254 on, still lots of performance problems
Join Date: 2013-03-06 Member: 183736Members, Reinforced - Gold

The new biodome map is the worst. Constant warping, especially in fights - looks like delayed network resyncs. Client performance much worse too, but in my case, still passable. But the warping is super annoying, I suspect it's a server/netcode problem, but it makes fights totally unplayable. I don't mind the rule overhauls, it's a good thing, a sign of evolution, but I am annoyed by the constant technical problems.
Especially when it got to a state when it was perfectly smooth and well playable like in 251 (bar the OP fades), and people got used to it, and then it got broken again. I don't think it's a good idea to present the game to new players in its post 251 state.
Especially when it got to a state when it was perfectly smooth and well playable like in 251 (bar the OP fades), and people got used to it, and then it got broken again. I don't think it's a good idea to present the game to new players in its post 251 state.
I don't have access to the server logs, so I'm not sure.
I experienced warping in 18 to 24 servers.
Also, I've noticed when warping happened, most of the times the server tick rate was getting down to 10 ticks/sec and
my ping increased (it happened to others too).
That was before today's patch though. Haven't played today yet.
But from a player retention point of view I would have chosen to place the sale/free weekend in a period of game stability.
Yes, I have also never encountered this problem in so severe a form. I suspect it must be something more than just the ol' "performance problems".
Im playing on the same server ive played on for the previous few months and had no problems but this doesnt rule out a network issue but seems im not alone.
(60mb fibre/17 4770k/680gt..)
In console:
r_stats 1 for local (client) performance
profile to go deeper into client performance
netstats for server performance
Using net_stats, I've noticed huge drops in Server Tickrate (often down to 10, sometimes even 4-5).
Warping mostly occurred concurrently with those drops.
The servers I've been to were mostly 18-20p; I've been playing there before the patch and I can't remember such issues at all.
My ping was always stable (40-60).
My fps was often 60+ (I've noticed a drop since 252 though), even though I didn't feel smooth gameplay (using DX11).
On the other hand, I notice no input lag at all. Didn't change a thing in my settings.
This is due to bad servers including KKG, tactical gamer, ibis gaming, crack miata, and etc. If you notice this, it's the servers fault. just dont play on them and let them die.