250 problems and possible solutions for 251



  • Insurance SalesmanInsurance Salesman Join Date: 2012-05-26 Member: 152617Members
    Actually, why were grenade launchers and flamethrowers changed to not scale with weapon upgrades? Wouldn't that just make it harder to balance rushing them and getting t3-quality weapons with significantly lower cost?
  • RabidWeaselRabidWeasel Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5337Members
    I think the idea behind them not scaling is so that they eventually get broadly replaced by 3/3 exos, but are strong enough that if you tech for them specifically they can be effective. Right now that tech is probably a bit too cheap and fast.
  • MavickMavick Join Date: 2012-11-07 Member: 168138Members
    PimpToad wrote: »
    Mavick wrote: »
    I'm sorry, point me to the evidence people are bringing? All I'm seeing is personal opinion, which is commonly misrepresented as "fact" and "evidence" on these boards. Something I've railed about for months now and you're, quite honestly, just continuing the trend of that.

    Now, if you want to get back to what your opinion is about 2 other games that, imo, were probably even harder to get into and master then this one (for me anyway), then fine. But don't talk to me like it's some kind of "anecdotal evidence" that I'm overlooking when it's not. It's a fucking opinion. And I'm overlooking it because I don't share it, nor do many others.

    Did you conveniently forget to add that I specifically said anecdotal evidence? The same kind you use when you're explaining why you find things balanced? I find that W/L stats on public servers to be all but useless so I don't have any "hard" evidence to speak of, but the OP brought up very good points calling out issues introduced in b250. There are also numerous complaints littered in other threads involving b250 and they are valid complaints. If I'm continuing the trend of mispresenting my opinion as "fact" and "evidence," then what the hell do you think you're doing with your posts?

    Now I'll explain a bit why I find W/L stats pointless. I am confident in saying that my buddy and I can win 4 out of 5 games as alien whenever we play seriously. Now this is not an e-peen stroking statement where I then glorify my awesome skillz of pwnage. It's just a simple matter of knowing how to properly utilize bile bomb and hopefully adrenaline if we're lucky enough to have it researched. Our sample size is small, but a good representative of how "good" players can skew any game. The same thing applies to marines and anyone with good enough twitch aim to fully utilize the shotgun. All it takes is ONE SINGLE MARINE to completely decimate the alien team early game and the rest of the marine team have to be pretty bad to still lose that game. Using W/L percentage on pub games is therefore pointless when the overall outcome can be more or less decided by 1-2 players (commanders fit into this as well) through overwhelming skill or knowledge of the game. These numbers are even more pointless when roughly half of the current players are most likely those who just bought the game a few days ago and only have a few hours under their belt.

    Alright fine we'll go back to your example of how CoD is an "EASY" game to play when it is in fact one of the games included in a professional league? A game that is very easy to get into as is evident by its popularity, but a high enough skill ceiling to be considered part of a pro league? I'm calling you out on your opinion and blatantly saying it's wrong. Now either you admit you made an erroneous statement or we can keep playing this game where you try to misdirect me in some circular logic that I'm having trouble comprehending. Or I suppose you can just keep overlooking an "opinion" you don't share. Either way is amusing to me.

    And we're not going to get anywhere if you can't even see the blatant anecdotal evidence you're using in your own posts.

    Can someone here answer whether the devs are balancing the game towards 6v6 comp play or 10v10+ pub play? I've always been under the impression that the devs balance towards comp play, and that pretty much makes the argument of balanced pub play an exercise in futility.
    CrazyEddie wrote: »
    I'm not sure they need one. That just means that the effective victory conditions for the two sides are asymmetrical, which of course is fine. Marines can come back when they're down to one base, aliens have to "come back" before they've lost map control.

    The asymmetry line can only take you so far. In a game like this, where each team has the same end goal (destroy all the hives/chairs), each side needs to have the same chance. Saying that one side can come back after not having map control for the entire game and the other can't is just bull. This only leads to people surrendering or leaving the game very quickly when playing alien and the game starts going downhill because it is PAINFUL to lose, late-game, to marines with JP/FT/GL/SG/Exo/ARC trains. Marines can still have fun with last stands as other people have said.

