Horrible performance in 252/253/254 [partially solved]
Join Date: 2010-08-14 Member: 73620Members

Before 252 I ran the game at around 60 fps, fairly stable. Post 252 I get ~40 fps, and it feels like ~20 fps. Changing between DX9 and OpenGL doesn't really alter it. Almost all the settings I have are on lowest, except Bloom (on) and textures (Medium) - just as before the patch.
This patch has rendered the game unplayable for me.
DXDIag: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JMZrsYUu
This patch has rendered the game unplayable for me.
DXDIag: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=JMZrsYUu
Me and several other people I just had a round with are all of the same opinion.
Whats with the hyper sensitivity? I could barely bite anything as a skulk.
Your QA team should be fired!
The only change I made was going onto DX11.
Don't even get me started on Alien vision!
@heavenfall in low fps areas take a screenshot of r_stats enabled in the console.
We cant be fired, we're only volunteers putting in 40 hour weeks for free. Care to join us?
Edit: This wasn't really in a low-fps area, everywhere is low-fps area now. But these would be areas where I would expect 60+ FPS at the very least pre-patch - nothing going on nearby, no buildings, a marine or so.
I wouldn't be shocked if there's a flaw in my logic here as I have personally not did any benchmarking in the situation, but every update it always seems to be the same hit in performance, but then it fades back into a well running game after a few hours of playing. Just an FYI I'm running DX11 with accelerated PhysX on with my GTX 560.
client side, I love the new **** but this is bugged to hell. I get points in game where everything stops loading on D3D9(go threw phase gate and nothing is on other side but an empty room), tons of stutter on DX11(Despite my increased frame rate) and artifacting on OpenGL (with an occasional crash)
Client side issues aside, I am terribly upset with server performance. I Co-own and operate one of the most played on servers in the United States. To be honest our piece of the community is very upset with the early release of this patch.
Tried never heard anything back. Also if you suggested that alien vision, thanks for the eye rape.
Yeah I haven't run into any server that DOESN'T have performance issues after 252.. Played on various different servers and everything from the 16-slot UWE official ones to the popular 18-22 slot servers are having issues. I haven't checked net stats when it happens but basically everything stops for 1-2 seconds and then you get "teleported" to where you were a few seconds before it lagged, presumably the tickrate just dies.
What I can say is that although the latest build appears to also have a server side memory leek it does appear that the garbage collection which occurs at round start now works REALLY REALLY WELL. As a result memory efficiency appears to have been improved in this build even though overall server performance has dropped like a rock.
I mean, what the fuck is going on. You have a great game and it runs OK for me, then you publish this horrid patch with bad movement, input lag, frame stutters, and servers dying under the strain of low performance. Why was this shit patch even published?
i5, windows 7x64, ATI 6850, 8gb ram.
ive rubberbanded back through PGs too. Not good.
Looking forward to being able to play the game again.
Why be such a dick lol? It obviously was not intended, give them a few days and it will be resolved.
Sapphire Radeon HD 7870 GHz Edition
8 GB DDR 3
On Windows the Performance is a little bit laggy and its not so smooth after 252
Everything high 35-80 fps
But my Linux Performance is even worse .
Solution 1280x750 medium details and the rest disabled.
But i am really thank full for the Linux Port
Nice Work UWE. keep going .
as a matter of fact, yes I'd like to join and help you guys. Currently filling out the application.
HIS Radeon HD 7970 Tri-Crossfire
16 GB DDR3 1866mhz
240x2 OCZ SSD raid 0
Moniter Crossover res is 2560x1600
MY fps went from 200+ to 30 and my cards are now getting into 80c with fans at 60%
With r_stats 1 enabled the ammount if allocated video memory reads 0MB.
This explains the 2.5-3GB of system memory use while playing with build 254.
Older builds ran fine (pre 253).
Im running an AMD 7770 with a Q6600 on a EP45 chipset with 4GB of DDR2-800.
NS2 in d3d11 mode and texture streaming enabled. Similar stuttering on d3d9 and texture streaming off. Obviously the VRam is the culprit here.
I hope this can be fixed promptly.
Filled out a form, but never got a reply. Seems to be quite the insider club.
- DX9 gives me higher fps in r_stats than DX11. However, DX9 feels really bad for some reason as far as mouse input, screen rendering. I can't describe it, but it just feels like there's some kind of really small internal delay and hitching that's not just frame-rate/render related with DX9. With DX11 the game almost feels like before with reduced settings so I'm always getting 60+fps (most of the time in the 80-90 range). OpenGL was complete crap as far as FPS with several settings combos so I didn't test further.
- Load times have increased incredibly. Also, with DX11, I'm not sure why (loading animations, textures, or shaders?) but I'm back to when I used to have ridiculously bad problems entering gorge tunnels or the first encounter with marines at the beginning of the round - the game starts caching something, not sure if it's sounds, animations, or textures - and sometimes it takes 10+ seconds to load the gorge tunnel. When I first encounter marines in a round, sometimes there's a .5-1 second "hitch" when they fire their weapons. I'm not sure there's something caching-related. There are other occasional tiny hitches here and there around the map or as the game progresses.
- As a sidenote, ALL these problems that I'm experiencing are a LOT like the occasional "DX9_DEVICE_LOST" crashes I used to have about 20 builds ago when exos were firing (can't remember when they disappeared - I think it was in the build when "animation sizes were optimized/reduced considerably."). Well, they're back. Oh, by the way I had a couple of crashes in-game (logs submitted using submit tool) - however that was over quite a few hours of continuous gameplay yesterday, so not a huge deal. The ridiculously long loading times and occasional caching hitching is though.
The game is playable, for me, using DX11 with reduced settings to reduce the mouse delay which seems to be dependent on FPS. However, it loads forever (again like 20 builds ago) and occasionally hitches. Please fix!