Black screen then log.txt error

mecha31mecha31 Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187690Members

When i play, after 5-10 mins NS2 crash. I have a black screen, then it shows me a fatal error report.
I have the log.txt file (i can't open it, where i can find it in NS2 folder's please ?)

I bought NS2 yesterday (after i tested the free week).

My config :

Graphic card : Geforce GTX 550 Ti
Processor : Intel Core i5-2320 CPU @ 3Ghz
Memory : 3.47 Go
System : Window 7, 32 bit

Solutions i tried :

Unstall / install the game.
Check cach with steam.
Change graphic config ingame.

maybe my probleme : i don't have the folder : C://...appCommon/Natural selection 2/redist
but i have C://...appCommon/Natural selection 2/_Commonredist.

In folder _Commandredist i have directX ( i double click on it, but nothing change, i always crash).

Thanks for your help !


  • mecha31mecha31 Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187690Members
    My drivers are update, but not work :(
  • mecha31mecha31 Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187690Members
    Here my log error :

    Date: 09/02/13
    Time: 21:09:21:
    Build 254
    Windows XP 32-bit (build 2600)
    Steam initialized
    Num displays: 1
    Direct3D 9 initialized: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti (
    Sound Device: Haut-parleurs (Périphérique High Definition Audio) stereo
    Record Device: Microphone (Périphérique High Definition Audio)
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Loading config://HistoryServers.json
    Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Model.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'materials/biodome/biodome_glass.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Level.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive_alpha.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/water_refract.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Level_alpha.surface_shader'
    Cooked mesh with 4794 faces, 3566 vertices
    Compiling 'shaders/Model_alpha.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/2em_scroll_vtxcolor.surface_shader'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'D:/build/assets/materialsrc/biodome/biodome_glass_01.material'
    Error: No shader specified for material 'D:/build/assets/materialsrc/biodome/biodome_glass_01.material'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/2em_1norm_scroll_distort_vtxcolor.surface_shader'
    Main Menu Initialized at Version: 254
    Steam Id: 62610250
    Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
    Cooked mesh with 4794 faces, 3566 vertices
    Compiling 'shaders/Emissive.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/Emissive_glow.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/alien/alien.surface_shader'
    Connecting to server
    Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
    Downloading mods
    Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
    Finished downloading and installing mods
    Mounting mod from C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m706d242_1378073361/
    Mounting mod from C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m5fd7a38_1378040491/
    Mounting mod from C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m9564f8e_1372585363/
    Mounting mod from C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m5f42a0c_1378120648/
    Mounting mod from C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m8517fda_1368247963/
    Mounting mod from C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/m759737b_1367434606/
    Mounting mod from C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop/ma1996d5_1377943835/
    Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/follow_me_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
    Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/follow_me_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
    Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/structures/death_large_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
    Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/chuckle_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
    Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/follow_me_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
    Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/common/hatch_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
    Error: Sound 'sound/NS2.fev/alien/voiceovers/need_healing_female' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
    Compress library loaded
    Loading config://ns2stats_client_data.json
    Server is using NS2stats, you can find your stats at
    Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
    Compiling 'materials/effects/mesh_effects/view_blood.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'materials/effects/mesh_effects/view_spit.surface_shader'
    Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
    Loading config://HistoryServers.json
    [ 1.6] All rights & contents reserved UWE
    Compress library loaded
    Loading config://ns2stats_client_data.json
    Server is using NS2stats, you can find your stats at
    Loading 'maps/ns2_refinery.level'
    Error: Couldn't open file 'models/cinematics/exoreveal/page_1_panels_1-11 - onosemerges/camera7.model'
    Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 8 faces, 6 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 8 faces, 6 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 16 faces, 10 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 17735 faces, 17722 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 15486 faces, 13087 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 557 faces, 522 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 28 faces, 56 vertices
    Compiling 'shaders/Level.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Model.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Level_alpha.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Level_emissive.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Model_alpha.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive_alpha.surface_shader'
    Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_refinery.level
    Cooked mesh with 17735 faces, 17722 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 15486 faces, 13087 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 557 faces, 522 vertices
    Cooked mesh with 28 faces, 56 vertices
    Finished loading 'maps/ns2_refinery.level'