    The amusing part is that the marines ALWAYS had an easier time managing a comeback. Marines kept every tech except proto at 1-base while Aliens lose everything but the kitchen sink. Sure Aliens got 1-base bile bomb and that helps immensely, but nothing like what the marines can now utilize. Breaking a 1-base turtle marine supported by exos has always been a difficult task for any Alien team. So what do the devs do? They give 1-base marines exos to make that task even harder. It makes me wonder how they reached that conclusion...

    Ok, so I'm sure COD has a professional league because it's soo fricking challenging. I'm not even going to bother trying to convince you how wrong you are if statements like that actually carry any semblance of importance to you. I'll just keep watching the alien win percentage grow from people truly adapting to the game and chuckle at forum warriors typing until their fingers fall off about how bad this change is rather then getting better at it themselves.
  • mclawlsmclawls Join Date: 2013-03-02 Member: 183556Members
    edited July 2013

    *snip* removed unnecessary and inciting post. -Ironhorse
  • amoralamoral Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177250Members
    Mavick wrote: »
    PimpToad wrote: »
    Mavick wrote: »
    I'm sorry, point me to the evidence people are bringing? All I'm seeing is personal opinion, which is commonly misrepresented as "fact" and "evidence" on these boards. Something I've railed about for months now and you're, quite honestly, just continuing the trend of that.

    Now, if you want to get back to what your opinion is about 2 other games that, imo, were probably even harder to get into and master then this one (for me anyway), then fine. But don't talk to me like it's some kind of "anecdotal evidence" that I'm overlooking when it's not. It's a fucking opinion. And I'm overlooking it because I don't share it, nor do many others.

    Did you conveniently forget to add that I specifically said anecdotal evidence? The same kind you use when you're explaining why you find things balanced? I find that W/L stats on public servers to be all but useless so I don't have any "hard" evidence to speak of, but the OP brought up very good points calling out issues introduced in b250. There are also numerous complaints littered in other threads involving b250 and they are valid complaints. If I'm continuing the trend of mispresenting my opinion as "fact" and "evidence," then what the hell do you think you're doing with your posts?

    Now I'll explain a bit why I find W/L stats pointless. I am confident in saying that my buddy and I can win 4 out of 5 games as alien whenever we play seriously. Now this is not an e-peen stroking statement where I then glorify my awesome skillz of pwnage. It's just a simple matter of knowing how to properly utilize bile bomb and hopefully adrenaline if we're lucky enough to have it researched. Our sample size is small, but a good representative of how "good" players can skew any game. The same thing applies to marines and anyone with good enough twitch aim to fully utilize the shotgun. All it takes is ONE SINGLE MARINE to completely decimate the alien team early game and the rest of the marine team have to be pretty bad to still lose that game. Using W/L percentage on pub games is therefore pointless when the overall outcome can be more or less decided by 1-2 players (commanders fit into this as well) through overwhelming skill or knowledge of the game. These numbers are even more pointless when roughly half of the current players are most likely those who just bought the game a few days ago and only have a few hours under their belt.

    Alright fine we'll go back to your example of how CoD is an "EASY" game to play when it is in fact one of the games included in a professional league? A game that is very easy to get into as is evident by its popularity, but a high enough skill ceiling to be considered part of a pro league? I'm calling you out on your opinion and blatantly saying it's wrong. Now either you admit you made an erroneous statement or we can keep playing this game where you try to misdirect me in some circular logic that I'm having trouble comprehending. Or I suppose you can just keep overlooking an "opinion" you don't share. Either way is amusing to me.

    And we're not going to get anywhere if you can't even see the blatant anecdotal evidence you're using in your own posts.

    Can someone here answer whether the devs are balancing the game towards 6v6 comp play or 10v10+ pub play? I've always been under the impression that the devs balance towards comp play, and that pretty much makes the argument of balanced pub play an exercise in futility.
    CrazyEddie wrote: »
    I'm not sure they need one. That just means that the effective victory conditions for the two sides are asymmetrical, which of course is fine. Marines can come back when they're down to one base, aliens have to "come back" before they've lost map control.

