Darker room after power nodes get destroyed

YuguerYuguer Join Date: 2013-07-01 Member: 185838Members
First of all I would like to say that I'm new at this game, (bought it from sale) so maybe this has been suggested/implemented before and failed for whatever reason.

The suggestion is that after a power node gets destroyed, the room stays fully dark until the power node is restored (as dark as it is the couple of seconds after the node is destroyed), this would make flashlights actually useful and give marines an actual sense of being the prey when in dark areas, you could also make a nightvision goggles item which make marines see the room as if it iluminated or something so aliens dont get a huge edge on these areas.

thats it


  • NinjasAreMammalsTooNinjasAreMammalsToo Join Date: 2013-06-09 Member: 185522Members
    edited July 2013
    I'm against the ideas of night vision goggles because that wouldn't just counter the darkness caused by a power node loss but all dark corners and spaces everywhere. I think the current way it's handled with it being near pitch dark for a short time then emergency power kicks in and you get the dimmed red lights is already fine.

    Recently I noticed that when broken power nodes are repaired while infestation is still on them the main lights still don't kick in until the infestation is removed from the node. I don't remember that ever happening pre-b250 or if it's intended, but I do know that I like it. Though I mostly play alien so I may be biased.

    Also, flashlights are plenty useful but they are situational.
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