Black Armor Division Join Date: 2006-11-07 Member: 58470Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Gold, Reinforced - Diamond, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow

in Mapping
Hi Welcome to ns2_nanogrid
Map is on the workshop.
Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=169931944&searchtext=

Map is on the workshop.
Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=169931944&searchtext=

If you could help me out by marking this picture the areas you're most concerned about large lines of sight. I'll start revisions.
Keep in mind. I'm planing more advanced geometry. The hallways will naturally shrink as props are added too the hallways. So for the time being I'll concern myself with lines of sight and flow. Will definitely keep poor onos in mind.
Map renamed to ns2_nanogrid on the workshop.
Started work on the nanogrid room.
Fix- Reworked Tech 4 so less ARC-able.
Cinematics added to nanogrid
Detailed reactor
Fix most textures so maps not a grey box
Turned Tech 1 into control and expanded the location entity.
Removed 1 power node from map.
Another pass at commander invisible.
Added catwalk to ready room
Lots of other little things I cant remember.
A few helpful people testing the map have been mentioning the map was too open.
So to make it more playable I've gone around the map adding cover. It's all temporary at least until I get to those sections of the map and properly flesh them out.
I hope you find it more enjoyable with the changes.
Always looking for feed back please leave me any comments you may have.
Look, it's almost cornerless!
The layout for this looks really interesting. Keep up the good work!
First I want to thank Auron and all the guys from SnX, Raze, and too many other individuals to mention that have helped me test the map to get it to where it is. From their feedback I'm proposing these changes. Let me know what you think.
Yellow lines are the planned vents.
Lets hope they fix the editor soon as the map is coming along nicely but I can't create new overviews and this ones is a bit outdated.
Hope you're enjoying the map. See you in game.
New storage tech. still WIP
lot of new props added to flesh out areas.
Few bug fixes with nav mesh.
Collision Geo added to some props causing issues
Added some crates to nano for LOS issues
Updated Areas
Tech 2
CO2 Scrubbers
Lots of other things I cant remeber now.