    The asymmetry line can only take you so far. In a game like this, where each team has the same end goal (destroy all the hives/chairs), each side needs to have the same chance. Saying that one side can come back after not having map control for the entire game and the other can't is just bull. This only leads to people surrendering or leaving the game very quickly when playing alien and the game starts going downhill because it is PAINFUL to lose, late-game, to marines with JP/FT/GL/SG/Exo/ARC trains. Marines can still have fun with last stands as other people have said.

    The amusing part is that the marines ALWAYS had an easier time managing a comeback. Marines kept every tech except proto at 1-base while Aliens lose everything but the kitchen sink. Sure Aliens got 1-base bile bomb and that helps immensely, but nothing like what the marines can now utilize. Breaking a 1-base turtle marine supported by exos has always been a difficult task for any Alien team. So what do the devs do? They give 1-base marines exos to make that task even harder. It makes me wonder how they reached that conclusion...

    Ok, so I'm sure COD has a professional league because it's soo fricking challenging. I'm not even going to bother trying to convince you how wrong you are if statements like that actually carry any semblance of importance to you. I'll just keep watching the alien win percentage grow from people truly adapting to the game and chuckle at forum warriors typing until their fingers fall off about how bad this change is rather then getting better at it themselves.

    hate to burst your bubble, but cod does have a fairly vibrant pro scene. with prize purses at a mill. not to say I don't scorn the game fervently for the control scheme alone, but you might want to change your manner of ridicule to something less egregiously wrong.
  • FrustrationFrustration Join Date: 2013-01-19 Member: 180628Members
    I´m not sure if this has been posted, but FT screws up (my) fps while I´m attacking someone wielding one.

    Cannot see and I have to watch a slideshow of me being murdered.

    Probably not going to be fixed though(as I have a pretty old computer to start with), but had no problems(with FT only) with fps in previous builds.
  • PimpToadPimpToad Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 166005Members
    Mavick wrote: »
    PimpToad wrote: »
    Mavick wrote: »
    I'm sorry, point me to the evidence people are bringing? All I'm seeing is personal opinion, which is commonly misrepresented as "fact" and "evidence" on these boards. Something I've railed about for months now and you're, quite honestly, just continuing the trend of that.

    Now, if you want to get back to what your opinion is about 2 other games that, imo, were probably even harder to get into and master then this one (for me anyway), then fine. But don't talk to me like it's some kind of "anecdotal evidence" that I'm overlooking when it's not. It's a fucking opinion. And I'm overlooking it because I don't share it, nor do many others.

    Did you conveniently forget to add that I specifically said anecdotal evidence? The same kind you use when you're explaining why you find things balanced? I find that W/L stats on public servers to be all but useless so I don't have any "hard" evidence to speak of, but the OP brought up very good points calling out issues introduced in b250. There are also numerous complaints littered in other threads involving b250 and they are valid complaints. If I'm continuing the trend of mispresenting my opinion as "fact" and "evidence," then what the hell do you think you're doing with your posts?

    Now I'll explain a bit why I find W/L stats pointless. I am confident in saying that my buddy and I can win 4 out of 5 games as alien whenever we play seriously. Now this is not an e-peen stroking statement where I then glorify my awesome skillz of pwnage. It's just a simple matter of knowing how to properly utilize bile bomb and hopefully adrenaline if we're lucky enough to have it researched. Our sample size is small, but a good representative of how "good" players can skew any game. The same thing applies to marines and anyone with good enough twitch aim to fully utilize the shotgun. All it takes is ONE SINGLE MARINE to completely decimate the alien team early game and the rest of the marine team have to be pretty bad to still lose that game. Using W/L percentage on pub games is therefore pointless when the overall outcome can be more or less decided by 1-2 players (commanders fit into this as well) through overwhelming skill or knowledge of the game. These numbers are even more pointless when roughly half of the current players are most likely those who just bought the game a few days ago and only have a few hours under their belt.

