Group of american players actively ruining UK server for no apparent reason
Join Date: 2013-07-21 Member: 186250Members
Hey, lately I've been logging in the server "[UK] 32 slot server". Everything was fine for a while, been for some reason a group of american players have started joining this server and actively ruined the game for everyone else.
First they started just insulting people around using random racist insults. They are very fond of the word "nigger" and they won't stop using it all the time.
I don't mind the verbal trolling, it doesn't stop me from enjoying the game, as I can easily ignore it. The problem comes when they decided to both be commanders on the two teams and then making one of the teams lose on purpose. This one girl always joins one team and quickly goes for commander, and then another guy joins the other team, joins commander, spends all resources, and then joins the girl's team. This has been going on in every match for at least 2 days and it has made the entire server unplayable.
Their "trolling" changes every minutes. One moment they are saying "how they should kill all niggers", the next moment they are saying "god bless america, europoors are so bad, why are all european men such faggots", and things like that. The majority of these insults occur on voice chat so I'm unable to provide evidence, but ocasionally they will type it on chat, I've got a couple of examples here to show you.
I'm hiding my name to prevent possible harrassment from this group.

Here's one of them expressing their opinion on chat

nother one

Here's the two of them who were doing the most damage. The commander is the girl and the other guy is her friend. It's easy to spot them by their pings as they are americans in a UK server. I also think there's more of them as one of them says "all the good people in my team are on my steam friends lists".

Here's the two of them doing the "spend resources and switch" strategy.

An unsuspecting victim crying the act out

Aaand now they are both in the same team
They also keep changing names to throw people off, but as I said before, it's easy to spot them by their pings and voices. Most of their name changes contain racial slurs "cleverly" disguissed, such as "Nate Higgers", or "Nick Digger", etc.
Attempts to kick them are either unsuccessful, or if they do pass, they "literally reconnect in 5 seconds". It's been going on for a couple of days and it is completely destroying the whole server. I normally wouldn't care, but seeing as it's the ONLY active server with 32 players, it's pretty much impossible to ignore.
I'm not sure of how to proceed with this. Their names keep changing and it's really hard to tell just how many of them are doing this. Sorry if this isn't the right place to do these kind of reports, but I'm not familiar with this forum. I literally registered just because I wanted to report this group, as they were completely destroying the little left over piece of NS2 experience that is remaining, and it really annoys me that I can't play this game because the only server where I would be able to is being torn a new one every living second these people are logged in it.
Not sure how admins would approach this situation either as they keep changing their names and I don't know where they might be in a few hours, but seeing how they have been hanging around this one server, and just how easy it is to tell who they are as soon as you join the server (hearing one girl and a couple guys shouting all kinds of racist stuff, not really subtle), I was hoping someone with power to clean things up could join in the server and just wipe them off. Maybe it is too much to ask, but please, I'm practically begging you. I'm not one to be easily outraged, but seeing how th the only server which I can play at this hour is being made unplayable, and I don't want to stop playing this game because of a few rotten apples, I feel something must be done.
Thanks in advance.
First they started just insulting people around using random racist insults. They are very fond of the word "nigger" and they won't stop using it all the time.
I don't mind the verbal trolling, it doesn't stop me from enjoying the game, as I can easily ignore it. The problem comes when they decided to both be commanders on the two teams and then making one of the teams lose on purpose. This one girl always joins one team and quickly goes for commander, and then another guy joins the other team, joins commander, spends all resources, and then joins the girl's team. This has been going on in every match for at least 2 days and it has made the entire server unplayable.
Their "trolling" changes every minutes. One moment they are saying "how they should kill all niggers", the next moment they are saying "god bless america, europoors are so bad, why are all european men such faggots", and things like that. The majority of these insults occur on voice chat so I'm unable to provide evidence, but ocasionally they will type it on chat, I've got a couple of examples here to show you.
I'm hiding my name to prevent possible harrassment from this group.

Here's one of them expressing their opinion on chat

nother one

Here's the two of them who were doing the most damage. The commander is the girl and the other guy is her friend. It's easy to spot them by their pings as they are americans in a UK server. I also think there's more of them as one of them says "all the good people in my team are on my steam friends lists".

