Docking Collision Error?

CD121CD121 Join Date: 2013-04-04 Member: 184635Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
edited July 2013 in Technical Support
I noticed just today that over at Locker Rooms, as you're crossing the threshold to the corridor that leads out to Courtyard, there is some invisible spike in the map that can really trip you out. As a marine I can stand on it and float, and as a gorge I get caught by it when entering or exiting from that area.

It's nothing huge but I thought it would be worth mentioning.

EDIT: To make it easier for everyone to know where I'm talking about I went and took some screenshots of where the culprit spot was.

<img src="; />
<img src="; />

Note: I did not experience the aforementioned bug in my listen server- however, I have experienced it in the MP matches that led me to make this post. I'm not entirely certain how that translates.

Hope this helps! -CD


  • ezekelezekel Join Date: 2012-11-29 Member: 173589Members, NS2 Map Tester
    Can you go back to that spot and take a steam screenshot (f12) and post the image here to better help the mappers
  • CD121CD121 Join Date: 2013-04-04 Member: 184635Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    The inconsistency I had when exploring this phenomenon bothers me, I hope I'm not on a wild goose chase here. I know it was't just me who experienced it though as I had a friend on the same team who discovered it with me...we took turns floating.

    I don't know how listen servers operate compared to actual, playable servers, but it could be an difference therein (I'm not sure).

    Any feedback about this is appreciated.
  • MkollMkoll Join Date: 2013-02-11 Member: 182996Members
    Had an issue last night with a drifter that got stuck "under" the stairs at east wing, right next to the power node (not the escalator, the normal stairs that aren't supposed to have a gap under them). Got the drifter out after about 5 minutes but was a real pain and i had to kamikaze another one to spawn a new drifter to build east wing RT in the mean time.
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