I wonder this as well? Due to the intoduce (?) of SDL is raw input still handled by the game itself (Lua)? If not I guess the problem with lag (Lua not handling the load) using raw input is fixed?
I wonder this as well? Due to the intoduce (?) of SDL is raw input still handled by the game itself (Lua)? If not I guess the problem with lag (Lua not handling the load) using raw input is fixed?
does not fix! edit: i have sluggish movement and stutters, feels like vsync
Neither for me.
When I'm above 100 fps the input seems fine but whenever it drops below 80-70 fps it becomes progressively worse. At 50 and below the delay is so apparent it's almost impossible to aim properly (playing with dx11. Dx9 has even worse mouse delay and OpenGL having awful performance (20+ fps less)).
does not fix! edit: i have sluggish movement and stutters, feels like vsync
no idea what this means, but I can't aim :S
save us lockdeer
Neither for me.
When I'm above 100 fps the input seems fine but whenever it drops below 80-70 fps it becomes progressively worse. At 50 and below the delay is so apparent it's almost impossible to aim properly (playing with dx11. Dx9 has even worse mouse delay and OpenGL having awful performance (20+ fps less)).
still have lots of bad performance in the form of input and FPS in this build
pretty much an unplayable game now for me
I played around with firing a shotgun and I consistently lost about 40 frames when I fired it
might be my specific setup idk
Intel 3570k @ 4.4
HD Radeon 6970 2gb
8gb ram PATRIOT
etc etc