Xenocide Glitch

MontypMontyp Join Date: 2013-04-22 Member: 184930Members
edited August 2013 in Ideas and Suggestions
So, theres a pretty big glitch with xenocide. Don't think anyone but me would have ever found it, but thats because im super clumbsy and tend to hit mouse wheel at the stupidest times.

1) Need to have Xenocide researched.
2)No commander in chair
3)start Xeno-ing
4)Jump in chair
5)Die a million deaths at the same time.

The commanders view just started EXPLODING over and over and over. So far I didnt see the commander doing any damage to what he was looking at, to surrounding marines im not sure what would happen. When you jump out its a n instant death.

My framerates ate complete ^$@! when this happened, I normally run at 70 fps, I dropped to 14. I'll post a video once it uploads



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