    Compiling 'shaders/Model_emissive.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/ExoMinigunView.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/placement_invalid.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_alien_view.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/PowerNode_emissive.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/vortex.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/hallucination.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_marine.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Model.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Emissive.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/ViewModel.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/alien/gorge/web.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/alien/fade/fade.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_alien.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Model_alpha.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Decal_emissive.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/placement_valid.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_marine_view.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/fade_blink.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/ViewModel_emissive.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/jetpack_thruster.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/nanoshield_view.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/railgun_hole.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/Decal.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/build.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/rupture.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/alien_frag.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/umbra.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/marine/marine.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'materials/power/powered_decal.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/ghoststructure.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/detected.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/nanoshield.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/marine/marine_noemissive.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/flame_decal.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/burning.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/parasited.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/parasited.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/elec_trails.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/burning_view.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/ExoScreen.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/nanoshield_exoview.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/enzyme_view.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'materials/infestation/Infestation.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/bilebomb.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/heal_exo_view.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/hive_frag.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'materials/effects/mesh_effects/view_blood.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/umbra_view.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/bilebomb_exoview.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/alien/babbler/babbler_ball.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/alien/whip/ball.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'materials/infestation/infestation_decal.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/marine/armory/health_indicator.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'materials/infestation/spit_decal.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/alien_blood.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'materials/infestation/infestation_shell.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/ghoststructure.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/enzyme_view.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/alien/lerk/lerk.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/cloaked.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/enzyme.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/alien/alien.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/pulse_gre_elec.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/decals/bilebomb_decal.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/pulse_gre_elec.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/marine/command_station/command_station_display.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'materials/effects/mesh_effects/view_blood.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/marine_ip_spawn.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/lavapool.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/props/docking/docking_shower_fx_01.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/lavafall.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/marine/prototype_lab/prototype_lab_screen.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/alien/alien_alpha.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'models/alien/cyst/cyst.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/ExoView.surface_shader'
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/refract_normal.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/Emissive_glow.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'cinematics/vfx_materials/refract_emissive_normal.surface_shader'
    Error: Couldn't open file ''
    Compiling 'shaders/GUIBasic.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/GUISmoke.surface_shader'
    Chat All - NS2Stats: Bienvenue chez ! Notre Teamspeak
    Chat All - NS2Stats: You can use 'stats' in console for commands and help.
    Warning: Was not able to find the type of asset for shaders/GUIAura.surface_shader while precacheing
    Call stack:
    CallStack [C]:-1
    PrecacheAsset lua/Utility.lua:1663
    scriptLoad [C]:-1
    Load lua/EventTester.lua:191
    SharedCreate lua/GUIManager.lua:74
    CreateGUIScript lua/GUIManager.lua:98
    AddScripts lua/ClientUI.lua:209
    EvaluateUIVisibility lua/ClientUI.lua:239
    Compiling 'shaders/GUISmokeHUD.surface_shader'
    Compiling 'shaders/GUIWavyNoMask.surface_shader'
    Grevious88 killed Drifter with Rifle
    killed Hydra with Consumed
    ChurrusKitO killed Observatory with Bite
    Causes naturelles killed PoV | Wour with None
    Compiling 'shaders/GUIWavy.surface_shader'
    ChurrusKitO killed Extracteur with Bite
    Error: Couldn't load 'maps/overviews/ns2_refinery.tga'
    Error: Couldn't load 'ui/'
    ELnO!!! killed AlanLester with Rifle
    ChurrusKitO killed ELnO!!! with Bite
    Chat All - ELnO!!!: buenas
  • mecha31mecha31 Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187690Members
  • CicoCico Join Date: 2005-01-07 Member: 33169Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    probably is not that, but check your cpu/mobo temperatures while playing.
    i got a lot of crashes because of high temp i get when i play ns2, as it's very cpu intensive
  • AsthmetAsthmet Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187712Members
    I have the same problem here.
    I bought it yesterday and tried the training to get used to the game. First the loading time is outrageous (about 5 long minutes: intializing game... loading map... etc... ) then after just accomplishing the basic tasks, the game chrashes and back to windows with the "send report" (that sometimes doesn't even work because it's stuck at "Sending report").

