Need some advice from experienced players.
Join Date: 2013-07-22 Member: 186290Members

Hello all, I am currently downloading NS2 and need some advice or tips. I've heard that the game has a brutal learning curve, so if any of you have any tips or things to remember for my first match it would be greatly appreciated.
PS, looking forward to joining the ranks.
PS, looking forward to joining the ranks.
Another tip: Turn your graphics settings down, it'll make the game more responsive and improve how well you play. Keep textures on high though, that won't hurt the responsiveness.
Oh and, while it's good to stick in groups, don't be afraid of moving out behind enemy lines, doing this will often give you lots of opportunities to hurt the opponent.
The hardest obstacle to overcome in this game is learning the maps. If you don't know the maps then it's going to be really difficult and it will be for a while. Just enjoy the ambience and try to learn about how to move like the better players are moving
As marines, look up and down a lot. Teeth and claws come from there
As aliens, stay of the floor and don't move in straight lines towards the marines
As a marine if u enter a room u want to check up high 1st then all around u, if u get parasited and feel there is to many places aliens can attack u from move back into the room before u put distance between you and the skulks try make them come at you in long narrow areas.
As aliens play skulk at distance use parasite (U should use this everytime before u engage before amrour 1 is done as then it only takes 2 bites to kill a marine instead of 3) and set yourself up to ambush te marine, if they not comming for for press C look at your map and see if u can flank the marine.
As for anything else, simply watching a pov video from a scrim or league match (in first person) will pretty much teach you what you need to know
Things like movement and hiding spots on the map you'll learn as you go along, the game doesn't have a brutal learning curve.. I think the hardest curve is getting muscle memory aim which carries over with you to pretty much any game
1) Use your map constantly. It tells you a ton of information vital the field player needs to know.
2) Shoot/bite resource towers. They are gold to the other want them destroyed.
3) Try to avoid force engagements in bad situations. Go around and flank if possible.
4) Use your ears. So many marines/aliens are clueless when I clearly hear a threat about to attack. Learn what sound things make when walking/running.
5) follow orders
Marine - never go any where alone and listen to orders that you are given. Shotguns are powerfull, buy them.
Alien- As skulk the idea is to ambush. You also should be jumping constantly, never just run flat on the ground. Use the floor, walls and celings in combat. The idea is to either go for a quick kill if you ambush them or make them waste bullets if they see you before you are in biting range.
Don't be afraid to ask.
Communication is absolutely critical during the course of the games.
I would say stay out of commander post in the beginning.
Marines might have slightly less steep learning curve but that might be only my personal feeling.
Then when you're on the field you'll have an awesome understanding on what the commander probably wants done and can even help them along by rallying troops.
What I've found most often lately with the influx of new players is that they join a server mid-game and have no idea what's going on or what they should be doing. Rather than confuse them with details of map locations and whatnot I usually just tell them to find the enemy team's resource towers and destroy them.
Nobody wants to play with those rage gonads anyway. If a new player a) has a mic and b) communicates clearly that they're new and need help then anyone worth playing with will stick around and pick up the slack.
Most new players can pick up the basics of commanding in 1 or 2 rounds if given enough helpful advice.
However, if there's some douche know-it-all who does nothing but complain about why this or that isn't happening then, yeah, it won't go well.
PS. I love the game