'm talking about groups of people who learned on rookie servers then stayed there.
I refuse to com in pub games anymore because of this.
Well with this they won't be "staying there". ^^
Rookie Only allows people to get the ropes of the game without being roflstomped until their eyes pop out. It's all about babysteps. You learn to walk before running. If everyone is running before you've learned how to walk more than two steps, you'll naturally feel overwhelmed and be having no fun.
Most people play it and then feel like it's so imbalanced that they'd rather dabble with the thousands of other games that are out.
I love it lol. It's much fun to argue with them. Of course not if they're the "lalalala can't hear you" -type of people, but people who actually use logic to think.
On-topic: While it would be a loss to not have vets on rookie servers to give advice, the people joining rookie servers just to "pwn noobs" might be an even bigger problem. I don't really know, since I don't play on rookie servers, but considering the every-now-and-then 50/5 scores you see on normal pubs, I'd wager there's even more on rookie servers.
The server ping/location argument is rather flimsy, I mean... Where are the servers so bad a rookie server is your only choice?
That's fairly often the case if you're playing from the west coast of north america during primetime.. it's either a 24-32 player clusterfuck or join a rookie server. Or play the faded, which is a fucking awesome mod. That usually has some people playing.
West coast USA