    Just so you know you're not the only one in this case :)

    Graphic card : 512 Mo GeForce GTS 250
    Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00GHz
    Memory : 4,00 Go Canal-Double DDR2 @ 333 MHz
    System : Window 7, 32 bit

    Thank you for the upcoming help :)
  • AsthmetAsthmet Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187712Members
    @Cico: I've checked and for me, it can't be this. My cpu is at 40~45°C.
  • 2cough2cough Rocky Mountain High Join Date: 2013-03-14 Member: 183952Members, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Supporter
    I'm runnin w/ same graphics card, my cpu like .1 GHz faster. Had lots of crashes and stuff myself. Deleted entire workshop folder per and typed r_mt false in console. not sure if it did anything or if just deleting workshop and unsubscribing to mods helped but I've had an improvement.

    Also, I'd wait it out. This latest build has been very buggy and crashy and I'm sure they will fix it as soon as they are able.
  • mecha31mecha31 Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187690Members
    Thanks, i'm not alone =D !

    It's not the CPU i checked it ...

    Become boring to paid a game who bug :x
    @Asthmet My loading are very long too ... longer than day Z loading -_-' amazing.

    I just hope this problem have a solution xd
  • HyaenidaeHyaenidae Join Date: 2013-08-31 Member: 187365Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    Same issue here. I swear, every update makes this game screw up more. I can't play for more than 30 minutes without a crash. It's infuriating.
    And it takes ridiculous amounts of time to load a match now, too. >.>
  • HyaenidaeHyaenidae Join Date: 2013-08-31 Member: 187365Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    For the record, my card is a 560, not a 550...
  • AsthmetAsthmet Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187712Members
    @2cough: As I said, I just bought the game and I don't have any mod installed yet. So it can't be this problem either. Thanks anyway :)
  • mecha31mecha31 Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187690Members
    Here my report make with your programm tech_support :
  • mecha31mecha31 Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187690Members
    up, problem persist
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    edited September 2013
    If NS2 crashes, do not close any windows, even if its a black screen or error. Navigate to your NS2 install folder and run techsupport.exe. This will make a potentially large dump file (inside the zip that techsupport.exe makes, there will be a folder called "minidump") that you can then upload to somewhere online (like Drop box) and provide a link to it in here or to a dev. This dump file is the fastest, most accurate method to catch a crash!

    But this being said, it does look like you are missing some files:
    "Error: Couldn't load 'maps/overviews/ns2_refinery.tga'
    Error: Couldn't load 'ui/'"

    I know you tried it, but please try verifying integrity of cache through steam again. Possibly nuke it.

    @asthmet your system does not meet the minimum requirements. "DirectX 9 compatible video card with 1GB"
    And even if that was fixed, and you were able to launch the game, the rest of your system is still sub par to play this resource intensive game, imo... meaning you'd be lucky to get 20 fps on average. :-/
    I highly recommend upgrading.
  • mecha31mecha31 Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187690Members
    @ IronHorse

    Here my report make with your programm tech_support :

    verify cach not work again :/ I will try to unsinstall and reinstall the game this evening as you show me.

  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    @mecha31 notice how that zip file does not contain a folder called "minidump" ? Try running the exe with the ns2 window still open.
  • mecha31mecha31 Join Date: 2013-09-02 Member: 187690Members
    edited September 2013
    @IronHorse Ok i will do it sry for the fail
  • MLPGreenfernMLPGreenfern Join Date: 2013-09-07 Member: 187986Members
    i am also having an odd error- here is the log

    Date: 09/08/13
    Time: 08:31:20:
    Build 255
    Windows 8 64-bit (build 9200)
    Error: PhysX: Invalid Cuda context!
    Steam initialized
    Num displays: 1
    Error: Couldn't initialize the render device.

    I got this game for my birthday and i REALLY want to play it. Please help!
  • MLPGreenfernMLPGreenfern Join Date: 2013-09-07 Member: 187986Members
    also, here are my system specs-

    Intel Core i7-3517U 2.4Ghz
    8GB Ram
    64 bit Windows 8
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    @MLPgreenfern your issue is separate and whats going on is NS2 does not see your video card. I noticed you didnt mention one in your specs listed??
    You need a dedicated graphics card with 1 GB.
    please provide your techsupport.exe zip file if you are unsure.

