NS2 Battlelog - In Game Player and Server Stats

TyrsisTyrsis Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8804Members
edited May 2013 in Modding
I created a server side stats mod for NS2 that shows stats in game graphically, and also keeps rankings, etc. It's a fun little thing to have running for people who try to beat each other in the rankings (more wins, kills, and best KDR). You may be wondering why I would do something that is almost exactly like NS2stats. The big difference is that this is geared more towards local servers. Everything also exists in-game, so it doesn't require an external website to view your stats. Everything is graphical and part of the game itself. NS2stats I found was doing a lot more than just stats, like admin stuff, etc. Also they are tracking so much more than is useful (in my opinion). My implement is very subtle (I track the same things that UWE tracks, I basically hook into their stats gathering rather than hooking into the main game itself), so it should play very nicely with other mods and work well after patches as well.

Everything is viewed in game only, and the settings for the mod are also graphical. (no config files to fiddle with). If you've played on Guns & Lerks, you've seen the mod already. It is a Message Of The Day splash screen that contains the stats / rankings, and also you can view your own and other's profiles that contain their stats. Right now player stats are global, but that will change so that it's server only (with the option to view your global stats). Here's a list of things it does:

- Graphical battle profile of every player that plays on your server.
- Tracks a myriad of stats from your wins, losses, kdr, all the way down to the weapon you are best with.
- End of round awards.
- Server statistics that shows balance and other things
- Rankings for your players
- In-game settings editing
- Message of the day, news and rule pages (options to remove them if you want).
- Plays nice with others. Very little overwriting of functions, so little worry of it stopping working on patches.

At first I was only going to make it for my server, but decided to see if other servers wanted to try it. Give it a try if you'd like. Grab the mod (NS2 Battlelog) from the workshop. Valid commands:

For the server:
sv_battlelog setup - This will allow you to set the settings for your server. Change the header image, change the MOTD, add news and change the rules, along with other options.

For clients:
battlelog motd or F9 - Shows the motd / rankings screen
battlelog profile or F10 - Shows your personal battlelog profile
battlelog profile <ns2id> / <nickname> - Shows another player's battlelog profile

Here are some screenshots of what it looks like in game:


If you try it out and run into issues, you can post here, and I'll try to see if I can fix it.

Upcoming changes:
- Right now all profiles are global. That will change very soon so that they are local to your server only. Also I believe rankings are global right now, that will change (just statement changes required).
- Ability to reset your statistics.
- Tracking round awards.
- I may fiddle with the layout some more so that it is fluid and takes up more of your screen instead of being fixed.


  • piratedavepiratedave Join Date: 2012-03-10 Member: 148561Members
    hungry hippo :D

    this looks awesome
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Join Date: 2013-05-09 Member: 185176
    Wow impressive but to be honest, I played Bf3 until I switched to Ns2 and it is so much better without a ranking, no levels, no stats(KD, Win/loss) and no level/stats flames.
  • JoopzorJoopzor Join Date: 2012-04-01 Member: 149805Members
    Stats r good, i like to no K/D and stuff but ranks i dont think r needed. Server only is a good option as well
  • SebSeb Melbourne, AU Join Date: 2013-04-01 Member: 184576Members, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, WC 2013 - Silver, Retired Community Developer
    Cool idea, but at the moment, it 100% breaks my server. Causes the server.exe window to crash due to too many errors. Any ideas? Tried it on both my normal modded server, and a different server with no mods. Both same result.
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