Beta Build 249 Released on Steam! - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Yesterday, we released a beta build of Natural Selection 2 onto Steam. It is a test version of build 249, and it is being released in beta form first because it is a little bit special. Build 249 includes a new ‘Lua binding layer’ – This is the layer of code that allows the Spark Engine (written in C++) to talk to Natural Selection 2 (Lua).
Canada will never be forgiven for stealing the bump.
Oh, fantastic.
Rollback to the old code, please!!
It also comes with a slight overall improvement too (10-15% for me) when not in said intensive scenarios.
But best of all the variance in FPS has been lessened considerably, so things feels much smoother in general.
Game running so smooth I'm not used to it! How am I supposed to blame fps now if I miss?
And I get constant waiting 0 ms for GPU, rather than the non-constant one from before.
GTX 560 Ti; 1090T 3.2 GHz
Lowest graphics; 1366x768
I did see exos, and creep; but never 5 exos with 4 gorge bombing with fades everywhere yet. I consider I've seen an average non-late game.
UWE can now relaunch their game (lululul)
Whatever server that runs a mod I get a files missing error.
Shouldn't this be automatic?
Even when I get Sewlek's balance test in workshop, and enable it ingame, same thing.
Could only join one unmodded server.
Here are the results
Highest fps: 200 (nothing special though, that's at random)
Average fps: 110-150 (oh baby)
Lowest fps, which was during a massive battle in elevator transfer with almost every person: I believe 75 to 80 fps, not scientific stuff but what i noticed when i glanced over!
So at most points I'm not going below 120 fps! playing in 1080p resol0tion!1!
Excited for this and future stuff! (did crash twice though, luckily not during the matches!) but I crash in 248 too! funny thing is I actually had to adjust my aim to how much more frames I had, feels good!
To the future :bz
And so the players doesn't have to try servers 1 by 1 until they find a certain build.
the luajit servers say "luajit" in them! There's a few setup by 156 which I believe is Ironhorses stuff!
Early game I used to struggle to hold 75fps, and would drop to 30-35 fps in the late game, with massive stutters. Now I'm rocking over 100 fps early game, and holding on to about 50 fps late game. And a much "smoother" kind of 50fps than before. That'll be the more consistent frame times I guess.
Phenom II 955@3.4GHz, 560Ti at 1920×1080 with everything on low except for textures and AF.
i7 3770k, GTX 680
Empty server: No significant FPS gains at the resolution/graphics settings I play at (usually 0-3 ms waiting for GPU). Still typically 60+ fps however.
However in a few rounds of play with 12-24 people I never saw the dips to 30-40fps that I would sometimes see near the end of a game in the past. A definite improvement if this trend continues.
Good work!
Server CPU usage has dropped about 5-8% (3930K @ 4.6GHz)
So far so good, means I might actually come back and play
Good patch.