Interesting, yeah I heard a lot of early quake players simply had mice or started playing with accel on and simply got used to it; I use to play with accel but switched to non-accel and my accuracy increased heavily (using a perfect sensor mouse as well w/ no negative + positive accel)
For the games I play, I change up the sens
If the game is slow ex counterstrike: I'll make it so I can only do a 180-190degree turn
For ns2, I make it so I can just do a 360 after a full mouse swipe on a large pad. With FOV maxed as well, feels the same oddly enough but just more turning power which is needed
Anyway I understand, maybe they can look into it. Mouse input is extremely important in video games, poor mouse input can ruin an entire game
Honestly, until a few days ago I was unaware any gamers actually liked mouse accel. Been playing QL more frequently and apparently it's considered a good thing by most players there. Everyone else seems to rag on it and say it's the worst thing ever and blows muscle memory.
It does make sense in theory, you can have a low sensitivity, which allows for great tracking skills. But with the proper acceleration settings you could snap around quickly without throwing your mouse off the desk due to having to move the mouse too far.
Honestly, until a few days ago I was unaware any gamers actually liked mouse accel. Been playing QL more frequently and apparently it's considered a good thing by most players there. Everyone else seems to rag on it and say it's the worst thing ever and blows muscle memory.
Idk depends on the game. In some games it is bretty good and in others it just messes you up.
I've always played games with acceleration on but I tried turning it off when I started NS2, mainly because I thought it would benefit me with low framerates. I don't think there is a massive difference, as long as you give it enough time to adjust. Although I do find that I run out of mousemat more, especially while playing Aliens. If I increase sensitivity any further then I wouldn't be able to shoot lmg at distance and I don't want to play with diff sensitivity for each team.
Mouse accel is 100% muscle memory, otherwise you'd do a 360 when you want a 180, etc. I.e you see an opponent 10cm to the left of your crosshair, you'll know the exact twitch you would need to do in order to insta-snap your crosshair to him.
Granted very few people actually achieve that level of aim..
A lot of people have that aim, the difference is timing when to take the shots; map control; time control; and movement
You can have pixel perfect tracking muscle memory, but if you time your shots wrong; it could mean a frag or being fragged
The people in quake with mouse accel probably had it on when they first started playing so they adjusted to it, when I had it I adjusted to it but frequently had minor overshoots/misses, to be fair I was playing a game that isn't forgiving with a miss which is counter-strike, quake is more forgiving with a miss because you don't die instantly and can dodge much better
Does the NS2 Linux client being almost done also mean the NS2 Dedicated server is also coming?
I think its save to assume so. The client hsa an integrated server anyway (to play locally), so there really isnt any technical reason that it shouldnt work
Steam Trading Cards? They are a thing now:
Yes, they are even crazier than the printed ones you may know from your school days, BUT: People like these things.
Plus, they are easy to make. Just take your high-quality art assets, take one picture of each alien race (skulk, gorge, lerk, fade, onos), maybe add some marine cards as well (marine, exo, MAC) and BOOM! 8 sexy Natural Selection 2 trading cards!
Move to waypoint, UWE!
Edit: Wanted to post about the trading cards for a week and didn't take the time to read the article.
Yes! NS2 on Linux is excellent news! I've actually been waiting for this announcement since you did your mini-bundle with Overgrowth. The fact that Overgrowth supported Linux was the reason I bought NS2, since I figured you were probably just as cool and would release a Linux version at some point.
Thanks for proving me right and giving me the opportunity to finally try NS2 on my favourite (and only) platform!
Happy day for all!
Honestly, until a few days ago I was unaware any gamers actually liked mouse accel. Been playing QL more frequently and apparently it's considered a good thing by most players there. Everyone else seems to rag on it and say it's the worst thing ever and blows muscle memory.
The reason why you can have accel in QL is because the id tech 3 engine is ridiculously awesome when it comes to handling input. The game runs at consistent 125 FPS with minimal input delay and insane precision. The mouse settings allow you to decide precisely how much (or little) acceleration you put in. At that point it's cool to put in that little bit of accel depending on your personal preference.
Meanwhile in a modern consolified game with bad input handling and a single binary choise checkbox for mouse accel, you probably don't want to have it on.
For the games I play, I change up the sens
If the game is slow ex counterstrike: I'll make it so I can only do a 180-190degree turn
For ns2, I make it so I can just do a 360 after a full mouse swipe on a large pad. With FOV maxed as well, feels the same oddly enough but just more turning power which is needed
Anyway I understand, maybe they can look into it. Mouse input is extremely important in video games, poor mouse input can ruin an entire game
Idk depends on the game. In some games it is bretty good and in others it just messes you up.
Granted very few people actually achieve that level of aim..
This is by far the best news I've heard from this game.
A lot of people have that aim, the difference is timing when to take the shots; map control; time control; and movement
You can have pixel perfect tracking muscle memory, but if you time your shots wrong; it could mean a frag or being fragged
The people in quake with mouse accel probably had it on when they first started playing so they adjusted to it, when I had it I adjusted to it but frequently had minor overshoots/misses, to be fair I was playing a game that isn't forgiving with a miss which is counter-strike, quake is more forgiving with a miss because you don't die instantly and can dodge much better
Yes, the NS2 server is basically a modified stripped-down version of the client (if I recall correctly).
Yes, they are even crazier than the printed ones you may know from your school days, BUT: People like these things.
Plus, they are easy to make. Just take your high-quality art assets, take one picture of each alien race (skulk, gorge, lerk, fade, onos), maybe add some marine cards as well (marine, exo, MAC) and BOOM! 8 sexy Natural Selection 2 trading cards!
Move to waypoint, UWE!
Edit: Wanted to post about the trading cards for a week and didn't take the time to read the article.
Thanks for proving me right and giving me the opportunity to finally try NS2 on my favourite (and only) platform!
Happy day for all!
I can't think of people that would handle the hard learning curve of NS2 better than linux users.
The histogram.
my lord
Meanwhile in a modern consolified game with bad input handling and a single binary choise checkbox for mouse accel, you probably don't want to have it on.