    Alright fine we'll go back to your example of how CoD is an "EASY" game to play when it is in fact one of the games included in a professional league? A game that is very easy to get into as is evident by its popularity, but a high enough skill ceiling to be considered part of a pro league? I'm calling you out on your opinion and blatantly saying it's wrong. Now either you admit you made an erroneous statement or we can keep playing this game where you try to misdirect me in some circular logic that I'm having trouble comprehending. Or I suppose you can just keep overlooking an "opinion" you don't share. Either way is amusing to me.

    And we're not going to get anywhere if you can't even see the blatant anecdotal evidence you're using in your own posts.

    Can someone here answer whether the devs are balancing the game towards 6v6 comp play or 10v10+ pub play? I've always been under the impression that the devs balance towards comp play, and that pretty much makes the argument of balanced pub play an exercise in futility.
    CrazyEddie wrote: »
    I'm not sure they need one. That just means that the effective victory conditions for the two sides are asymmetrical, which of course is fine. Marines can come back when they're down to one base, aliens have to "come back" before they've lost map control.

    The asymmetry line can only take you so far. In a game like this, where each team has the same end goal (destroy all the hives/chairs), each side needs to have the same chance. Saying that one side can come back after not having map control for the entire game and the other can't is just bull. This only leads to people surrendering or leaving the game very quickly when playing alien and the game starts going downhill because it is PAINFUL to lose, late-game, to marines with JP/FT/GL/SG/Exo/ARC trains. Marines can still have fun with last stands as other people have said.

    The amusing part is that the marines ALWAYS had an easier time managing a comeback. Marines kept every tech except proto at 1-base while Aliens lose everything but the kitchen sink. Sure Aliens got 1-base bile bomb and that helps immensely, but nothing like what the marines can now utilize. Breaking a 1-base turtle marine supported by exos has always been a difficult task for any Alien team. So what do the devs do? They give 1-base marines exos to make that task even harder. It makes me wonder how they reached that conclusion...

    Ok, so I'm sure COD has a professional league because it's soo fricking challenging. I'm not even going to bother trying to convince you how wrong you are if statements like that actually carry any semblance of importance to you. I'll just keep watching the alien win percentage grow from people truly adapting to the game and chuckle at forum warriors typing until their fingers fall off about how bad this change is rather then getting better at it themselves.

    Your bias against CoD aside, feel free to keep burying your head in the sand. Plainly obvious you refuse to listen to reason and fact, but like I said this is all very entertaining to me so I implore you to keep doing what you do best. And for the record all I'm doing is refuting your erroneous opinion with fact backed up by evidence.

    You keep thinking simple W/L stats from pub games hold any water in terms of balance. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. Also resorting to ad hominem when you have nothing else constructive to say is pretty sad. And what part of my declaration knowing how to play alien and winning games with just 2-people do you not understand? Learn how to read first before you work your fingers writing your own brand of nonsensical jargon.
  • JCDJCD Join Date: 2005-01-07 Member: 33150Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I´m not sure if this has been posted, but FT screws up (my) fps while I´m attacking someone wielding one.

    Cannot see and I have to watch a slideshow of me being murdered.

    Probably not going to be fixed though(as I have a pretty old computer to start with), but had no problems(with FT only) with fps in previous builds.

    Playing in windowed mode?
    Playing Fullscreen fixed that for me.
  • MavickMavick Join Date: 2012-11-07 Member: 168138Members
    amoral wrote: »
    Mavick wrote: »
    PimpToad wrote: »
    Mavick wrote: »
    I'm sorry, point me to the evidence people are bringing? All I'm seeing is personal opinion, which is commonly misrepresented as "fact" and "evidence" on these boards. Something I've railed about for months now and you're, quite honestly, just continuing the trend of that.

    Now, if you want to get back to what your opinion is about 2 other games that, imo, were probably even harder to get into and master then this one (for me anyway), then fine. But don't talk to me like it's some kind of "anecdotal evidence" that I'm overlooking when it's not. It's a fucking opinion. And I'm overlooking it because I don't share it, nor do many others.