    Also ensure you are running in DX9 mode.
  • MLPGreenfernMLPGreenfern Join Date: 2013-09-07 Member: 187986Members
    IronHorse wrote: »
    @MLPgreenfern your issue is separate and whats going on is NS2 does not see your video card. I noticed you didnt mention one in your specs listed??
    You need a dedicated graphics card with 1 GB.
    please provide your techsupport.exe zip file if you are unsure.

    Also ensure you are running in DX9 mode.

    my graphics card is an Intel HD 4000 (i know its shitty)
  • MLPGreenfernMLPGreenfern Join Date: 2013-09-07 Member: 187986Members
    and direct x 9? that is really old- will dx11 work?
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    edited September 2013
    IronHorse wrote: »
    @MLPgreenfern your issue is separate and whats going on is NS2 does not see your video card. I noticed you didnt mention one in your specs listed??
    You need a dedicated graphics card with 1 GB.
    please provide your techsupport.exe zip file if you are unsure.

    Also ensure you are running in DX9 mode.

    my graphics card is an Intel HD 4000 (i know its shitty)
    That is what is called an "integrated" graphics card.. i.e. not a real graphics card, and is just soldered onto your motherboard. Used for desktop work but not video games.
    Almost any game, including NS2, has a minimum requirement of a "Dedicated" graphics card. This means your system does not meet the minimum requirements :|
    In this case, NS2 requires a 1GB dedicated graphics card.

    If you have a desktop and not a laptop you can upgrade, however. You can use this site to help you compare video cards and find the one that's priced right for you. Just remember you get what you pay for :)
  • MLPGreenfernMLPGreenfern Join Date: 2013-09-07 Member: 187986Members
    edited September 2013
    i have that and a radeon graphics (7670M) 2gb dedicated as well- this is the site where i got my laptop from
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    Ok so the game isn't seeing your GPU then.
    Be sure to have the latest drivers, then open up catalyst control center, select the profile/ NS2.exe and ensure that "High performance" is checked.
    You need to force your drivers to recognize NS2 and enable your dedicated GPU.
  • MLPGreenfernMLPGreenfern Join Date: 2013-09-07 Member: 187986Members

    still doesn't work- I have a friend with the EXACT same laptop (we bought it at the same time) and he can play it. so i am not sure whether mine is faulty. it runs payday 2, tf2, planetside 2, league of legends and garry's mod perfectly, so i am wondering whether the game itself is faulty or not. any more suggestions?
  • MLPGreenfernMLPGreenfern Join Date: 2013-09-07 Member: 187986Members

    read my above comment please
  • IronHorseIronHorse Developer, QA Manager, Technical Support & contributor Join Date: 2010-05-08 Member: 71669Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester, Subnautica PT Lead, Pistachionauts
    @mlpgreenfern heya, sorry for the late reply.

    Have you tried this?:
    Go to %appdata%/Natural Selection 2/ and delete the workshop folder. The easiest way to get there is to press the windows button and the letter r, as in pirates, type in in %appdata%/Natural Selection 2 and press enter

    Right click system_options.xml file and opening it in Notepad or some other text reader.
    Save the file.

    Try running the game now.
    If it runs, change the rendering mode back to dx9 fullscreen in the graphics options immediately.
  • MLPGreenfernMLPGreenfern Join Date: 2013-09-07 Member: 187986Members

    still didn't work, but instead of completely not running and coming up with that fatal error, it just did not respond. i think this may be an improvement. one time, it played some of the sound effects that ns2 has when it starts up, but then didn't respond again.

  • GhoulofGSG9GhoulofGSG9 Join Date: 2013-03-31 Member: 184566Members, Super Administrators, Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Reinforced - Supporter, WC 2013 - Supporter, Pistachionauts
    edited September 2013
    @MLPGreenfern Could you add a (Just run the techsupport.exe in the NS2 folder). Also you won't be able to play NS2 with just a HD4000.
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