[Linux] Very bad perfs

abelthorneabelthorne Join Date: 2013-08-29 Member: 187171Members
When trying to play NS2 on my system, I have very bad performances: I launch the tutorial and when I get to the lobby room, I have about 6 fps. When setting graphic options to the lowest values, I can manage to grab a few fps but have at most 13.
Running NS2 on Windows 7 on the very same PC works fine.

I've tried disabling Catalyst AI as suggested in the Linux guide but it didn't change anything. Any idea?

Ubuntu 13.04 with Unity desktop (also tried Openbox, which is a very light desktop environment and it didn't change anything: at most I get 3-4 fps more)
ATI RadeonHD 7770. Using fglrx driver from the xorg-edgers PPA. Not sure which version of Catalyst it is: it's not the latest beta but it's quite recent.


  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    Can you run glxinfo and post it?
    You should be getting a much better frame rate on that hardware.

  • abelthorneabelthorne Join Date: 2013-08-29 Member: 187171Members
    edited August 2013
    Oh, I know, I have several games that work fine. Besides, the game runs fine on Windows on the same config.

    Here is a glxinfo output but I'm not sure what you can expect from it. I also attach the game log, though there doesn't seem to be OpenGL-related errors in it.

    And BTW, I don't have antialiasing or Vsync active in the game, which are generally the big performances killers on Linux (especially AA).

    In system_options.xml, I see the following:

    Is it normal (like related to nVidia PhysX and unavailable on ATI) or should I try to change the option to true?

    And BTW, I can't display the game in real fullscreen, I only have the options "windowed" and "fullscreen windowed" (which I assume is windowed mode stretched to occupy the whole screen). Is that normal?
  • abelthorneabelthorne Join Date: 2013-08-29 Member: 187171Members

    Any ideas from the devs? Do you need more infos?
  • joekajoeka Join Date: 2013-09-03 Member: 187732Members
    edited September 2013
    I have around 20FPS (30 max). Even in the options menu. Deactivating every possible option or setting them to low hasn't changed anything.

    Using nvidia 325.15
    Steam - System Information
  • joekajoeka Join Date: 2013-09-03 Member: 187732Members
    edited September 2013
  • joekajoeka Join Date: 2013-09-03 Member: 187732Members
    edited September 2013
  • joekajoeka Join Date: 2013-09-03 Member: 187732Members
    edited September 2013
  • joekajoeka Join Date: 2013-09-03 Member: 187732Members
    edited September 2013

    I shouldn't have tried posting several times, after it hasn't worked, I guess. (Can someone delete those?)
  • tuxatortuxator Join Date: 2010-01-07 Member: 69958Members, Reinforced - Gold
    @joeka I had basically the same problems like you (just my GPU is a 5870), what solved the problem for me was, setting the game to 'windowed' mode and set the resolution to something low, in my case 1280*720. The performance is okay now (good enough to game), but the game crashes at least once every two rounds and you can't assign actions to keys like your thumb button on the mouse.
  • joekajoeka Join Date: 2013-09-03 Member: 187732Members
    edited September 2013
    I already thought about doing that, but it doesn't let me change the resolution in game. Perhaps it's because of my strange 1366x768 notebook resolution.
    Maybe I'll try if it's possible via config later.
    Thank you @tuxator!

    EDIT: Whether I change the resolution as start parameter or in the config, it still uses my desktop resolution.
  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester
    @joeka They have a predefined set of resolution and then remove ones that don't match your desktop Aspect raito. You can however edit in your own values in ~/.config/Natural Selection 2/system_options.xml

    They wont show up on the graphics menu and thus using in game menu to apply graphics settings will remove over write the file but it should get things going for you.
  • tuxatortuxator Join Date: 2010-01-07 Member: 69958Members, Reinforced - Gold
    edited September 2013
    oh, well I guess it won't have such an impact for you as it did for me. My native resolution is 1920*1200. And even in fullscreen the different was visible. The moment I changed from 1920*1200 to 1280*720, it went from ~ 12 fps to 50-60. When I changed to windowed mode after that, I got again a (much smaller) bump in FPS
  • joekajoeka Join Date: 2013-09-03 Member: 187732Members
    Well, you are right. I changed the resolution to 1024×576, so that even I see the difference ^^.
    Now I get about 30FPS, but fluctuating more than before. Up to 50, most of the time 27 - 35, in fights 10 - 20, a few times even below 10.
    Kinda ridiculous, but a good old school vibe with a resolutions as low as that :D
  • abelthorneabelthorne Join Date: 2013-08-29 Member: 187171Members
    Will try too as I'm playing in my native screen resolution, which is 1920 x 1080 (which is fine on Windows for NS2 on the same PC).
  • abelthorneabelthorne Join Date: 2013-08-29 Member: 187171Members
    Just tried the following:
    - Openbox (in case Unity & windowed mode would affect performances)
    - windowed mode on smallest resolution I can set, which is 960 x 540
    - all graphic options at lowest quality

    And in the lobby room I get about 20 fps... So there is definitely a big problem.

    Any chance a developer of the game could look into this?
  • ConfusedConfused Wait. What? Join Date: 2003-01-28 Member: 12904Members, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Subnautica Playtester

    It's week one of both linux, OpenGL, and DirectX 11 support in public release. Since you posted here there has been a holiday weekend with PAX running the whole time. UWE just finished a month long sprint to get reinforced out the door.

    Give them some time and I am sure they will try mightily to get better performance out of their game. They released 10 months ago at version 227. There will be a patch, you just gotta hang on a few more days:)
  • joekajoeka Join Date: 2013-09-03 Member: 187732Members
    Exactly what I guessed, too :)
    Would be interesting to know what their aim is, regarding optimization of the OpenGL renderer / linux version. I mean, if one with no high end hardware can expect at least double the performance we get now.
    Also, if the devs need any more output / information to help fix this.
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