    Did you conveniently forget to add that I specifically said anecdotal evidence? The same kind you use when you're explaining why you find things balanced? I find that W/L stats on public servers to be all but useless so I don't have any "hard" evidence to speak of, but the OP brought up very good points calling out issues introduced in b250. There are also numerous complaints littered in other threads involving b250 and they are valid complaints. If I'm continuing the trend of mispresenting my opinion as "fact" and "evidence," then what the hell do you think you're doing with your posts?

    Now I'll explain a bit why I find W/L stats pointless. I am confident in saying that my buddy and I can win 4 out of 5 games as alien whenever we play seriously. Now this is not an e-peen stroking statement where I then glorify my awesome skillz of pwnage. It's just a simple matter of knowing how to properly utilize bile bomb and hopefully adrenaline if we're lucky enough to have it researched. Our sample size is small, but a good representative of how "good" players can skew any game. The same thing applies to marines and anyone with good enough twitch aim to fully utilize the shotgun. All it takes is ONE SINGLE MARINE to completely decimate the alien team early game and the rest of the marine team have to be pretty bad to still lose that game. Using W/L percentage on pub games is therefore pointless when the overall outcome can be more or less decided by 1-2 players (commanders fit into this as well) through overwhelming skill or knowledge of the game. These numbers are even more pointless when roughly half of the current players are most likely those who just bought the game a few days ago and only have a few hours under their belt.

    Alright fine we'll go back to your example of how CoD is an "EASY" game to play when it is in fact one of the games included in a professional league? A game that is very easy to get into as is evident by its popularity, but a high enough skill ceiling to be considered part of a pro league? I'm calling you out on your opinion and blatantly saying it's wrong. Now either you admit you made an erroneous statement or we can keep playing this game where you try to misdirect me in some circular logic that I'm having trouble comprehending. Or I suppose you can just keep overlooking an "opinion" you don't share. Either way is amusing to me.

    And we're not going to get anywhere if you can't even see the blatant anecdotal evidence you're using in your own posts.

    Can someone here answer whether the devs are balancing the game towards 6v6 comp play or 10v10+ pub play? I've always been under the impression that the devs balance towards comp play, and that pretty much makes the argument of balanced pub play an exercise in futility.
    CrazyEddie wrote: »
    I'm not sure they need one. That just means that the effective victory conditions for the two sides are asymmetrical, which of course is fine. Marines can come back when they're down to one base, aliens have to "come back" before they've lost map control.

    The asymmetry line can only take you so far. In a game like this, where each team has the same end goal (destroy all the hives/chairs), each side needs to have the same chance. Saying that one side can come back after not having map control for the entire game and the other can't is just bull. This only leads to people surrendering or leaving the game very quickly when playing alien and the game starts going downhill because it is PAINFUL to lose, late-game, to marines with JP/FT/GL/SG/Exo/ARC trains. Marines can still have fun with last stands as other people have said.

    The amusing part is that the marines ALWAYS had an easier time managing a comeback. Marines kept every tech except proto at 1-base while Aliens lose everything but the kitchen sink. Sure Aliens got 1-base bile bomb and that helps immensely, but nothing like what the marines can now utilize. Breaking a 1-base turtle marine supported by exos has always been a difficult task for any Alien team. So what do the devs do? They give 1-base marines exos to make that task even harder. It makes me wonder how they reached that conclusion...

    Ok, so I'm sure COD has a professional league because it's soo fricking challenging. I'm not even going to bother trying to convince you how wrong you are if statements like that actually carry any semblance of importance to you. I'll just keep watching the alien win percentage grow from people truly adapting to the game and chuckle at forum warriors typing until their fingers fall off about how bad this change is rather then getting better at it themselves.

    hate to burst your bubble, but cod does have a fairly vibrant pro scene. with prize purses at a mill. not to say I don't scorn the game fervently for the control scheme alone, but you might want to change your manner of ridicule to something less egregiously wrong.

