The NS2 pun thread
Remain Calm Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5216Forum Moderators, Constellation

Some soldiers don't listen to the commander yelling at them to go through the phase gate and kill the hive, instead humping the armory. But they usually get better with time.
I guess it's a phase they go through.
"Hey Bob, what are the humans doing now?"
"I don't know, they seem to be drawing pictures of limbs on that piece of rock."
"Maybe they're out of resources and trying to make an arm slab?"
I guess it's a phase they go through.
"Hey Bob, what are the humans doing now?"
"I don't know, they seem to be drawing pictures of limbs on that piece of rock."
"Maybe they're out of resources and trying to make an arm slab?"
Oh, crap.
The marine who spilled the condiments try in cafeteria is now a seasoned veteran.
I though moving siege weapons fitted more in the over-arcing plot.
Its hard to balance a Marine bunny-hoping on railing.
A noob with 20 res is a lerk in process.
An alien team with shift + shade? Nothing but ghosts and echos...
Celerity fade, blink and miss it!
No carapace skulk vs duel exo, blink and miss it! (sorry, couldn't resit).
Before the nerf, camo first was a shifty tactic. After, it was a shady one.
A gorge was bellysliding around one day, and saw a marine staring at him. Rather than shoot him, the marine looked curious.
"what are you doing?" he asked?
"bellysliding" the gorge replied, "try it, its fun!". The marine took a few steps run up, then faceplanted into the ground, grinding about 2 inches.
"How did I fail?" Clutching his nose as he stoop up.
"oopps" said the gorge "I had a cystance."
Hi there, I'm Hugh and this is my favorite topic on the forums
If the male and female get together, who is going to be the sub-marine?
then some spike
lerk flies flöps flöps
marine dies plöts plöts
A Gorge spit in my eye!
You sneak to hive very quietly. It's not defended, only eggs lay on the living blob. You pull your axe and begin to egglock them. Then from the first egg emerges Onos. I bet you know how it ends...
Angry birds, INCOMING!
"Say, Sarah, are you still dating James?"
"Nah, but I helped reuniting him with his axe."
New flamer unit sergeant to his squad:
"I have something to say. It's better to burn out than to fade away."
Just saying.
Onos You Didn't!
How do I shotgun?
That Whip is ballsy...
How "Hughe" is that Crevice?
That drifter stole the quote from a musician who spawned several good songs through the evolution of his career.
Did not know that, thank you.
But to justify posting here:
Sigmund Freud said: "People hide the fear that lerks in their subconscious mind."