New Sentry Turret Types (Gauss, Flamer, ...)
Join Date: 2013-07-03 Member: 185878Members

Mess'n around with the sentry and decided to try it with a gauss/railgun style. Balance was NOT in my mind when I started this. Still working on it. Will be changing the stand for sure. Comments/suggestions?
Nah, jk, your model looks great. Maybe a control panel/button pad on the back of the gun? I was always really impressed with the detail of the maps and models in NS2.
also floamer and gl arms for the exo
What kind of class? Like the engineer from TF?
Here's pretty close to finished with the gauss sentry. New heavy base since its a bit bigger then the standard turret. If I end up doing more turrets, I'll probably use this for heavy turrets (like rocket turret), and the original base for light turrets (like a flamer).
i had a good idea (well i think its good at least) for an ns2 mod that would break the marines down into 3 tech tree choice at the start like with aliens pre 250 patch. Marine, prototype and robotics command centres
for example the marine cc would get you access to
cheaper ips
Heavy MG
portable medpacks
small deployable sentries
the observatory backpack, which is like turning a marine into a mobile obs
power armor, (like ns1 exo)
combat knife
the prototype cc would give you access to
railgun exos
flamer exos
gauss rifles for marines
grenade launcher with proximity grenades
cat pack
gauss turrets
HE mines (more much damage smaller blast radius only 1 per 15 res)
trip wires (similar to standard mines but only 2 per 15 res, the trip wire laser invisible in alien vision)
experimental welders that weld slower but also heal
switch axe
the robotics command centre gives you access to
mobile arc like turrets
duel minigun exos
single minigun exos
flamer sentries
standard sentries
spider mines
combat macs
cheaper robotics factory
heavy welders cost more but weld much faster
tougher extractors
switch axe
the marine commander makes a decision at the start to upgrade his cc to 1 of those three but all other ccs they build will be of that type cant mix ccs, so you are limited to the tech tree you choose when you upgrade your first cc.
Anyway here's the new renders of the flame turret. Feedback greatly appreciated! And if anyone has concepts/ideas for a LMG in NS let me know
that flamer turret looks much better with the canisters i think
Here are some technical comments:
1. The igniter part looks very fragile and exposed. Since losing it would render the whole weapon useless, it should be better protected or integrated inside the barrel.
2. The metal element in the front section of the turret should be longer to protect the entire length of the barrels. Otherwise it serves little purpose.
3. The uncovered fuel pipes don't make much sense in a device that is meant to withstand enemy fire. The tanks should be connected directly to the turret hull, preferably behind the main body.
4. Having three tanks seems a bit excessive.
5. Similarly, one barrel should be enough to do the job.
Sorry, the technical university made me a damaged man
And people, give that man more awesomes!
Thanks for the feedback on the flame turret! I will be changing the nozzles around. The two tanks on the back are supposed to be the propellent tanks, and the large one is the fuel. I didn't want to go too realistic on the turret designing because then I'd encase everything inside the body for protection, but that would look boring in game; plus most of the alien attacks are melee so they'd have to get to it first
I am glad these will see good use.
But that's... that's from... Oh no!!!