    I didn't dispute that it had a pro scene or even talk about what it was like. I'm ridiculing people saying it has a pro scene because it was a challenging game. That's a ridiculous statement. It has a pro scene because the game has a large enough audience that there's money to be made off of it, plain and simple. These are the nice things you get when it's a game made by a large company with an established franchise.
  • MavickMavick Join Date: 2012-11-07 Member: 168138Members
    PimpToad wrote: »
    Mavick wrote: »
    PimpToad wrote: »
    Mavick wrote: »
    I'm sorry, point me to the evidence people are bringing? All I'm seeing is personal opinion, which is commonly misrepresented as "fact" and "evidence" on these boards. Something I've railed about for months now and you're, quite honestly, just continuing the trend of that.

    Now, if you want to get back to what your opinion is about 2 other games that, imo, were probably even harder to get into and master then this one (for me anyway), then fine. But don't talk to me like it's some kind of "anecdotal evidence" that I'm overlooking when it's not. It's a fucking opinion. And I'm overlooking it because I don't share it, nor do many others.

    Did you conveniently forget to add that I specifically said anecdotal evidence? The same kind you use when you're explaining why you find things balanced? I find that W/L stats on public servers to be all but useless so I don't have any "hard" evidence to speak of, but the OP brought up very good points calling out issues introduced in b250. There are also numerous complaints littered in other threads involving b250 and they are valid complaints. If I'm continuing the trend of mispresenting my opinion as "fact" and "evidence," then what the hell do you think you're doing with your posts?

    Now I'll explain a bit why I find W/L stats pointless. I am confident in saying that my buddy and I can win 4 out of 5 games as alien whenever we play seriously. Now this is not an e-peen stroking statement where I then glorify my awesome skillz of pwnage. It's just a simple matter of knowing how to properly utilize bile bomb and hopefully adrenaline if we're lucky enough to have it researched. Our sample size is small, but a good representative of how "good" players can skew any game. The same thing applies to marines and anyone with good enough twitch aim to fully utilize the shotgun. All it takes is ONE SINGLE MARINE to completely decimate the alien team early game and the rest of the marine team have to be pretty bad to still lose that game. Using W/L percentage on pub games is therefore pointless when the overall outcome can be more or less decided by 1-2 players (commanders fit into this as well) through overwhelming skill or knowledge of the game. These numbers are even more pointless when roughly half of the current players are most likely those who just bought the game a few days ago and only have a few hours under their belt.

    Alright fine we'll go back to your example of how CoD is an "EASY" game to play when it is in fact one of the games included in a professional league? A game that is very easy to get into as is evident by its popularity, but a high enough skill ceiling to be considered part of a pro league? I'm calling you out on your opinion and blatantly saying it's wrong. Now either you admit you made an erroneous statement or we can keep playing this game where you try to misdirect me in some circular logic that I'm having trouble comprehending. Or I suppose you can just keep overlooking an "opinion" you don't share. Either way is amusing to me.

    And we're not going to get anywhere if you can't even see the blatant anecdotal evidence you're using in your own posts.

    Can someone here answer whether the devs are balancing the game towards 6v6 comp play or 10v10+ pub play? I've always been under the impression that the devs balance towards comp play, and that pretty much makes the argument of balanced pub play an exercise in futility.
    CrazyEddie wrote: »
    I'm not sure they need one. That just means that the effective victory conditions for the two sides are asymmetrical, which of course is fine. Marines can come back when they're down to one base, aliens have to "come back" before they've lost map control.

    The asymmetry line can only take you so far. In a game like this, where each team has the same end goal (destroy all the hives/chairs), each side needs to have the same chance. Saying that one side can come back after not having map control for the entire game and the other can't is just bull. This only leads to people surrendering or leaving the game very quickly when playing alien and the game starts going downhill because it is PAINFUL to lose, late-game, to marines with JP/FT/GL/SG/Exo/ARC trains. Marines can still have fun with last stands as other people have said.