Here's the two of them doing the "spend resources and switch" strategy.

An unsuspecting victim crying the act out

Aaand now they are both in the same team
They also keep changing names to throw people off, but as I said before, it's easy to spot them by their pings and voices. Most of their name changes contain racial slurs "cleverly" disguissed, such as "Nate Higgers", or "Nick Digger", etc.
Attempts to kick them are either unsuccessful, or if they do pass, they "literally reconnect in 5 seconds". It's been going on for a couple of days and it is completely destroying the whole server. I normally wouldn't care, but seeing as it's the ONLY active server with 32 players, it's pretty much impossible to ignore.
I'm not sure of how to proceed with this. Their names keep changing and it's really hard to tell just how many of them are doing this. Sorry if this isn't the right place to do these kind of reports, but I'm not familiar with this forum. I literally registered just because I wanted to report this group, as they were completely destroying the little left over piece of NS2 experience that is remaining, and it really annoys me that I can't play this game because the only server where I would be able to is being torn a new one every living second these people are logged in it.
Not sure how admins would approach this situation either as they keep changing their names and I don't know where they might be in a few hours, but seeing how they have been hanging around this one server, and just how easy it is to tell who they are as soon as you join the server (hearing one girl and a couple guys shouting all kinds of racist stuff, not really subtle), I was hoping someone with power to clean things up could join in the server and just wipe them off. Maybe it is too much to ask, but please, I'm practically begging you. I'm not one to be easily outraged, but seeing how th the only server which I can play at this hour is being made unplayable, and I don't want to stop playing this game because of a few rotten apples, I feel something must be done.
Thanks in advance.
This discussion has been closed.
Yes I know they are obvious trolls, and as I said I can easily ignore their pointless racist rants, but when they are pretty much ruining the game itself by being a-holes, I can't just sit there and watch. When "switching servers" is not even an option, the only thing left to do is this.
Any ideas about how could I do that? Sorry for the stupid question, but as there's no "report" feature and google says the owner is "unknown", I don't know how to contact him,
Firstly, to get around the name changing issue, get their steam IDS. After that, see if their community has a forum or wait for an admin to join. Sadly, I don't remember the console command to get their steam IDs off the top of my head.
status and a screen dump.
secondly, so they ruin a 32 man server... a 32 man server, let me reiterate, a 32 man server... i can get on board with 18, i'm fine with 20, i'm even tolerant of 24... but 32 is too much. Also, if you can't get a kick vote going and passing with what you say they did, you deserve them.
Some great logic here. It's fine for them to ruin something, as long as you don't like it.
Server size has nothing do to with anything, neither does claiming a racial slur is universal?
Next time they are on bring up console and type in 'sv_status'
This will list every player in the game with their current name and will also show their SteamID and their NS2 version of the SteamID.
Press F12 to capture screenshot, use the screen shot to write down their ID's and pass them on to the server admin.
So you think griefers will stop when one server closes and a bunch of community that actively WANTS to play on this type of server leaves?
My guess is that these griefers go on to empty other servers.
I can attest to their shit, if i can relieve some of your pain i handled it ns1 style:
They joined the serv i was on, ruined some rounds, then i counter stacked them, they were both aliens on veil and tried VERY hard to win since i kept CS style flaming them "lolubad".
At that point my epenis grew a meter long, they both faded multiple times, i solo raped their fades with lmg then shotgun and spouted the top euro anti USA counter insult: FRANCE>USA.
gg they rage quitted.
They are ENSL division 6 material.
Thanks for your time.
sv_status in the console or if that doesn't work I think status will work as well. Printscreen that stuff and send it off to the people in charge of said server. Right now, the screenshots have no purpose due to lack of steam IDS.
I'm locking this thread as you now know what to do when it happens again and the thread is already slipping into something that probably should be avoided :P
Also if you happen to catch these fine gentlemen red handed, don't make a thread on these forums as it's against the rules to name and shame, even if it is blatantly obvious. Once again, try and get in contact with the boss of the server, I hope you got enough info about what to do when it happens again
It might be food for as well