    The amusing part is that the marines ALWAYS had an easier time managing a comeback. Marines kept every tech except proto at 1-base while Aliens lose everything but the kitchen sink. Sure Aliens got 1-base bile bomb and that helps immensely, but nothing like what the marines can now utilize. Breaking a 1-base turtle marine supported by exos has always been a difficult task for any Alien team. So what do the devs do? They give 1-base marines exos to make that task even harder. It makes me wonder how they reached that conclusion...

    Ok, so I'm sure COD has a professional league because it's soo fricking challenging. I'm not even going to bother trying to convince you how wrong you are if statements like that actually carry any semblance of importance to you. I'll just keep watching the alien win percentage grow from people truly adapting to the game and chuckle at forum warriors typing until their fingers fall off about how bad this change is rather then getting better at it themselves.

    Your bias against CoD aside, feel free to keep burying your head in the sand. Plainly obvious you refuse to listen to reason and fact, but like I said this is all very entertaining to me so I implore you to keep doing what you do best. And for the record all I'm doing is refuting your erroneous opinion with fact backed up by evidence.

    You keep thinking simple W/L stats from pub games hold any water in terms of balance. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. Also resorting to ad hominem when you have nothing else constructive to say is pretty sad. And what part of my declaration knowing how to play alien and winning games with just 2-people do you not understand? Learn how to read first before you work your fingers writing your own brand of nonsensical jargon.

    I brought up cod simply as an example. I've had to continue talking about cod because people make ridiculous statements like "it has a pro scene so it must be a high skill cap game", which is ignorant bs. And again, I'm not refuting FACTS, because none of you are even pointing out any facts. Yet, the win/loss percentage, shockingly enough, is a fact. How relevant that is to you is up to you decide, but it is a fact nonetheless.
  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    PimpToad wrote: »
    Can someone here answer whether the devs are balancing the game towards 6v6 comp play or 10v10+ pub play? I've always been under the impression that the devs balance towards comp play, and that pretty much makes the argument of balanced pub play an exercise in futility.
    IIRC, UWE wanted the game balanced across all playercounts (originally up to 32, but now 24). That always seemed a bit of an unrealistic goal and I think the general consensus is that NS2 works best in the range from 12-20 players.
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    @mavick and @pimptoad :
    Go beat each other up in private messages or something
  • PimpToadPimpToad Join Date: 2012-11-02 Member: 166005Members
    Just wanted to write that. And not bored enough to argue with a wall over PM so I'll drop it.
  • kalakujakalakuja Join Date: 2012-09-11 Member: 159045Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Supporter
    Mc_Intire wrote: »
    Once Fades are out FTs become significantly less hard to counter.

    I heard these flapping birds that shoot spiky things come way earlier.
  • _Necro__Necro_ Join Date: 2011-02-15 Member: 81895Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I think the problem lies within the message the game transports to new players.

    When you play marine and don't listen to your commander or don't move with other marines. Your team will lose relatively fast. You simply get this "Don't do that"-sign slapped in your face.

    Granted, there is better and worse teamplay at marines. But the incentive is simply higher as at the alien team. (Started with the fact that you need to build the buildings.)

    The message the alien team sends to new players is: "Spread out and harass. The rest gets done by others."
    The kham builds for his own. Every alien beside the gorge is an capable killer of his own. So there is simply no incentive to play as a team, to communicate and mount attacks together.

    BUT IF you play together, the power of the alien team increases are huge.

    I think the solution is easy: Either you create incentives for the aliens, so they learn from the first minute that they need teamplay to survive (e.g. make the skulk weaker in an 1vs1 against a marine) or decrease the increase in power the aliens gain by teamplay. Or else you will not find a balanced state for pub AND comp play.
  • _Necro__Necro_ Join Date: 2011-02-15 Member: 81895Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Oh, on a second note: The idea behind losing upgrades when a building is destroyed was:
    • strategical building targeting to weaken the enemy team
    • further decrease the appearance of drawn-out turtles.

    The second point isn't valid anymore for the alien team and the first point isn't worth it in the light of "how unfun it is to lose as aliens". So scrap that. Let alien keep the abilities they researched in a hive when it gets killed.
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